A Hazy Day at The Lake - August 2008
Word of the Day
Kneebow - The elbow of one's leg.
Although it isn't raining and the radar doesn't show any clouds...we've got clouds and haze today. I think...maybe...the sun will finally break through the haze in another hour or so. It's just this sort of growing condition that blighted my tomatoes. This has not been a good summer for tomato growers. Some growers had to replant after a late frost. Some growers are complaining that the plants just aren't producing enough fruit. And some...blight. The farmer where I usually purchase my canning tomatoes didn't have any luck this year. I've got a call into another farmer but....we'll see. I may have to purchase my canned tomatoes from the store this year. *wince*
I started on Week 5 of the 100 Push-up Challenge...yesterday. Day 1 was a killer. I barely finished that last 30 push-ups. Day 2 and 3 don't look too bad but there's very little rest time between levels and instead of 5 levels...there are 8 levels. However, like The Little Engine that Could, I think I can, I think I can.
I was going to hike the logging road today to check on the blackberries but HTP needed to drive into the city to talk to some zoning people. HTP doesn't like me to hike out into the woods when he's not around...even with a cell phone. I'm not sure what he expects will happen but I guess I'm willing to humor him. Besides, I don't like to leave Gypsy here all alone so the blackberries will have to wait until tomorrow...or the next day. Anyway, with no sun to dry off the dew that the high humidity has left overnight, hiking might have been a bit too wet. Gypsy and I will go out and pick the tame raspberries instead.
Murphyism of the Day
Natalie's Law of Algebra
You never catch on until after the test.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Diplomacy is the art of knowing what not to say.
- Matthew Trump
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