Friday, October 31, 2008
Gypsy - October 31, 2008
Word of the Day
Meh - A multi-purpose response, primarily used to imply a degree of indifference. Tone of voice and circumstance often implies a meaning. Can be used when you don't want to answer an awkward or embarrassing question, or if you just plain have nothing else to say, and you want the other person to interpret the "meh" however he/she chooses. As in: Q: "What do you think of my new dress?" A: "Meh." or Q: "What do you want to do tonight?" A: "Meh."
I didn't buy any candy. Yesterday I went out grocery shopping. Big mistake. I should have suspected something when I had a hard time finding a parking spot. Then, if that weren't enough of a clue, I had a really hard time finding a shopping cart. The grocery store was having a special Pre-Halloween Moonlight Madness party. The store was teeming with children in costumes. The aisles were clogged with tables that were set up for children to paint and carve pumpkins, decorate cookies, etc. etc. If that weren't enough, there were all kinds of people handing out samples of food. Again, LOTS OF CHILDREN!!!!! I only needed some plastic storage bags, some bread, some buns, some eggs, and some cleaning products. A really short shopping list with few coupons. I should have turned around before I even pulled into the parking lot. I'm amazed that I wasn't jibbering by the time I finally got through the checkout line. I didn't pick up any candy...even though it was REALLY on sale. And I've decided that free samples of food don't have any calories. However, I did buy some Doritos because the display was right there by the checkout aisle. I should have resisted but I couldn't resist the price. They tasted really good with the hamburgers that I made for supper last night. 11 chips = 140 calories.
I didn't buy any bags of candy...even though they were practically giving it away. I know that I could have tucked the bags in the freezer. It keeps. But, HTP and I are on a diet. There won't be any trick-o-treaters in our neighborhood. There really is no excuse to buy the stuff, no matter how much I love chocolate.
Murphyism of the Day
Doane's Laws of Procrastination
1. The more proficient one is at procrastination, the less proficient one need be at all else.
2. The slower one works, the fewer mistakes one makes.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Either this man is dead or my watch has stopped.
- Groucho Marx (1890 - 1977)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Happy Anniversary MC Daughter and D Buddy!
Word of the Day
Megapixures - Pictures taken with a digital camera or prints made from digital files.
MC Daughter
D Buddy!
Five years ago today, MC Daughter and D Buddy were married in Paris. Paris, Las Vegas. It was a beautiful wedding. A toast to MC Daughter and D Buddy!'s a bit early in the day for that toast. I'll lift my glass in celebration tonight out on the back patio. Happy Anniversary!
Murphyism of the Day
Sixth Law of Procrastination
It may eliminate the job if the need passes before the job can be done.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.
- Nikola Tesla (1857 - 1943)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Gypsy and Her "Frisbee"
Word of the Day
Meetnik - A person who enjoys meetings and other administrative events and tries to attend as many of them as possible.
The music director at our church stopped by last night to drop off some music for me. I'm playing at the church on Sunday. Some of this stuff I've played before but some of it? Looks like I need to do some practicing. LOTS of sharps. LOTS!!!!! Oh well...time to get the out. I'm not so good that I can look at an D-sharp and automatically my fingers reach for the E-flat. I haven't looked too closely but I suspect that I'll see a couple of double sharps. This stuff used to easier.
Gypsy and I have worn each other out already and we've only just finished breakfast. We took another training walk around the neighborhood. This usually takes about a half an hour but after we got back we played Frisbee out in the backyard. She doesn't actually catch the Frisbee (which isn't really a Frisbee) but she loves to fetch it after I've thrown it and sometimes play a bit of tug-a-war in between tosses and fetches. Oh...and she took all her toys out of her toy box...again..., chose one and insisted on playing fetch while I worked on my morning Sudoku.
Murphyism of the Day
Fifth Law of Procrastination
Procrastination avoids boredom; one never has the feeling that there is nothing important to do.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
An idea isn't worth that much. It's the execution of the idea that has value. If you can't convince one other person that this is something to devote your life to, then it's not worth it.
- Joel Spolsky
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Word of the Day
Meese - A group of moose.
Some of you may be wondering why I haven't posted any pictures on my last two blogs...and this one. I haven't posted any pictures because I haven't taken any new pictures. Every time I think about grabbing the camera and taking some pictures, something comes up to distract me. new pictures. I actually had posted some older pictures but Sis told me that these pictures confused her. She told me that Gypsy looked the same as always after her operation. Actually, the pictures that I posted of Gypsy made her look exactly like when I took those photos, back in the Spring and also during the summer. She doesn't quite look like that now. She doesn't look much different but the hair on her right back leg was shaved so they could remove the hardware from her knee and they shaved spots on her front legs (think poodle cut) for the IV and the blood pressure cuff. It'll grow back in approximately six months...about the time I'll be heading back to The Lake.
Today Gypsy and I went back to the vet to have her stitches removed. Such a forgiving dog. She always wags her tail off, happy to greet the vet and all the techs. Today, she piddled on the floor, she was so excited (not scared....thrilled beyond measure to meet and greet). *sigh* I wish she'd outgrow this little idiosyncrasy. "NO! DON'T PET HER! SHE'LL.....DARN IT! Too late." *sigh*
HTP was confused that it took us less than an hour to go to and come back from the vet...on top of this I stopped to fill the gas tank on the car. I imagine that he thought I'd stop to do some shopping. It's too warm outside to leave Gypsy in the car while I go shopping. So...we're back...and today is laundry day. I get to wash all the towels that Gypsy barfed on the other day. Lucky me.
Murphyism of the Day
Fourth Law of Procrastination
Avoidance of interruptions including the assignment of other duties can usually be achieved so that the obviously stressed worker can concentrate on the single effort.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
One can survive everything, nowadays, except death, and live down everything except a good reputation.
- Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900)
Meese - A group of moose.
Some of you may be wondering why I haven't posted any pictures on my last two blogs...and this one. I haven't posted any pictures because I haven't taken any new pictures. Every time I think about grabbing the camera and taking some pictures, something comes up to distract me. new pictures. I actually had posted some older pictures but Sis told me that these pictures confused her. She told me that Gypsy looked the same as always after her operation. Actually, the pictures that I posted of Gypsy made her look exactly like when I took those photos, back in the Spring and also during the summer. She doesn't quite look like that now. She doesn't look much different but the hair on her right back leg was shaved so they could remove the hardware from her knee and they shaved spots on her front legs (think poodle cut) for the IV and the blood pressure cuff. It'll grow back in approximately six months...about the time I'll be heading back to The Lake.
