Monday, October 27, 2008

Word of the Day

Mediacracy - Government, usually indirectly, by the popular media; often a result of democracy going awry. A system in which politicians stop thinking and begin listening exclusively to the media regarding what the important issues are and what they should do about them.

Eating dust. It's really windy here this morning. On top of that, this morning's temperature when I woke up was 74°F. No need for sweater or jacket. I quickly closed up the house but it was probably a bit too little and too late. I normally wait to close the windows until the inside temperature and the outdoor temperatures are even. At 6 AM, it was already three degrees warmer outside that inside. It's obvious that we'll have to use the AC today. The current temperature of 85°F is making me consider changing out of jeans and into shorts. I took Gypsy out for our morning walk and got blasted by dust and grit blowing in from the empty fields near our home. Actually, the fields aren't really empty. They're full of desert dirt and weeds. I'm pretty sure that there are tumbleweeds blowing across the main road. The sky had that ominous look of brown, a color brown that had nothing to do with man-made pollution...smog. Oh well, at least I wasn't wearing my contacts. My glasses protected my eyes.

Murphyism of the Day

Third Law of Procrastination

Status is gained in the eyes of others, and in one's own eyes, because it is assumed that the importance of the work justifies the stress.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

Thou shouldst eat to live; not live to eat.

- Socrates (469 BC - 399 BC)

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