Wildflowers at The Lake - August 2008
Word of the Day
Kneepit - Area of space behind the knee.
HTP and I won't be leaving The Lake until just before noon so...I decided to blog. And...I just completed Week 5 of the 100 Push-up Challenge. However, having said that, on Monday I'll have to take another exhaustion test to see if I can move on to Week 6. I have my doubts. I may have to repeat Week 5. I'm not sure if I can do 47 push-ups without my arms falling off. We'll see. Actually, if you count up all the push-ups that I did today...they total over 100, but I'll continue on because they do tend to wake me up and get me moving more than my daily infusion of coffee. Hopefully, they will also stimulate my metabolism which has slowed down to a near stop.
I fried up half of the Italian peppers that I picked the other day from my Earthbox. There were so many that I could only fit that half into the pan. HTP and I enjoyed them as a side with some venison steaks that I cooked up. Thanks Sis! The steaks wonderful! The Italian peppers were wonderful too but we didn't eat them all. I froze what we didn't eat. I'll have to cook up the other half on Sunday night or Monday. For right now they're fine sitting out on the countertop. There are lots more coming on the plants out in the Earthbox. Zucchini? I wonder if my Mom would like a couple more zucchini. I cooked up a couple last night to go with our supper but I have more coming in the Earthbox and in the kennel garden. Plenty for HTP and me. Besides, I really don't like zucchini pickles. If I want pickles, I'll make another batch of those when I get back from The Big City...from the cucumbers that keep coming in the Earthbox. As for my tomatoes, they're coming ripe rather rapidly. The ones on I had on the counter are ripe. I had to bag them up and put them in the fridge. I don't have time to do anything with them right now.
Murphyism of the Day
Murphy's Rule of the Term Paper
The book or periodical most vital to the completion of your term paper will be missing from the library.
If it is available, the most important page will be torn out.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple.
- Barry Switzer
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