One Last Look at The Lake...Until Next Year
The Lake - On a Better Day
Word of the Day
Lumb duck - An extreme form of dumb luck.
It would be nice if our last day at The Lake wasn't one of those dreary, drippy, grey days but...oh well...summer went by way too fast. Time for some panic driven tunnel vision. Time for some serious focus. HTP and I are hitting the road bright and early tomorrow morning. I've got almost everything packed. I'll need HTP's help to tape up boxes. Gypsy's things won't take too long to pack and some of her stuff will have to be thrown in on Friday morning. I just have to throw my own last minute items into my suitcase tomorrow morning. I'm sure that HTP will be hovering over my shoulder this morning, eager to break down my computer to get it packed up and ready to go. I sure am glad that HTP packs his own stuff. I've got a lot of things that need doing today. Despite the fact that I'll have to vacuum again when we get back here next year, I still plan to vacuum. Same goes for cleaning toilets. I know I'll come back to brown toilets...from rust, but I'll still clean the toilets. I can't pack the ice chest until tomorrow morning but I can still wash out the fridge and do a trial packing of the ice chest to see how much I can bring back to Arizona with me. I'll need to take a load of stuff over to my folks' place and Sis' place. On top of everything else, I still need to give Gypsy her bath.
HTP and I will be traveling with our laptop so we can check our e-mails each night and let people know that we've arrived safe and sound at our nightly destinations; but, I don't plan to blog until HTP gets my computer back up and running in Arizona. That could be as soon as Monday evening (October 6th) but not to worry if it takes a bit longer. HTP is pretty good about making sure that all our computers are up and running along with the TV but he's only human and there's only so much that a human can do in one day. I'm not sure what time we'll get to Arizona on October 6th. I do know that we'll need to pick up converter boxes for our cable, unpack the car, unpack the ice chest, pick up groceries, make sure that the backyard is swept clean of scorpions and spiders before I can let Gypsy outside unattended and unpack the suitcases. I'll worry about unpacking boxes during the rest of the week.
Murphyism of the Day
Couil's Comment
Every new project requires a tool that you don't have.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
There are two kinds of people in the world, those who believe there are two kinds of people in the world and those who don't.
- Robert Benchley (1889 - 1945)
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