A Hot and Hazy Day on The Lake
Word of the Day
Jellopishe - To show a complete understanding of jellopy as an item, a device, and a philosophy.
My former roomie in college who is also one of my best friends e-mailed me yesterday that her only son was in a motorcycle accident yesterday. I received an update on his condition this morning. He came through surgery fine. She believes that all of the broken bones were fixed: two in the lower right leg, three in the right arm below the elbow, and a chip on the upper right arm bone by his shoulder socket. One leg bone and one arm bone had come through the skin. Both the elbow and shoulder were dislocated, but got re-aligned.
Despite all this, there don't seem to be any head, neck, or internal injuries! And there was an elbow specialist who assisted in that part of the surgery; neither surgeon saw any torn nerves, so that is a good sign that my friend's son will recover the use of his fingers (he's right-handed). He'll most likely be in the hospital (one of the best around for trauma) a few more days.
My friend wrote that her son is feeling bad that, in turning to see what he thought was someone in distress, the motorcycle hit some gravel and the bike went down and that it was amazing that he didn't flip off the bridge or get hit by any of the heavy traffic on the highway as he travelled to work. The helmet saved his life, according to the highway patrolman and the ER doctor.
Thank God he was wearing a helmet! With gas prices so high, I wonder what the statistics are for motorcycle and bike related accidents. I bet they're going through the roof!
Today is the last day of July. It's supposed to be hot and sticky today. I know that it wasn't as hot and sticky yesterday but picking the raspberries was not a pleasant experience. I was "glowing" profusely. Ladies don't sweat, they glow. I won't be picking any more raspberries until August. That's tomorrow. Same goes for the beans and the cucumbers. Despite the .90 inches of rain that we received a couple of days ago, I had to race out onto my deck and water all the plants again. This has become a daily necessity. My poor cucumbers in the Earthboxes looked pretty crisp. Thankfully, they perked up after they'd had their first sip of water. The way they can perk up so quickly after looking so dead and dried up amazes me. I'll have to water again when I get back from the city.
We're combining today's trip to the city with other activities. Yesterday's trip to the city (different city) was to visit with a lawyer about a parcel of property we own and I thought I'd check out the pet store to see what kind of clippers they had. The Country Store looks just like a PetSmart store. They even have a groomer on staff. I talked to the groomer and it turns out that they're going to be trimming nails (dog's nails) for free today between 10 AM and 4 PM. Customer Appreciation Day! Whoohoo! So, anyway...it looks like HTP and I are going to add another city to our itinerary today. First we'll bring me into the city to see take care of some "pressing" issues. I've got a mammogram scheduled for this morning. Then, we're dropping some laundry off at the dry-cleaners. Grocery store run. We're bring a cooler. And then we'll drive to the other city with Gypsy to have her nails trimmed. The groomer said she'd take care of the hair between Gypsy's toes at the same time. Free. Well...except for the cost of the gas that we'll be burning in the car.
Murphyism of the Day
Charles Osgood's Axiom
Nobody thinks they make too much money.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases.
- Carl Jung (1875 - 1961)