August Wildflowers - 2008
Word of the Day
Kabomb - Anything that makes a kaboom sound of varying intensity.
#1 Son called yesterday to tell us that he wouldn't be coming to The Lake until some time today...maybe late. He's been using our Gator to move all his stuff from his old apartment to the house that he and his buddies are renting. So, instead of going out for an All-You-Can-Eat Fish Fry, I made pizza for supper last night. I love those Pillsbury pizza crusts. They work great for HTP and me. I make my side of the pizza the way I like it, EVERYTHING, and I make HTP's side of the pizza with just cheese and pepperoni. He likes mushrooms too but...I didn't have any. Mushrooms have "mushroomed" in price at the store. Next time I see them on sale (cheap), I'll have to stock up. They keep nicely in the freezer after they've been cut up and cooked. I freeze my green peppers too but...there isn't any reason to do that right now when I've got fresh growing out in one of my Earthboxes on the deck. I really wish I had an extra freezer here at The Lake....or an extra fridge/freezer combo. That would be even better. I haven't been able to convince HTP that we really NEED one. *sigh* Oh well...Sis says that I can borrow some of her freezer space. Maybe I'll take her up on the offer.
I took my second exhaustion test for the 100 Push-up Challenge this morning. Maybe I could have squeezed in one more push-up so I could have gone on to Week 5 of the challenge but...I didn't. So, I'll be repeating Week 4...but...at a higher level. I managed 30 push-ups this morning. That's better than the 25 that I did for my previous exhaustion test. I'm making progress and I didn't want to tear anything. I've noted that exercising in the morning increases my energy level for the entire day...well...almost the entire day. I still haven't licked the energy drain that occurs at around 3 PM every afternoon and siestas and naps just don't work for me. Actually, maybe another bout of a cardio type exercise? I'll think about it. I don't suppose picking the raspberries or blueberries qualifies as a cardio workout....or making jam and canning.
DD Daughter, GI Joe and Ms. En are coming today. They'll be here for the week. I still need to vacuum (again) and remove any baby hazards from my living room but other than that, I'm ready. I've got Lucky Charms, vanilla wafers, applesauce and hot dogs. I've got all the fixings for making macaroni and cheese. Elbow macaroni, milk, butter and flour, and cheese. I don't make macaroni and cheese from a "kit". That's like opening a can of Spaghettio's and calling it spaghetti. Though...there really isn't anything wrong with Spaghettios...I just didn't think to buy any. I'll consult with DD Daughter and see if she wants me to add it to my grocery list. All of my children loved the things...that and the box "kit"s for macs and cheese. However, I draw the line. Ms. En isn't even one year old. She doesn't need all those artificial colors and flavorings...and salt...at least, not for a main course.
Murphyism of the Day
Weiner's Law of Libraries
There are no answers, only cross-references.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Nobody can be exactly like me. Sometimes even I have trouble doing it.
Tallulah Bankhead (1903 - 1968)
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