My Mom tells me that it's beautiful right now at The Lake
Word of the Day
Manabananabulimicchick - A bulimic rooster that likes bananas.
The wine yeast that I ordered online should be coming today. I've started cleaning the pomegranates. Joy! Not! Cleaning pomegranates isn't much fun, but, if I'm going to get this wine started, it must be done. I'm going to try two different recipes for Pomegranate Wine this year. For two years I've made this one recipe that calls for raisins. Unfortunately, you can REALLY taste the raisins in this recipe. Sis found one recipe that calls for barley (barley?) and lemon. I'm going to make a double recipe of this. I found a different recipe online that uses white grape juice. I'm making a half a recipe of this one (a single recipe calls for 5 gallons of water and my fermentation bucket only holds five gallons). Bottom line, I'll be using all my pomegranates for these two recipes and will end up with the same amount of wine that I ended up with last year. As for making Prickly Pear wine, I haven't seen any prickly pear fruit in the store as yet and I'm not sure if I'll take the time to go searching for any. However, I may plant a prickly pear cactus in a hidden corner of my front yard so I can make this wine in the future.
Murphyism of the Day
Third Law of Office Murphology
Machines that have broken down will work perfectly when the person who repairs them arrives.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him.
- Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)
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