Word of the Day
Mayonize - To apply mayonnaise to an item to be used in the making of a sandwich or other such food.
I decided to hold off on Gypsy's morning walk until after breakfast. I'm not finding our morning walks in the frigid morning air very entertaining. Too cold. So, this morning, we waited until things had warmed up to a more pleasant 62°F. I also decided to start the "stay" part of our obedience training. I figure she'll have it down in a week or so. *knock on wood* Considering the fact that there were a lot of distractions this morning (people walking and riding bikes), she did pretty good.
I bought a new hair-dryer yesterday and a few new books. It was good to get out of the house for a while. I sat outside and read one of my new books. Gypsy at my side. Unfortunately, Gypsy decided to get into something, I have no idea what she got into, but whatever she got into made her sick for the rest of the night. Poor Gypsy but....Yuck! I hate cleaning up dog vomit. Thankfully, she's feeling lots better this morning or we'd already be on our way to the vet. There are no toads here in Arizona....well...I suppose there are some but none in my backyard. I'll have to keep a closer eye on Gypsy when we're outdoors. For all I know, she may have eaten a dead bug that was poisoned by the Orkin guy. I wasn't keeping a close eye on her activities. I was reading a book.
Today? I plan to wash my hair and give my new hair-dryer a workout. After that? I need to wash the kitchen floor but I think I'd rather read a book. I grilled up an entire package of chicken breast last night. I may make some chicken salad sandwiches for lunch today. Chicken burritos for supper. Chicken casserole for dinner tomorrow night. Chicken stir fry. Chicken Chow Mien? There's lots of things to do with grilled chicken breasts. I may even make green chicken chili. Yummmm!!!!!
Murphyism of the Day
Second Law of Procrastination
Procrastination reduces anxiety by reducing the expected quality of the project from the best of all possible efforts to the best than can be expected given the limited time.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
It's asking a great deal that things should appeal to your reason as well as your sense of the aesthetic.
- W. Somerset Maugham (1874 - 1965)
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