#1 Son and Santa - 1993
Word of the Day
Nerkle - A person who leaves their Christmas lights up all year.
HTP and I went to a wine and cheese social at the our community clubhouse last night. It was a BYOB party. $2 cover-charge at the door. This was a first for us. We normally don't participate in functions held at the clubhouse. I was amazed at how many people were there. It would have been a lot more fun if HTP and I had known any of them. Oh well, I brought a bottle of wine which I would have shared but it didn't look like anyone was passing around bottles. Everyone drank whatever they brought. I noticed that one guy brought a bottle of whisky that he was mixing with some 7-up that he brought along. Most people had fancy bags they were using to transport their bottles and wine glasses. If HTP and I attend the next wine and cheese social, a bag to transport the wine and glasses might be a good idea. We did bring along a little cooler with some ice and pop for HTP. HTP isn't a big wine drinker. They had plastic glasses but drinking wine out of a plastic glass...it just isn't the same. Oh well...next time I'll pack a couple of real glasses to bring with us...if there is a next time. It was good to just get out for an evening without spending a lot. Maybe I can talk some of the people we know in the neighborhood into going next time. Oh...and I should see if I can get some name tags for HTP and me from the HOA. Most of the people were wearing special name tags. HTP and I never got name tags because...well...we never bothered to get name tags when they were handing them out.
It was 37°F this morning when I woke up. Admittedly cold, but not freezing. Thank goodness. It's supposed to get down to 35°F tonight and I'm debating whether or not it might be wise to drag out the sheets to cover the more sensitive plants...maybe bring my herb pots inside for the night. If it only gets down to 35°F, the plants will be fine but the people who predict the temperatures aren't the people who will have to replace frozen plants while mourning their losses if the temperature dips a mere three degrees lower.
Murphyism of the Day
Laws of Postal Delivery
1. Love letter, business contracts, and money you are due always arrive three weeks late.
2. Junk mail arrives the day it was sent.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The worst gift is a fruitcake. There is only one fruitcake in the entire world, and people keep sending it to each other.
- Johnny Carson
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