My Back Patio - Spring 2008 I'd go out and take pictures of how it looks right but I still have lots of pruning to do and I need to get to the store to buy some annual flowers to plant....maybe this week?
Word of the Day
Malbingophobia - The fear among some bingo players that they have incorrectly marked a square, and calling "bingo" could cause them not victory, but public humiliation.
I didn't blog yesterday because I wasn't feeling well enough to sit at the computer long enough to get a blog written. Actually, HTP and I were both sick. We think it might be something that we ate when we were out on Friday night. Anyway, he recovered a sooner than I did and both of us are better today. I was feeling better by lunch time yesterday but I still didn't want to risk eating much. I figured it was best to let my GI system recover before I introduced anything that might upset it again. Needless to say, I didn't get much done yesterday...but I did read a couple of books.
I cooked up a pot of Gypsy's Chicken Stew this morning, divided it into plastic containers and popped those into the freezer...all except the one container that I'll need for this week. She loves her stew. I decided not to mess with success. Besides, chicken is a lot cheaper right now than hamburger....especially here in Arizona. Skinless, boneless chicken breast was $1.77/lb., is about a dollar cheaper than what I can buy hamburger for right now. I guess that it's a lot cheaper to raise chickens than cows.
The weather has turned dramatically cooler here since we arrived. It was only 44°F this morning when I got up and it's still only 55°F right now. I'm not complaining. The AC is off and I've got the windows open. It's too cool to wear shorts today but I'm told that in the coming days it will be warming back up to normal temperatures for this time of year. The Snowbirds who are returning to Arizona to spend the winter months did not pack the cooler temperatures from their home states in the trunks of their cars.
Murphyism of the Day
First Law of Office Murphology
1. Important letters that contain no errors will develop errors in the mail.
Corresponding errors will show up in the duplicate while the boss is reading it.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I improve on misquotation.
- Cary Grant (1904 - 1986)
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