Sis tells me that my garden at The Lake is done for the year. She and Dad drove over there to pick the last of the beans and dig up a horseradish root.
Word of the Day
Mandals - Open-toe sandals worn by men.
I'm taking a break from cleaning pomegranates to write my blog. I'm going to extend that break to go outside and plant some annuals. I bought some petunias and violas yesterday while I was taking a break from cleaning pomegranates to buy some groceries and take a letter to the blue post box by the grocery store. My hands are all discolored and pruney. However, I do plan to add yeast to two buckets of pomegranate wine by tonight, so I need to get these pomegranates cleaned. Then...I have to finish cooking up barley because I don't want to waste it. I'm supposed to boil barley for five minutes and then strain off that water into and over the sugar and pomegranate seed sacs. Five minutes won't be long enough for that barley to cook. I'll have to add more water to the barley and continue cooking it for another 45 minutes. In the end, I figure that I'll end up with load of cooked barley. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with a pound of cooked barley but I plan to freeze it in portions. I can always use it in soup. It's a good thing I like barley. I'll have to check for online recipes. As a last resort, I can always use some of it in the next batch of Gypsy's stew.
FYI? I don't plan on watching tonight's debate between Obama and McCain. I've already filled out my absentee ballot. Maybe I'll run it out to the blue post box during my next pomegranate cleaning break.
Murphyism of the Day
Fourth Law of Office Murphology
Envelopes and stamps that don't stick when you lick them will stick to other things when you don't want them to.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
You must first have a lot of patience to learn to have patience.
- Stanislaw J. Lec (1909 - 1966)
1 comment:
I frequently freeze cooked barley and use it anywhere cooked rice is called for in a casserole. As coincidence would have it, we just had a chicken casserole with some of our frozen barley this week. Actually, we prefer it to rice and it's good for you too :)
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