Ms. En with Great Grandma and Great Grandpa D. at The Lake - August 2008
Word of the Day
Kharma - Bad or harmful karma.
I fed Ms. En breakfast and kept an eye on her while DD Daughter and GI Joe ran around and packed and loaded up all their stuff. DD Daughter almost forgot her cell phone but remembered at the last moment. They're heading to The Big City today to see Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa (HTP's folks) and maybe see Great Aunt J who will be helping HTP's folks move into their new apartment today. DD Daughter and GI Joe are also looking forward to a walk around The Mall of America. DD Daughter wants to take Ms. En to The Rainforest Cafe. She kept telling Ms. En that it would be like eating in It's a Big Big World? I guess I haven't kept up with the latest children's TV programing. Vacation time is almost over. DD Daughter has school and GI Joe has to be back at work on Monday.
Oh well...it's really quiet here now that everyone has left. I've already stowed away the high chair and the baby gate for the next visit we get from a grandchild. I've got company coming on Saturday, so I'm washing sheets and getting the guest rooms ready. HTP and I will have to make another run into the city to re-stock groceries. The weather has cleared up and the sun is shining. I should be able to get out and pick the beans today...and the raspberries. Company is coming and I need to make jam. #1 Son told us he was coming later today to spend the weekend too. He's going to have to sleep on the couch. There are times that I wish I had more guest rooms.
I completed Week 4 of the 100 Push-up Challenge. One day of rest, and I get to take the exhaustion test again. Will I be able to move on to Week 5? We'll see.
Murphyism of the Day
Third Law of Applied Terror
Eighty percent of the final exam will be based on the one lecture you missed about the book you didn't read.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness.
- Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)
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