Today Gypsy and I went back to the vet to have her stitches removed. Such a forgiving dog. She always wags her tail off, happy to greet the vet and all the techs. Today, she piddled on the floor, she was so excited (not scared....thrilled beyond measure to meet and greet). *sigh* I wish she'd outgrow this little idiosyncrasy. "NO! DON'T PET HER! SHE'LL.....DARN IT! Too late." *sigh*
HTP was confused that it took us less than an hour to go to and come back from the vet...on top of this I stopped to fill the gas tank on the car. I imagine that he thought I'd stop to do some shopping. It's too warm outside to leave Gypsy in the car while I go shopping. So...we're back...and today is laundry day. I get to wash all the towels that Gypsy barfed on the other day. Lucky me.
Murphyism of the Day
Fourth Law of Procrastination
Avoidance of interruptions including the assignment of other duties can usually be achieved so that the obviously stressed worker can concentrate on the single effort.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
One can survive everything, nowadays, except death, and live down everything except a good reputation.
- Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900)
Monday, October 27, 2008
Word of the Day
Mediacracy - Government, usually indirectly, by the popular media; often a result of democracy going awry. A system in which politicians stop thinking and begin listening exclusively to the media regarding what the important issues are and what they should do about them.
Eating dust. It's really windy here this morning. On top of that, this morning's temperature when I woke up was 74°F. No need for sweater or jacket. I quickly closed up the house but it was probably a bit too little and too late. I normally wait to close the windows until the inside temperature and the outdoor temperatures are even. At 6 AM, it was already three degrees warmer outside that inside. It's obvious that we'll have to use the AC today. The current temperature of 85°F is making me consider changing out of jeans and into shorts. I took Gypsy out for our morning walk and got blasted by dust and grit blowing in from the empty fields near our home. Actually, the fields aren't really empty. They're full of desert dirt and weeds. I'm pretty sure that there are tumbleweeds blowing across the main road. The sky had that ominous look of brown, a color brown that had nothing to do with man-made pollution...smog. Oh well, at least I wasn't wearing my contacts. My glasses protected my eyes.
Murphyism of the Day
Third Law of Procrastination
Status is gained in the eyes of others, and in one's own eyes, because it is assumed that the importance of the work justifies the stress.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Thou shouldst eat to live; not live to eat.
- Socrates (469 BC - 399 BC)
Mediacracy - Government, usually indirectly, by the popular media; often a result of democracy going awry. A system in which politicians stop thinking and begin listening exclusively to the media regarding what the important issues are and what they should do about them.
Eating dust. It's really windy here this morning. On top of that, this morning's temperature when I woke up was 74°F. No need for sweater or jacket. I quickly closed up the house but it was probably a bit too little and too late. I normally wait to close the windows until the inside temperature and the outdoor temperatures are even. At 6 AM, it was already three degrees warmer outside that inside. It's obvious that we'll have to use the AC today. The current temperature of 85°F is making me consider changing out of jeans and into shorts. I took Gypsy out for our morning walk and got blasted by dust and grit blowing in from the empty fields near our home. Actually, the fields aren't really empty. They're full of desert dirt and weeds. I'm pretty sure that there are tumbleweeds blowing across the main road. The sky had that ominous look of brown, a color brown that had nothing to do with man-made pollution...smog. Oh well, at least I wasn't wearing my contacts. My glasses protected my eyes.
Murphyism of the Day
Third Law of Procrastination
Status is gained in the eyes of others, and in one's own eyes, because it is assumed that the importance of the work justifies the stress.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Thou shouldst eat to live; not live to eat.
- Socrates (469 BC - 399 BC)
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Word of the Day
Mayonize - To apply mayonnaise to an item to be used in the making of a sandwich or other such food.
I decided to hold off on Gypsy's morning walk until after breakfast. I'm not finding our morning walks in the frigid morning air very entertaining. Too cold. So, this morning, we waited until things had warmed up to a more pleasant 62°F. I also decided to start the "stay" part of our obedience training. I figure she'll have it down in a week or so. *knock on wood* Considering the fact that there were a lot of distractions this morning (people walking and riding bikes), she did pretty good.
I bought a new hair-dryer yesterday and a few new books. It was good to get out of the house for a while. I sat outside and read one of my new books. Gypsy at my side. Unfortunately, Gypsy decided to get into something, I have no idea what she got into, but whatever she got into made her sick for the rest of the night. Poor Gypsy but....Yuck! I hate cleaning up dog vomit. Thankfully, she's feeling lots better this morning or we'd already be on our way to the vet. There are no toads here in Arizona....well...I suppose there are some but none in my backyard. I'll have to keep a closer eye on Gypsy when we're outdoors. For all I know, she may have eaten a dead bug that was poisoned by the Orkin guy. I wasn't keeping a close eye on her activities. I was reading a book.
Today? I plan to wash my hair and give my new hair-dryer a workout. After that? I need to wash the kitchen floor but I think I'd rather read a book. I grilled up an entire package of chicken breast last night. I may make some chicken salad sandwiches for lunch today. Chicken burritos for supper. Chicken casserole for dinner tomorrow night. Chicken stir fry. Chicken Chow Mien? There's lots of things to do with grilled chicken breasts. I may even make green chicken chili. Yummmm!!!!!
Murphyism of the Day
Second Law of Procrastination
Procrastination reduces anxiety by reducing the expected quality of the project from the best of all possible efforts to the best than can be expected given the limited time.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
It's asking a great deal that things should appeal to your reason as well as your sense of the aesthetic.
- W. Somerset Maugham (1874 - 1965)
Mayonize - To apply mayonnaise to an item to be used in the making of a sandwich or other such food.
I decided to hold off on Gypsy's morning walk until after breakfast. I'm not finding our morning walks in the frigid morning air very entertaining. Too cold. So, this morning, we waited until things had warmed up to a more pleasant 62°F. I also decided to start the "stay" part of our obedience training. I figure she'll have it down in a week or so. *knock on wood* Considering the fact that there were a lot of distractions this morning (people walking and riding bikes), she did pretty good.
I bought a new hair-dryer yesterday and a few new books. It was good to get out of the house for a while. I sat outside and read one of my new books. Gypsy at my side. Unfortunately, Gypsy decided to get into something, I have no idea what she got into, but whatever she got into made her sick for the rest of the night. Poor Gypsy but....Yuck! I hate cleaning up dog vomit. Thankfully, she's feeling lots better this morning or we'd already be on our way to the vet. There are no toads here in Arizona....well...I suppose there are some but none in my backyard. I'll have to keep a closer eye on Gypsy when we're outdoors. For all I know, she may have eaten a dead bug that was poisoned by the Orkin guy. I wasn't keeping a close eye on her activities. I was reading a book.
Today? I plan to wash my hair and give my new hair-dryer a workout. After that? I need to wash the kitchen floor but I think I'd rather read a book. I grilled up an entire package of chicken breast last night. I may make some chicken salad sandwiches for lunch today. Chicken burritos for supper. Chicken casserole for dinner tomorrow night. Chicken stir fry. Chicken Chow Mien? There's lots of things to do with grilled chicken breasts. I may even make green chicken chili. Yummmm!!!!!
