Merry Christmas!
Word of the Day
Noggin'noddin - A periodic bobbing of one's head when one is about to doze off, often recurring in regular succession either in a rhythmical or intermittent pattern; a sign that one is too inactive or tired to stay awake.
HTP and I went to the Christmas Eve service at church last night. Though both HTP and I thought they could have used one more trumpet player, the brass ensemble sounded pretty good. Afterwards, we went out to eat with friends. We plan to spend today celebrating a Christmas for two....and a half, with Gypsy. I've got a bottle of champagne chilling in the freezer for the mimosas to go with our brunch. Eggs, bacon, toast, hashbrowns, blueberry pancakes. The TV is tuned to a roaring Yule log with Christmas music. HTP and I will open our presents after our Christmas brunch and, of course, we'll let Gypsy check out her stocking to see what Santa has brought this year. Later, we'll see if I can make prime rib without setting off the smoke detectors in the house.
Murphyism of the Day
Kent Family Law
Never change our plans because of the weather.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The parent who gets down on the floor to play with a child on Christmas Day is usually doing a most remarkable thing -- something seldom repeated during the rest of the year. These are, after all, busy parents committed to their work or their success in the larger society, and they do not have much left-over time in which to play with their children.
- Brian Sutton-Smith
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