DD Daughter, GI Joe, and Ms. En are in the Progress of Moving into this House
Word of the Day
Margraine - 1. The blinding pain one suffers from drinking margarita slush too quickly. 2. The intense headache that follows a person's attempt at chugging a litre of pure melted margarine, all in one sitting; often the cause of obesity or extreme jealousy depending on the person's ability to hide such large amounts of fat.
Orkin is coming today. I vacuumed the entire house last night, including the window sills and runners. I swept the back patio...again. The Orkin Man can come and, hopefully, spread the right kind of poisons that will get rid of any and all bugs, spiders, and scorpions. However, I can't help but think that I'd better keep shaking my shoes out before I put them on. I noticed that HTP decided to put his shoes up on his nightstand. I guess he thinks that maybe scorpions won't get into them if they're up on his nightstand. I rank that thought right up with the one that a bear will back off if you spray him in the face with pepper spray. I'm putting my faith in Orkin. However, though I trust, I plan to verify by remaining ever vigilant and cautious.
My poor houseplants. My poor neighbor did the best that she could this summer but my houseplants didn't fair well. It wasn't my neighbor's fault. HTP and I keep our thermostat set at 85°F. I don't think my plants like to be that warm. My ivy died. It just curled up and died. Crisp. My pothos looked like it was heading toward it's last gasps. I spent quite some time yesterday doing whatever I could to resurrect my pothos and my prayer plant that looked like it was sending up its last prayers. I transplanted. I took cuttings. In the end, I ended up with more plants than when I started. My dwarf sansaveria needed to be divided into four. I cut back my pothos....drastically. I planted one pot with some of the cuttings that looked like they root in potting soil. I stuck the rest of the clippings in a vase with water. If these root, I'll end up with even more pothos. One into many. I cut back my prayer plant. I transplanted the one that still looked like it maintained some viable roots. I stuck the rest into a glass with some water...to root. One of my amaryllis bulbs that I'd stored in the crisper drawer for the summer rotted but the other bulb was just fine. I planted that bulb and have hopes that I'll get some beautiful blooms by Christmas. I still need to take some cuttings from my rubber tree that I've got planted out in my entryway garden. Last year that poor tree died back to the ground but I now have a multi-trunked tree that has come back and is taller than I am. I'm going to take a couple cuttings from some branches that are growing too low to the ground since I'll have to remove them anyway.
Murphyism of the Day
Stano's Law
When all else fails, try the boss's suggestion.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Nothing is so good for an ignorant man as silence; and if he was sensible of this he would not be ignorant.
- Saadi (1184 - 1291)
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