Murphyism of the Day
Second Law of Procrastination
Procrastination reduces anxiety by reducing the expected quality of the project from the best of all possible efforts to the best than can be expected given the limited time.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
It's asking a great deal that things should appeal to your reason as well as your sense of the aesthetic.
- W. Somerset Maugham (1874 - 1965)
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Word of the Day
McFinch - A small bird whose natural habitat is in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant, and does not seem to exist in any other part of the world.
What is old is new again. Bucket brigade. I wanted to take a bath last night and discovered that I couldn't get any hot water out of the tap in my bathtub. The regulator/mixer isn't working. I can get cold water but that which allows the hot water to come out of the faucet must be stuck. Not being in the mood for a cold bath, I ended up having to haul buckets of hot water from the kitchen sink to fill the tub. Oh least I didn't have to heat the buckets of water up over a fireplace. Why do things like this happen on a Friday, after business hours are over? Hopefully, HTP will be able to fix it. I suppose, if all else fails, we can always call Joe the week, during business hours. This isn't an actual plumbing emergency.
I've been trying to think of something to do today. I know all the stuff that I should be doing but.... Actually, I'm in one of those whiny "Mommy I'm bored" moods. That singular mood where you find yourself telling your Mom that you're bored and then she tells you all the things that you should be doing, things that you don't want to do, stuff like cleaning your room. *sigh* I don't want to clean my room. I don't want to wash the floor in the kitchen...even though it really needs it. *sigh* Maybe I'll go out shopping. I need a new hair-dryer and I can't wash my hair until I buy one. Maybe I'll feel more like washing the floor tomorrow. Maybe I'll just toss the Frisbee for Gypsy some more and brew another pot of coffee.
Murphyism of the Day
First Law of Procrastination
Procrastination shortens the job and places the responsibility for its termination on someone else (the authority who imposed the deadline).
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
To do just the opposite is also a form of imitation.
- Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)
Friday, October 24, 2008
The Freedom of Walking Off Leash at The Lake - Summer 2008
Word of the Day
Mattricide - The act of removing the "do not remove" tag on a mattress, thus somehow rendering the mattress invalid.
It sure is starting to get cold in the mornings. This morning's temperature when I woke up was 45°F. Although I wore a warm sweater on my walk with Gypsy this morning, I wished I had worn a winter jacket and some gloves. Gypsy and I encountered a woman who was not only wearing a winter jacket and gloves, she was wearing ear muffs. I'm not sure I would go that far but since my long hair tends to keep my ears covered, maybe I'd change my mind if I had short hair. My hands are still freezing. If it's this cold tomorrow morning, I may wear my winter jacket and gloves. I imagine I'd be a bit more comfortable wearing long pants and some socks and shoes instead of capris and sandals. Oh well...this is the transitional period when I really should be wearing warmer clothes in the mornings and then changing into cooler clothing for the afternoon. I'm just lazy and don't want to have to do all that much laundry.
I was going to wait a bit before taking Gypsy out for a walk but she's becoming rather insistent when it comes to our morning rituals. She kept racing over to the front door and then back to me and than back to the front door. Only a vocalized demand would have made her point a bit clearer and I knew that would have been next. She wanted her morning walk. I imagine she'll want to play a rousing game of fetch next. Blog first, than fetch.
Gypsy and I are getting back onto a training regimen. Having spent the entire summer off leash at The Lake, she'd forgotten all about how to walk, politely, on leash. We're working on it during our morning walks. I did finally break down and bought a training collar (choke chain). My folks gave me one that they had but it was too big. Gypsy isn't all that big. At 11.5 lbs., she weighs less than either of my chihuahuas. They weren't teacup chihuahuas but they weren't all that big. Gypsy may bulk up a bit more as she gets older but it's doubtful that she'll ever weigh as much as her Dad (18#) or her Mom (15#). As far as training goes, she's doing pretty good on heeling but tends to forget when greeted with distractions like other dogs or friendly people. She's doing well with sitting on command...with just a gentle reminder on occasion.
Actually, the weather has cooled to the point where the highs of the day are only in the 80's. HTP and I have been able to avoid using the AC for the last few days. By the time I've cleaned up the kitchen, after supper dishes are all loaded into the dishwasher, I can open up the windows for the night. By morning the house has cooled off to last the entire day without AC.
Murphyism of the Day
Shapiro's Law of Reward
The one who does the least work will get the most credit.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The most important scientific revolutions all include, as their only common feature, the dethronement of human arrogance from one pedestal after another of previous convictions about our centrality in the cosmos.
- Stephen Jay Gould (1941 - 2002)
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Racking Wine in Wisconsin - 2007 (OK. I'm in Arizona and my kitchen here is smaller but the process is pretty much the same.)
Word of the Day
Mathemagician - Someone who plays tricks with numbers.
Wining. It's been a week since I added the yeast to my buckets of wine. After breakfast, I hauled the buckets into the kitchen and starting racking the wines into fermentation vessels. A couple of years ago, I invested in a couple of 3 gallon water jugs from Water & Ice. They came in handy today. I wish I'd invested in the 5 gallon jugs. Oh well.... HTP helped my "drill" holes in the caps of the jugs this morning so that I could fit them with airlocks. One of my recipes of Pomegranate Wine (the one with white grape juice) yielded ~ 3 1/2 gallons of wine. I fit what fit into one of the 3 gallon water jugs and put the rest into a 1 gallon glass wine jug. The other batch of Pomegranate Wine (the one with the barley water) fit into the 3 gallon water jug. I used my 5 gallon fermentation bucket (the only one that I have here) for the Prickly Pear Wine. All of my wine is air-locked and ready to brew for the next month. It smells like wine in here. PHEWWW!!!!!!!
Murphyism of the Day
Brintnall's Law
If you are given two contradictory orders, obey them both.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
No man is justified in doing evil on the ground of expediency.
- Theodore Roosevelt (1858 - 1919)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
DD Daughter, GI Joe, and Ms. En are in the Progress of Moving into this House
Word of the Day
Margraine - 1. The blinding pain one suffers from drinking margarita slush too quickly. 2. The intense headache that follows a person's attempt at chugging a litre of pure melted margarine, all in one sitting; often the cause of obesity or extreme jealousy depending on the person's ability to hide such large amounts of fat.
Orkin is coming today. I vacuumed the entire house last night, including the window sills and runners. I swept the back patio...again. The Orkin Man can come and, hopefully, spread the right kind of poisons that will get rid of any and all bugs, spiders, and scorpions. However, I can't help but think that I'd better keep shaking my shoes out before I put them on. I noticed that HTP decided to put his shoes up on his nightstand. I guess he thinks that maybe scorpions won't get into them if they're up on his nightstand. I rank that thought right up with the one that a bear will back off if you spray him in the face with pepper spray. I'm putting my faith in Orkin. However, though I trust, I plan to verify by remaining ever vigilant and cautious.
