Look Out World, She's Walking! - That blur is Ms. En "walking" through her new home. - October 2008
Word of the Day
Manimal - Any person who resembles any such animal, preferably a monkey or gorilla. Officially, a manimal must display the facial features and animal habits of the related creature.
It's seems a bit odd and quiet here this morning. I took Gypsy to the vet's this morning for her spay appointment. They promise to call when she's in recovery to tell me when I can pick her up. That won't be until this afternoon. *sigh* I know she'll be fine but I'm used to having her here at my feet, coaxing me into playing fetch with her or licking my toes.
My three buckets of wine sludge are bubbling away in the living room. You can hear them hissing and fizzing. I used to put my wine-making buckets in the guest room before HTP moved his office into that room. My current guest room isn't just a bit too warm, it's also a bit too small. I wouldn't want guests tripping over wine-making supplies and buckets. I wish I had a basement...here in Arizona. People don't have basements (real basements) here in Arizona. OK. Some have basements but they aren't real basements. And that which they call a basement here, has a tendency for major leaks, cracks and other issues. I think it must have something to do with the soil here in Arizona. Oh well...I've been storing my bottled wine in HTP's office. The brewing wine is sitting on a vinyl tablecloth, hidden behind the couch in the living room. I can always move it if company shows up.
Murphyism of the Day
Sixth Law of Office Murphology
The last person who quit or was fired will be held responsible for everything that goes wrong - until the next person quits or is fired.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Genuine beginnings begin within us, even when they are brought to our attention by external opportunities.
- William Bridges
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