Gypsy and Ms. En - August 10, 2008

GI Joe, DD Daughter and Ms. En at The Blue Hills Supper Club - August 10, 2008
Word of the Day
Kabombed - The act of destroying a large explosion from something that resembles a bomb.
They're here! DD Daughter, GI Joe and Ms. En. They arrived last night. Ms. En likes the "new" crib...but...she doesn't like how dark it is here at The Lake. DD Daughter borrowed a nightlight to put in their room for tonight. We don't have street lights or city lights out here at The Lake. We've got the moon and the stars and the occasional firefly (lightening bug)...oh...and the more avid of fishermen out in their boats after dark. Red and green light in the bow of the boat, white light on a tall rod..aft.
Gypsy LOVES Ms. En. Gypsy is really gentle but I had to finally separate the two of them. Ms. En hasn't learned how to push an overly affectionate dog and her tongue away. Ms. En LOVES Gypsy too but enough is enough with the licking already.
We all went out to eat at Blue Hills Supper Club this morning. Sunday brunch. Ms. En loves scrambled eggs...and chocolate. She didn't turn up her nose at the smoked salmon or the chicken but the scrambled eggs were a real hit, that and the chocolate mousse. #1 Son sat right next to Ms. En and kept her entertained by fetching the stuff that she threw on the floor for him. And then, across the room, her eyes met those of a older man (four or five), and the flirtation began. She eyed him coyly beneath her lashes. He, the older man, ignored her. She batted her eyes at him. He, ignored her. GI Joe told her that this older man wasn't right for her. Too old. We'll see. Maybe he'll notice her next year when we visit the Blue Hills Supper Club again. She'll be almost 2 years old by then. Maybe this older man will wait for her to grow up a bit more.
Murphyism of the Day
Laws of Class Scheduling
1. If the course you wanted most has room for "n" students, you will be the "n+1" to apply.
2. Class schedules are designed so that every student will waste maximum time between classes.
When you are occasionally able to schedule two classes in a row, they will be held in classrooms at opposite ends of the campus.
3. A prerequisite for a desired course will be offered only during the semester following the desired course.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882)
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