My poor houseplants. My poor neighbor did the best that she could this summer but my houseplants didn't fair well. It wasn't my neighbor's fault. HTP and I keep our thermostat set at 85°F. I don't think my plants like to be that warm. My ivy died. It just curled up and died. Crisp. My pothos looked like it was heading toward it's last gasps. I spent quite some time yesterday doing whatever I could to resurrect my pothos and my prayer plant that looked like it was sending up its last prayers. I transplanted. I took cuttings. In the end, I ended up with more plants than when I started. My dwarf sansaveria needed to be divided into four. I cut back my pothos....drastically. I planted one pot with some of the cuttings that looked like they root in potting soil. I stuck the rest of the clippings in a vase with water. If these root, I'll end up with even more pothos. One into many. I cut back my prayer plant. I transplanted the one that still looked like it maintained some viable roots. I stuck the rest into a glass with some root. One of my amaryllis bulbs that I'd stored in the crisper drawer for the summer rotted but the other bulb was just fine. I planted that bulb and have hopes that I'll get some beautiful blooms by Christmas. I still need to take some cuttings from my rubber tree that I've got planted out in my entryway garden. Last year that poor tree died back to the ground but I now have a multi-trunked tree that has come back and is taller than I am. I'm going to take a couple cuttings from some branches that are growing too low to the ground since I'll have to remove them anyway.
Murphyism of the Day
Stano's Law
When all else fails, try the boss's suggestion.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Nothing is so good for an ignorant man as silence; and if he was sensible of this he would not be ignorant.
- Saadi (1184 - 1291)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Word of the Day
Marcopolodotcomist - A person who is so bored they type random words in the url bar of a browser to find new sites.
Check your shoes! The thought that maybe he should check his shoes for critters flashed through HTP's mind this morning. And then...just as he glanced down to grab his shoes.....SCORPION!!!!!!! A scorpion was crawling on his shoe! Of course, he killed it but.... I've been wearing sandals so the shoe thing hasn't applied to me. Yet. *shudder* It's a good thing Orkin is coming tomorrow. I wish it were today. HTP and I don't need any more surprises, especially this kind of surprise. I wasn't too pleased to hear about the two scorpions that HTP found in the garage when we got home to Arizona. Finding a scorpion INSIDE?! You can be sure that I'm going to be beyond nervous about wandering barefoot around the house from now on. Gypsy was pawing at something last night as I was sitting at my computer. My computer is not even three feet from where HTP's shoes were sitting. I couldn't figure out what the heck she was doing last night. Scorpion? This dog isn't the sharpest crayon in the box, as proven by her total fascination with the toads at The Lake, even though just a lick made her sick. I shudder to think that she might be going after scorpions here in Arizona.
Murphyism of the Day
Bogovich's Law
He who hesitates is probably right.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Feet, why do I need them if I have wings to fly?
- Frida Kahlo (1907 - 1954)
Monday, October 20, 2008
Gypsy - 2008
Word of the Day
Marchicachini - A martini with enjoyed with chocolate chip cookies.
Gypsy and I took a fairly long walk this morning around the neighborhood. We didn't run. We didn't jump. We walked. Gypsy is doing fine. I'm hoping that our walks will wear her out enough so that she doesn't want to run and jump when we're home during the day.
Murphyism of the Day
Theory of Selective Supervision
The one time in the day that you lean back and relax is the one time the boss walks through the office.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Approach each new problem not with a view of finding what you hope will be there, but to get the truth, the realities that must be grappled with. You may not like what you find. In that case you are entitled to try to change it. But do not deceive yourself as to what you do find to be the facts of the situation.
- Bernard M. Baruch (1870 - 1965)
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Gypsy Wants to Play
Word of the Day
Mapology - The study of maps. A degree relating to any profession that involves maps.
It's hard keeping one little dog (Gypsy)from running and jumping and leaping about. That is my goal for the next week or so. This is NOT any easy task. She wants to play and run and fetch. I was told that I could take her for short walks. How short? Oh well, nothing seems to be bothering her and she doesn't seem to be chewing on her stitches.
The weather here in Arizona has warmed up again. The high today is supposed to be in the upper 90's. I took Gypsy out for a gentle walk (only to the mailbox and back). It was 62°F. Very nice. Perfect walking the mornings. In the evening, last night, I was perfectly comfortable sitting out on the back patio while reading my book. I think it was 85°F. Fortunately, once the sun goes down, the temperature follows suit. I'm planning on taking advantage of these pleasant night temperatures while I have them. It won't be long before it gets too cool outside to make it so least...without a sweater. Hopefully, this winter we won't have to worry about freezing temperatures. I'm not fond of having to run out and cover delicate plants.
Murphyism of the Day
Launegayer's Observation
Asking dumb questions is easier than correcting dumb mistakes.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
There's an old saying that if you come back to the place where you became a man, you will remember all those things you need to be happy... That saying never made sense to me, but I thought it was worth a try.
- Henry Bromel
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Gypsy on the Dock - Summer 2008
Word of the Day
Manorexic - Characterizing a male who eats an extremely large amount of food and yet gains no weight.
Poor Gypsy! They shaved her right leg up to her hip and another bit on her front leg where the IV went in, and her tummy too. It looks bizarre and her shaved tummy feels smooth as a baby's butt. I know that it'll grow back....eventually but in the meantime she's going to look weird and that shaved tummy feels weird. They removed the pins and wires from her right knee and I have to keep her quiet for a week or so until things heal up again. No running and jumping. Oh least she doesn't seem to want to do those far. I think the medicine makes her tired. She was in a bit of pain last night and seemed a bit bewildered and groggy. I had to put a baby sock that I cut the toe out of over the incision on her knee this morning so that she wouldn't/couldn't lick it. So far, she's leaving the spay incision alone. I don't want to have to resort to one of those silly lampshade thingies. I'll have to bring her back to the vet in a week or so. Stitch removal. The stitches that he used for the spay will dissolve but the ones on her knee will have to be removed. She has a brand new ID microchip that I have to register online along with a tag that I can put on her collar. I tried to register the chip online this morning but the site was down. I'll have to try again tomorrow. She's not going anywhere. I hope my folks don't mind that I used them as an alternate contact should Gypsy get loose and they can't find HTP or me at either of our homes. I figure that if they can't get a hold of me or HTP, at least my folks will know where we are. The nice thing is that I can change the information that is connected to the chip as needs change. In the meantime, it's really nice to have Gypsy home again, sitting at my feet or by my side.
Murphyism of the Day
Devries's Dilemma
If you hit two keys on the typewriter, the one you don't want hits the paper.
Old Grey Frog's Comment on Devries's Dilemma
Typewriter? Does anyone, besides an avid pack rat or a museum, even own a typewriter anymore?
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The greatest danger to our future is apathy.
