What's That Pinging Sound That I Keep Hearing?
Word of the Day
Jobsworth - A measure of a task in comparison to a job's worth. A task that, in order to complete, requires compensation above and beyond a single job's worth.
I made two batches of Sugarfree Raspberry Jam this morning. I used a half and half mixture of Maltitol and Erythritol in one batch. In the other batch I used my usual Maltitol. Sis tells me that Erythritol is supposed to be better for you than Maltitol but it leaves a cool taste on your tongue and in your mouth if used alone. They recommend using a half and half mixture for baking and cooking. I'd like to make a couple of batches of Sugarfree Rhubarb/Strawberry Jam today too but that would mean I'd have to brave the sun and the deerflies. I'll think about it.
In the meantime, I did make six pints of Zesty Dill Pickles from the cucumbers that I harvested from my plants in the Earthbox. So far, I have to say that my Earthboxes have produced lots better than my garden....at least when it comes to the zucchini, eggplant, peppers, and cucumbers. The green beans in my kennel garden are doing great. I canned another four quarts of green beans yesterday and have enough fresh beans to cook up for supper tonight. One Earthbox of zucchini seems to produce plenty of blossoms and zucchini for HTP and me....actually, more than enough. You can only use so much zucchini before you get sick of it. I think the one Earthbox of eggplant will be more than enough too. The tomatoes that I planted in my kennel garden are all blighting...even though I've sprayed them. I'm not having that problem with the tomato plants in my Earthboxes. It looks like I'll get lots more tomatoes from my Earthboxes than the plants in my kennel garden. Next year, I may use the kennel garden for beans, lettuce, onions and maybe radishes....we'll see. Maybe I'll even try corn?
Murphyism of the Day
The Budgetary Reminder
A budget is just a method of worrying before you spend money as well as afterward.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Anything that has real and lasting value is always a gift from within.
-Franz Kafka (1883 - 1924)
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