Gypsy - August 8, 2008
Word of the Day
Justifiction - 1. A statement, known to be false, presented in explanation of some action or belief. 2. Any act in which a person fraudulently defends, explains, or makes excuses for an action through false reasoning.
I picked the first of the blackberries today. Gypsy and I hiked down the driveway...me with my berry bucket, Gypsy running ahead, stopping to watch me with a puzzled look, and there was a lot of sniffling and snuffling going on. There actually weren't all that many blackberries as yet so I went ahead and picked some wild raspberries. I figured that I was already out there picking berries so why not. Of course, it'll take me at least an hour to clean what I picked but...oh well.
Of course, when Gypsy and I got back home, it became obvious that Gypsy had picked up more than a few burrs during our hike. Since Gypsy needed a bath, I combed out all the burrs before lifting her into the sink. She's become used to these combing sessions. Baths don't bother her. I actually think she likes baths. Thank goodness! I'd hate to have to struggle with her every time. We've worked out a perfect arrangement. Gypsy stands quietly in the kitchen sink while I spray her down and lather her up. She stands quietly in the sink while I rinse her off and wring out her longest hair. She lets herself be wrapped up in a dry towel while I give her a cursory drying, and then she races around the house, shaking vigorously from head to toe and rolling on the carpet. Works for me.
Murphyism of the Day
Vile's Law of Grading Papers
All papers after the top are upside down or backward, until you right the pile. Then the process repeats.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Everything is funny as long as it is happening to Somebody Else.
- Will Rogers (1879 - 1935)
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