- Jane Goodall
Friday, October 17, 2008
Look Out World, She's Walking! - That blur is Ms. En "walking" through her new home. - October 2008
Word of the Day
Manimal - Any person who resembles any such animal, preferably a monkey or gorilla. Officially, a manimal must display the facial features and animal habits of the related creature.
It's seems a bit odd and quiet here this morning. I took Gypsy to the vet's this morning for her spay appointment. They promise to call when she's in recovery to tell me when I can pick her up. That won't be until this afternoon. *sigh* I know she'll be fine but I'm used to having her here at my feet, coaxing me into playing fetch with her or licking my toes.
My three buckets of wine sludge are bubbling away in the living room. You can hear them hissing and fizzing. I used to put my wine-making buckets in the guest room before HTP moved his office into that room. My current guest room isn't just a bit too warm, it's also a bit too small. I wouldn't want guests tripping over wine-making supplies and buckets. I wish I had a in Arizona. People don't have basements (real basements) here in Arizona. OK. Some have basements but they aren't real basements. And that which they call a basement here, has a tendency for major leaks, cracks and other issues. I think it must have something to do with the soil here in Arizona. Oh well...I've been storing my bottled wine in HTP's office. The brewing wine is sitting on a vinyl tablecloth, hidden behind the couch in the living room. I can always move it if company shows up.
Murphyism of the Day
Sixth Law of Office Murphology
The last person who quit or was fired will be held responsible for everything that goes wrong - until the next person quits or is fired.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Genuine beginnings begin within us, even when they are brought to our attention by external opportunities.
- William Bridges
Thursday, October 16, 2008
GI Joe, Ms. En, and DD Daughter on the Deck of Their New Home - They just went through closing and got their keys yesterday.
Word of the Day
Mangaphile - A person infatuated with manga. Can also be used as an insult in the case of hentai manga.
How long does it take to clean, peel and boil up 24-pounds of prickly pear fruit? Let's see....I started at around 9 AM and I've finally just managed to clean up the kitchen at 4:30 PM. Despite all my precautions, I've got at least six cactus spines in my hands. However, considering how many cactus fruit that I peeled today, I suppose only having six cactus spines embedded in my fingers is a minor miracle.
I took Gypsy for a morning walk around the neighborhood and chanced upon a huge prickly pear cactus, loaded with fruit. As it happens, the woman who owns the prickly pear cactus, was just exiting her house as I was admiring the fruit. I asked her if she was planning to do anything with her fruit. She told me that she was having someone come out on Saturday to prune and discard the fruit. I asked her if she'd mind if I gathered some of her fruit and she told me that I was welcome to as much as I'd care to gather....but I'd have to do it before Saturday and added that I was welcome to pick whatever fruit I'd like in the future without asking. Woohoo! I found a source of prickly pear fruit and I don't have to plant one of those nasty spine-covered cactus in my own front yard...which is something I was considering.
After breakfast, I grabbed my gloves, a tongs, a large knife and a couple of buckets to hold the fruit. It became apparent that I wouldn't need the knife since the fruit was easily removed from the cactus pads with just the use of the tongs. However, I did end up getting stuck by two rather large cactus spines. Gloves didn't slow them down a bit. Ouch! One actually dug right through the glove, through my fingernail and into my finger. Those large cactus spines are lots sharper than you'd think. Regardless, I managed to pick two buckets of prickly pear fruit. I was considering picking more but, thinking back over the day, I'm glad I only picked what I picked.
When I got back home, I weighed the fruit and discovered that I had 24-pounds of fruit. Stickery fruit. One must be very cautious when dealing with cactus fruit. The spines are tiny. I knew this. I was careful. However, as I stated previously, I still ended up with cactus "hairs" in my fingers. Cactus "hairs" aren't easily removed because they tend to be easier felt than seen and the minute you think you've got them all out another one is felt. I suspect I'll be discovering more than the six before the night is over.
So...anyway, I peeled and chopped the fruit. Since I only have two large pots, I had to split up the fruit into four parts. I peeled six pounds, chopped it up, added 1/2 gallon of water and started that pot up to boil while I peeled and chopped up the next six pounds of fruit. While the first batch was cooling, I added 1/2 gallon of water to the second pot of fruit and started that one up to boil. Meanwhile, I cleaned, peeled, and chopped another six pounds of fruit. By this time the first pot of cooked fruit was cooled enough for me to strain it into a large bucket that I use for wine-making. Having thus freed up my first pot, I added 1/2 gallon of water to the pot along with the six pounds of fruit and started that up to boil. While the second pot of cooked fruit was cooling, I peeled and chopped the last six pounds of fruit. More straining, more cooking, more cooling, more straining, and by this time my clothes were liberally splattered with cactus fruit juice. I also could see that my kitchen counters and floor were liberally splattered with the stuff.
All the juice has been strained into the one wine-making bucket and I now have a batch of Prickly Pear Wine started. I sure hope I like this recipe. It's not the same recipe that I made last year. Last year I'd used a recipe that called for white raisins. It turned out just fine but with so much fruit I figured that I'd like to see how the prickly pear fruit would do standing on it's own...without grapes, grape juice, or white raisins.
My Mom told me that she'll pick and freeze some pyracantha berries from her bushes in Nevada. No, they are not poisonous. I'm thinking of experimenting with a small batch of Pyracantha Wine. Oh well...first my folks need to actually return to Nevada. In the meantime, I've got three buckets of wine starting to do their thing. That's a good start for the winter.
Murphyism of the Day
Fifth Law of Office Murphology
Vital papers will demonstrate their vitality by spontaneously moving from where you left them to where you can't find them.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
When there's snow on the ground, I like to pretend I'm walking on clouds.
- Takayuki Ikkaku, Arisa Hosaka and Toshihiro Kawabata
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Sis tells me that my garden at The Lake is done for the year. She and Dad drove over there to pick the last of the beans and dig up a horseradish root.
Word of the Day
Mandals - Open-toe sandals worn by men.
I'm taking a break from cleaning pomegranates to write my blog. I'm going to extend that break to go outside and plant some annuals. I bought some petunias and violas yesterday while I was taking a break from cleaning pomegranates to buy some groceries and take a letter to the blue post box by the grocery store. My hands are all discolored and pruney. However, I do plan to add yeast to two buckets of pomegranate wine by tonight, so I need to get these pomegranates cleaned. Then...I have to finish cooking up barley because I don't want to waste it. I'm supposed to boil barley for five minutes and then strain off that water into and over the sugar and pomegranate seed sacs. Five minutes won't be long enough for that barley to cook. I'll have to add more water to the barley and continue cooking it for another 45 minutes. In the end, I figure that I'll end up with load of cooked barley. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with a pound of cooked barley but I plan to freeze it in portions. I can always use it in soup. It's a good thing I like barley. I'll have to check for online recipes. As a last resort, I can always use some of it in the next batch of Gypsy's stew.
