My Fishing Frog Lamp - August 2008
Word of the Day
Koolio - Cool; expressing happiness or joy.
We smoked the fish in the morning. I got to Sis' place in time to see fifty bluegills, with tails aloft, drying on sheets of newspaper on Sis' countertop. It was a truly bizarre sight to see. No...I didn't take any pictures but I think Sis might have a couple. Maybe she'll share. At around 8 AM, we loaded up the smoker and then our only task was to sip on coffee while we watched and regulated the air-flow and added more apple wood. Bluegills don't take all that long to smoke so....by 12 PM, we were all done. Kitchen clean. And then....
The Tale of The Three Sisters Marathon Shopping Trip
We took Sillie (that's my brother Willie's wife)out for a marathon shopping trip. First, we had to pick up a few things here at my house but then it was non-stop shopping. Sis and I stopped to pick up our mail in town because we were there but then we shopped at Don's Outlet Store, Just Rite on Main, and then across the street to the thrift/antique/pawn shop. That's all the frolics in town. We didn't stop at The Porch but....I think Sillie will want to stop there with Willie in the next few days. Next? We had lunch at BWR in Dobie. Best Wisconsin Restaurant. Well...that's the name. The food was good. Sis and I had prime rib sandwiches served aux jus. We all shared french fries, onion rings and sweet fries. Yummy! Oh...and beer. And conversation....just us girls.
After lunch? Onto a big city. Sis and I stopped at the Wine Shop to pick up three boxes of bottles which we'll need for bottling our wine at the end of September. Then...Sis wanted some bananas at the KwikTrip...right next door. Sis and I decided that Sillie really needed to see a store called The Great Outdoors which has all kinds of unique Wisconsin touristy type stuff. I bought a mug and resisted buying everything else in the store...which was difficult.
Ooops! We should have hung a left after leaving the KwikTrip because Bargain Bill's was just down the road from there. Oh well... Then....Bargain Bill's where there are LOTS of bargains. I bought all kinds of things but got off cheap...only spending $34. No...I did not buy any frogs at Bargain Bill's...however I did buy some dog toys. I couldn't resist. Gypsy loves the giant yellow plush star with the grinning face. Last I saw she was dragging it around the living room. However, that's another tale.
Back to shopping. After Bargain Bill's, we toodled on down the highway to Walmart. Just a quick stop there. But then we had to do some grocery shopping. That was our last stop before heading home. We dropped Sillie off first and helped her carry her purchases into their cabin...and made sure that Willie wasn't too upset. Our marathon shopping session did last over seven hours, afterall. Then, I dropped Sis off at her house and helped her carry her purchases into her house. I didn't see Sis' hubby but I don't think he was too upset by our delay in getting home. Then...finally....home again, home again jiggidy jig. It took me a while to unload while tripping all over Gypsy but I really didn't buy all that much. I'll unpack all my new frogs and find homes for them tomorrow. That fishing frog lamp was the very last one that they had at Just Rite on Main and will look just perfect next to the motorcycle frog lamp that I got in New York. They match! You never know what you'll find at Just Rite on Main.
And so ends the tale of The Three Sisters Marathon Shopping Trip. I know that we could have stopped to shop at more places in town and in the city but we'll have to hold those places in reserve for our next Three Sisters Marathon Shopping Trip....next year? Should we make this an annual event?
Sis just called to tell me that she has the mustard powder that I bought at Don's Outlet Store.
Murphyism of the Day
Coleman's Commentary on Santayana
Those who fail to learn from the past are condemned to repeat history class.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
To achieve great things we must live as though we were never going to die.
- Marquis de Vauvenargues
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