We're Going Where?!
Word of the Day
Malmonodemsome - Full of bad, single people.
Gypsy has a healthy dog check up at the vet this morning. She's due for some vaccinations. However, I noticed that one of Gypsy's knees has a sore on it. It actually started bleeding at the groomer's yesterday. So...I'll have the vet look at it. Gypsy's surgeon warned me that part of the internal stabilizing staples used to keep her knee in place while it was healing may work themselves to the surface. I wonder if that might be what is happening. She had told me that it was no big deal...that any vet can take care of it. No fuss. We'll see. Aside from Gypsy's vet appointment for today, Gypsy is also scheduled on Friday for spay surgery. They're going to fit her for a ID chip while they're at it. I'm not worried about Gypsy disappearing on me and ending up at some shelter but I've heard of so many dogs that have found their way home due to this ID chip. It doesn't cost much so it seems like a cheap insurance policy.
When I got back to Arizona, I noticed that I had some pomegranates on my tree but it didn't look like there were all that many. Appearances were deceiving. I picked a full laundry basket of pomegranates this morning. In years past, I've been rather disappointed with the size of the pomegranates that I was getting off the tree. I'm not similarly disappointed this year. I've got some that are bigger than the ones that you see in the store. Of course, not all the pomegranates I picked are that big but I'm glad I took the time to fertilize the tree before HTP and I headed for Wisconsin.
Appearances were indeed deceiving. I was sure that my lemon tree (dwarf tree) hadn't produced any fruit this year....yet again. I'm told that dwarf trees will often fail to fruit until they are well and truly established. Five years or more after planting. However, when I was crawling around picking the pomegranates, I noted several green lemons on the neighboring lemon tree. Hiding amid the encroaching pomegranate fronds. I'm not sure if there's enough lemons out there to make Limoncello but....maybe. I didn't actually count them. I was too busy trying to pick pomegranates without coming away with scratched arms and losing too much hair to the branches of the tree which tend to reach out and grab you. The lemons, which are currently hiding, will become more obvious once the weather changes and the fruit ripens to it's yellow picking color. This won't happen until November. Maybe I'll see if I can use a combination of lemon and lime zest. I'd still be able to call the end product Limoncello. Sis tells me that she's running out the limoncello that I made a couple of years ago.
Gypsy Update
Gypsy and I just got back from the vet. She's doing really well. Such a good dog. The vet and the surgeon that operated on Gypsy's knees took a look at the sore on Gypsy's knee and verified my suspicion that some internal hardware had managed to break loose. They tell me that they'll remove the clip and wire when they spay her on Friday. No big deal. Phew! The surgeon made a point to come out and tell me how thrilled she was to see how good Gypsy's knees look. She told me that Gypsy has surpassed all of her expectations. Until Friday, I have to give Gypsy antibiotics twice a day to prevent infection. Again, no big deal. Gypsy likes cheese. She got a bit of antibiotic with her cheese treat. Yummy! She got three shots today. Poor baby. But, she won't have to have two of those shots for another three years. Gotta love that. The third shot is an annual shot so I can bring her to the groomer's. So....on Friday, they plan to spay her, take the wire and clip out of her knee, insert a microchip ID, and do a heartworm blood test to get her started on a heartworm prevention program.
Murphyism of the Day
Second Law of Office Murphology
Office machines that function perfectly during normal business hours will break down when you return to the office at night to use them for personal business.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The artist doesn't have time to listen to the critics. The ones who want to be writers read the reviews, the ones who want to write don't have the time to read reviews.
- William Faulkner (1897 - 1962)
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