FYI? I don't plan on watching tonight's debate between Obama and McCain. I've already filled out my absentee ballot. Maybe I'll run it out to the blue post box during my next pomegranate cleaning break.
Murphyism of the Day
Fourth Law of Office Murphology
Envelopes and stamps that don't stick when you lick them will stick to other things when you don't want them to.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
You must first have a lot of patience to learn to have patience.
- Stanislaw J. Lec (1909 - 1966)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
My Mom tells me that it's beautiful right now at The Lake
Word of the Day
Manabananabulimicchick - A bulimic rooster that likes bananas.
The wine yeast that I ordered online should be coming today. I've started cleaning the pomegranates. Joy! Not! Cleaning pomegranates isn't much fun, but, if I'm going to get this wine started, it must be done. I'm going to try two different recipes for Pomegranate Wine this year. For two years I've made this one recipe that calls for raisins. Unfortunately, you can REALLY taste the raisins in this recipe. Sis found one recipe that calls for barley (barley?) and lemon. I'm going to make a double recipe of this. I found a different recipe online that uses white grape juice. I'm making a half a recipe of this one (a single recipe calls for 5 gallons of water and my fermentation bucket only holds five gallons). Bottom line, I'll be using all my pomegranates for these two recipes and will end up with the same amount of wine that I ended up with last year. As for making Prickly Pear wine, I haven't seen any prickly pear fruit in the store as yet and I'm not sure if I'll take the time to go searching for any. However, I may plant a prickly pear cactus in a hidden corner of my front yard so I can make this wine in the future.
Murphyism of the Day
Third Law of Office Murphology
Machines that have broken down will work perfectly when the person who repairs them arrives.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him.
- Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)
Monday, October 13, 2008
We're Going Where?!
Word of the Day
Malmonodemsome - Full of bad, single people.
Gypsy has a healthy dog check up at the vet this morning. She's due for some vaccinations. However, I noticed that one of Gypsy's knees has a sore on it. It actually started bleeding at the groomer's yesterday. So...I'll have the vet look at it. Gypsy's surgeon warned me that part of the internal stabilizing staples used to keep her knee in place while it was healing may work themselves to the surface. I wonder if that might be what is happening. She had told me that it was no big deal...that any vet can take care of it. No fuss. We'll see. Aside from Gypsy's vet appointment for today, Gypsy is also scheduled on Friday for spay surgery. They're going to fit her for a ID chip while they're at it. I'm not worried about Gypsy disappearing on me and ending up at some shelter but I've heard of so many dogs that have found their way home due to this ID chip. It doesn't cost much so it seems like a cheap insurance policy.
When I got back to Arizona, I noticed that I had some pomegranates on my tree but it didn't look like there were all that many. Appearances were deceiving. I picked a full laundry basket of pomegranates this morning. In years past, I've been rather disappointed with the size of the pomegranates that I was getting off the tree. I'm not similarly disappointed this year. I've got some that are bigger than the ones that you see in the store. Of course, not all the pomegranates I picked are that big but I'm glad I took the time to fertilize the tree before HTP and I headed for Wisconsin.
Appearances were indeed deceiving. I was sure that my lemon tree (dwarf tree) hadn't produced any fruit this year....yet again. I'm told that dwarf trees will often fail to fruit until they are well and truly established. Five years or more after planting. However, when I was crawling around picking the pomegranates, I noted several green lemons on the neighboring lemon tree. Hiding amid the encroaching pomegranate fronds. I'm not sure if there's enough lemons out there to make Limoncello but....maybe. I didn't actually count them. I was too busy trying to pick pomegranates without coming away with scratched arms and losing too much hair to the branches of the tree which tend to reach out and grab you. The lemons, which are currently hiding, will become more obvious once the weather changes and the fruit ripens to it's yellow picking color. This won't happen until November. Maybe I'll see if I can use a combination of lemon and lime zest. I'd still be able to call the end product Limoncello. Sis tells me that she's running out the limoncello that I made a couple of years ago.
Gypsy Update
Gypsy and I just got back from the vet. She's doing really well. Such a good dog. The vet and the surgeon that operated on Gypsy's knees took a look at the sore on Gypsy's knee and verified my suspicion that some internal hardware had managed to break loose. They tell me that they'll remove the clip and wire when they spay her on Friday. No big deal. Phew! The surgeon made a point to come out and tell me how thrilled she was to see how good Gypsy's knees look. She told me that Gypsy has surpassed all of her expectations. Until Friday, I have to give Gypsy antibiotics twice a day to prevent infection. Again, no big deal. Gypsy likes cheese. She got a bit of antibiotic with her cheese treat. Yummy! She got three shots today. Poor baby. But, she won't have to have two of those shots for another three years. Gotta love that. The third shot is an annual shot so I can bring her to the groomer's. So....on Friday, they plan to spay her, take the wire and clip out of her knee, insert a microchip ID, and do a heartworm blood test to get her started on a heartworm prevention program.
Murphyism of the Day
Second Law of Office Murphology
Office machines that function perfectly during normal business hours will break down when you return to the office at night to use them for personal business.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The artist doesn't have time to listen to the critics. The ones who want to be writers read the reviews, the ones who want to write don't have the time to read reviews.
- William Faulkner (1897 - 1962)
Sunday, October 12, 2008
My Back Patio - Spring 2008 I'd go out and take pictures of how it looks right but I still have lots of pruning to do and I need to get to the store to buy some annual flowers to plant....maybe this week?
Word of the Day
Malbingophobia - The fear among some bingo players that they have incorrectly marked a square, and calling "bingo" could cause them not victory, but public humiliation.
I didn't blog yesterday because I wasn't feeling well enough to sit at the computer long enough to get a blog written. Actually, HTP and I were both sick. We think it might be something that we ate when we were out on Friday night. Anyway, he recovered a sooner than I did and both of us are better today. I was feeling better by lunch time yesterday but I still didn't want to risk eating much. I figured it was best to let my GI system recover before I introduced anything that might upset it again. Needless to say, I didn't get much done yesterday...but I did read a couple of books.
I cooked up a pot of Gypsy's Chicken Stew this morning, divided it into plastic containers and popped those into the freezer...all except the one container that I'll need for this week. She loves her stew. I decided not to mess with success. Besides, chicken is a lot cheaper right now than hamburger....especially here in Arizona. Skinless, boneless chicken breast was $1.77/lb., is about a dollar cheaper than what I can buy hamburger for right now. I guess that it's a lot cheaper to raise chickens than cows.
The weather has turned dramatically cooler here since we arrived. It was only 44°F this morning when I got up and it's still only 55°F right now. I'm not complaining. The AC is off and I've got the windows open. It's too cool to wear shorts today but I'm told that in the coming days it will be warming back up to normal temperatures for this time of year. The Snowbirds who are returning to Arizona to spend the winter months did not pack the cooler temperatures from their home states in the trunks of their cars.
