Daylilies - August 2008
Word of the Day
Lamien - A person purported to be evil and frightening, but who is simply lame.
On this last day of August, I was holding off on blogging until I had something new and interesting to blog about. However, other than cleaning my kitchen this morning, nothing is happening here. It's a windy day. The weekenders are still making their presence known...but not as much as yesterday when I headed down to the dock because it sounded like I had people partying on my shore....and I wasn't invited. Such was not the case, at least, not that I know of but there were two pontoon boats, a speed boat, and a couple of jet-skis REALLY close to the shore. I had to tighten the moorings of my own boat due to all the wake produced from all the fun-seekers.
In the news? The Republican National Convention scheduled to start next week sounds like it's going to be muted due to what looks what could be a disaster heading straight for the gulf coast. With a hurricane (Gustav) bearing down on New Orleans, the Republicans don't want to create a comparison between themselves partying in Minnesota and Nero fiddling while Rome burns. However, I must say, that I felt the cackles of glee and comments about God favoring the Democrats by some in the Obama-Biden camp in regard to Gustav and the RNC were ill-advised and showed a certain lack of caring for those who are in the process of evacuating their homes.
Murphyism of the Day
The Student's Tautology
The teacher is never absent on the day of the exam.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
In times like these, it helps to recall that there have always been times like these.
- Paul Harvey
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