Murphyism of the Day
First Law of Office Murphology
1. Important letters that contain no errors will develop errors in the mail.
Corresponding errors will show up in the duplicate while the boss is reading it.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I improve on misquotation.
- Cary Grant (1904 - 1986)
Friday, October 10, 2008
Time to Take Gypsy to the Groomers
Word of the Day
Mahonkin - Humongous; extremely huge; so big that there is none larger.
The question was what to do with all the brown and ugly limes that had fallen off my lime tree...or those that were getting ready to drop. They were fine on the inside. When I cut into the tough or petrified skin brown skin, I found a juicy pale green interior. I juiced them all this morning...the ugly ones....(after I started the coffee and took care of Gypsy's needs). I ended up with 1 1/2 cups of lime juice. Yesterday, I found a recipe on the Internet for the Ultimate Margarita. Equal parts lime juice, tequila, and orange liqueur. Using my own Arancello in the recipe, I mixed up a pitcher of Ultimate Margaritas and stuck it in the fridge to chill. I probably won't actually get to drink any today. HTP and I are going out to eat tonight with a group of Sam's Town people. I'm limiting my alcohol intake. One drink per day. I'll have to be patient and wait until tomorrow to taste an Ultimate Margarita....just to see how it turned out. There's LOTS of limes on that tree. This may turn out to be a good and tasty way to use them. Though...I think I'll reserve some juice in the future to use for Ceviche.
Murphyism of the Day
Campbell's Maxim
Hell is the place where everything tests perfectly and nothing works.
Everybody believes in something and everybody, by virtue of the fact that they believe in something, use that something to support their own existence.
- Frank Zappa (1940 - 1993)
Thursday, October 09, 2008
My Back Patio Area - Spring 2008 - (I'll need to do some major pruning and plant some annuals before it looks like that again.)
Word of the Day
Magniphobia - 1. The fear of magnification and anything related to magnifying. 2. The fear that the object in the side mirror is much much closer than it appears.
I'm feeling a bit cranky today. I've decided that I should really stop watching the news because I just get more and more cranky. Please don't call this thing that they passed in congress a "Rescue Bill". As far as I can see, it's still a "Bail-out Bill". Just as a rose is a rose by any other name, a skunk is a skunk by any other name and still stinks to high heaven. It makes me mad that people who don't play by the rules are going to get bailed out of their mortgage woes, have their homes re-evaluated and mortgages lowered according to their newly lowered value, while people that do play by the rules, people like me and HTP who pay their taxes and pay their mortgages on time, and can't afford one of those nifty plasma flat-screen TVs or a regular monthly cell phone plan, will continue to have to tighten their budgetary belts and continue to pay their mortgages as per rescue for those who play by the rules. If I'd known that the government was going to reward stupidity, maybe I would have maxed my credit cards out and bought big screen TVs and maybe a new car too. I would have gotten one of those sub prime mortgages too. What the heck! The government will step in a rescue me if I find myself in trouble. GRRRRRR!!!!! Meanwhile, AIG employees are spending my tax dollars that were spent to bail out their failing company to take a ritzy vacation that I know that I'd never be able to afford. They borrowed tax-payer money and then celebrated by taking a outlandishly expensive holiday?! I've already decided who I'm going to vote for this November. I'm going to turn off the TV and curl up with a good book and try to pretend that our country isn't rolling down hill to socialism. What do I care? Maybe I'll go out and buy one of those flat-screen TVs and a new DVD player...maybe TiVo...and send the bill to the government. I mean, it's only fair.
OK...done ranting. I just picked the ripest of the least...I think they're limes. They smell like limes, so I'm going with that. There's still lots of green ones on the tree. Since I don't even know what to do with these ripe ones whose skins have turned brown or the ones that are heading toward brown that I just picked, I decided to leave the green ones on the tree. I'll pick those as I need them. I've got bloody scratches on my arms for my efforts.
We've got someone here right now who is getting our RO system up and running again. Having an RO system is a luxury that we're willing to pay for here in Arizona. The unfiltered tap water from the faucet is nasty. Really nasty. It's good enough to wash up in or water the plants but we'd rather not actually drink it. We haven't had the system cleaned or the filters changed since we moved here. Eventually, you've got to clean the tanks and change the filters or you'd be better off drinking the tap water. HTP decided, after reading up about all the stuff that he'd have to do to clean the system and change the filters, that he'd better get someone who knows what's what to do this. HTP knows his limitations. So...I cleaned out everything that I had stored under the sink so this guy wouldn't have to shove everything out of the way and maybe spill the dish detergent in the process. Be prepared, is my motto. At around 10 AM, this guy rings our doorbell and Gypsy races over to the door to greet the guy...tail wagging furiously. Such a good watch dog! Gypsy wanted to play with him so I finally had to put her in the kennel to keep her out of his way. She would have piddled if he'd patted her. *sigh* That's what she did when my neighbor came over to see me the other day. Thankfully, we were outside and I only had to toss a bucket of water over the piddle stains on front doorway to wash away the spots. I keep hoping that she'll get over her loss of bladder control when she greets people but....
Gypsy doesn't really mind being in her kennel. I noted that she doesn't bark when she's in her kennel. I've got a bark collar for her but so far she hasn't been barking all that much. Maybe it's because I haven't done any home canning...yet.
Murphyism of the Day
Law of Product Testing
A component selected at random from a group having 99 percent reliability, will be a member of the 1 percent group.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
For all that has been, thanks. For all that will be, yes.
- Dag Hammarskjold (1905 - 1961)
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Happy Birthday DD Daughter!
Word of the Day
Magnagram - Any sign that takes on a new meaning when a magnetic letter falls off.
DD Daughter!
It's DD Daughter's birthday today! Happy 21st Birthday!......again. I'd bake DD Daughter a cake but HTP and I are on a diet and DD Daughter isn't going to be here to eat it anyway. Oh well....I hope she has a wonderful birthday.
I got my patio all cleaned off yesterday. Swept and washed. The patio furniture is back outside but the cushions are starting to look their age. They really need cleaning. REALLY NEED CLEANING!!!!! They needed cleaning last year. I've been putting this task off because I'm not sure that cleaning them with a store bought product will actually do anything but compound the problem. Anyway, I did buy something that's supposed to work. I just have to take the time to use the product.
In the meantime, I've got the fountain cleaned and running. I also trimmed back most of the overgrown plants by the side of the house. They were so thick that I was worried that my air-conditioner would choke. At least I can now walk without the citrus trees and the pomegranate tree reaching out and wounding me. I can actually get in there now to harvest the soon as my champagne yeast gets here. I ordered it yesterday. I also have lots of limes. I'm going to have to figure out what to do with them. Some of them are overly ripe and look nasty and brown but they're juicy and taste fine. Waste not, want not. I bought some diet tonic water and made myself a virgin gin and tonic with extra lime yesterday. I'm not sure if I like diet tonic water (sweetened with saccharin) but at least it was calorie free, cold, and wet. I may see if I can get some plain old soda water (equally sugar-free)....or maybe make some iced tea.
I've got some kefir in my fridge right now and have started my second batch. Kefir? It tastes a bit like buttermilk. My sister shared some of her grains with me. It's kind of like making yogurt or sour dough. You're given starter grains. Just add milk. Sis warned me that it would take 48 hours for it to work on my countertop only took 24 hours before it started to look like cottage cheese. Fast growing stuff. HTP turned up his nose at it this morning when I offered him some. More for me. I've got a second batch started on my countertop for tomorrow and if it starts getting too much ahead of me, I'll just stick it in the fridge like Sis told me to slow things down a bit. The nice thing about buttermilk is that it's a refreshing drink that fills you up...with very few calories. Plus, I'm told this stuff is REALLY healthy for you. It's a win, win.
Murphyism of the Day
The Machine Rules
1. Nothing will work that is put back together in the reverse of the way it was dismantled.
2. The last turn on any nut or bolt will strip it or snap it off.
Without the last turn, the nut or bolt will fall off.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Never say never, for if you live long enough, chances are you will not be able to abide by its restrictions. Never is a long, undependable time, and life is too full of rich possibilities to have restrictions placed upon it.
- Gloria Swanson (1899 - 1983)
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Sunrise at The Lake - Fall 2008
Word of the Day
Madamismness - Anything supercilious, overbearing, and/or haughtily proud. Often descriptive of certain types of women who are not divas.
We're Home!
HTP actually set up my computer shortly after we arrived home yesterday but I just didn't have enough remaining energy left over to sit down at the computer long enough to blog. HTP and I had lots to do when we got home....aside from the TVs and the computers. Of course, getting the cable TV activated properly never works smoothly. There's always some sort of glitch which requires jumping through a frustrating automated phone system's hoops. GRRRRR!!!!!! This automated system is supposed to make things easier for the customer. HAH! It sure would be nice to bypass this automated system and talk to a real person. HTP and I know some shortcuts to get to past the automated systems but sometimes there's just no getting around it. Unfortunately, here in Arizona, there is only one cable company in our area and unless HTP and I got to a DirecTV or DishNet service, we're stuck with having to deal with a cable company who really doesn't give a crap about real customer service.
I've got a whole tome for a To Do List that I need to get started on today. My neighbor has been wonderful about keeping the weeds in my yard under control. have to get started on making our winter house into a home. Dust happens...inside and out. I need to tackle the piles of desert dust that has accumulated in dunes on my back patio. I've got limes that are falling off their tree. I need to trim back some of the plants near the fountain so I can get the fountain up and running again. I need to figure out where everything is again. After six months, you tend to forget minor details like where you put the frying pans and the plastic Tupperware stuff. I went out shopping for basic groceries last night but I didn't discover that I'm down to a week's worth of coffee filters here in Arizona. HTP would tell you that I would have known this if I'd done a general inventory before we headed off to Wisconsin in April but....I didn't. I keep thinking that I'll remember. It's a good thing that I label my light switches because that's one thing that I don't need to remember anymore.
Sis sent me a couple of pictures that make me long to return to The Lake. However, I am enjoying the warmer weather here in Arizona. The sun is shining. The high temperature yesterday might have been in the 90's. Not too bad. Gypsy is settling in just fine. She plonked herself down into the nearest dog bed as soon as she got out of the kennel and tempted me into a game of fetch this morning as I watched the morning news.
Murphyism of the Day
Thoreau's Observation
Men have become the tools of their tools.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
How my achievements mock me!
- William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616)
Thursday, October 02, 2008
One Last Look at The Lake...Until Next Year
The Lake - On a Better Day
Word of the Day
Lumb duck - An extreme form of dumb luck.
It would be nice if our last day at The Lake wasn't one of those dreary, drippy, grey days but...oh well...summer went by way too fast. Time for some panic driven tunnel vision. Time for some serious focus. HTP and I are hitting the road bright and early tomorrow morning. I've got almost everything packed. I'll need HTP's help to tape up boxes. Gypsy's things won't take too long to pack and some of her stuff will have to be thrown in on Friday morning. I just have to throw my own last minute items into my suitcase tomorrow morning. I'm sure that HTP will be hovering over my shoulder this morning, eager to break down my computer to get it packed up and ready to go. I sure am glad that HTP packs his own stuff. I've got a lot of things that need doing today. Despite the fact that I'll have to vacuum again when we get back here next year, I still plan to vacuum. Same goes for cleaning toilets. I know I'll come back to brown toilets...from rust, but I'll still clean the toilets. I can't pack the ice chest until tomorrow morning but I can still wash out the fridge and do a trial packing of the ice chest to see how much I can bring back to Arizona with me. I'll need to take a load of stuff over to my folks' place and Sis' place. On top of everything else, I still need to give Gypsy her bath.
HTP and I will be traveling with our laptop so we can check our e-mails each night and let people know that we've arrived safe and sound at our nightly destinations; but, I don't plan to blog until HTP gets my computer back up and running in Arizona. That could be as soon as Monday evening (October 6th) but not to worry if it takes a bit longer. HTP is pretty good about making sure that all our computers are up and running along with the TV but he's only human and there's only so much that a human can do in one day. I'm not sure what time we'll get to Arizona on October 6th. I do know that we'll need to pick up converter boxes for our cable, unpack the car, unpack the ice chest, pick up groceries, make sure that the backyard is swept clean of scorpions and spiders before I can let Gypsy outside unattended and unpack the suitcases. I'll worry about unpacking boxes during the rest of the week.
Murphyism of the Day
Couil's Comment
Every new project requires a tool that you don't have.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
There are two kinds of people in the world, those who believe there are two kinds of people in the world and those who don't.
- Robert Benchley (1889 - 1945)
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Fall Colors Have Arrived at The Lake
Word of the Day
Ludicrism - A distinctive doctrine, system, or theory of laughable or hilarious nature because of obvious absurdity or insinuation.
The suitcases are out of the closet and I've got one already packed and ready to go. Of course, I continue to pack things into the boxes that I've got in the hallway. The number of things that I still have to do or pack on my lists is diminishing. I've already decided what I'm going to be wearing on Friday (our first day on the road) and have set this outfit aside. I don't want to have to dig through the suitcases on Friday morning in search of that one item of clothing that I need to wear. Since I have enough Lake clothing (things that remain here at The Lake...I don't pack all my clothes), I've got the freedom to pack almost everything that needs to go back to Arizona today. Almost? Well...I still need to wash my face and brush my teeth and comb my hair. Some things can't be packed until Friday morning. I expect that HTP will load the car tomorrow....with a whole lot of grumbling and cursing going on.
Murphyism of the Day
The Extra-Part Principle
You never know what that extra part is for until you've thrown it away.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
If there were no God, there would be no Atheists.
- G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)