#1 Son - Christmas 1987
Word of the Day
Murse - A male nurse.
I checked my archives this morning to see what sort of things I wrote on this day over the previous years that I've been blogging. This was done in the futile hope that I might, maybe, find inspiration for what I could write and do today. Checking my old archives had the benefit of making me feel like I'm way ahead when it comes to my Christmas planning this year. Of course, since I'm not doing any baking this year, and I'm not frantically wrapping presents to mail out because I'm not mailing out any packages this year, and I've got all my shopping done because I'm not buying much, my archives also made me feel a bit Grinchy. Maybe I'll make a few Christmas cookies....a very few Christmas cookies....maybe...next week.
I've got a cold...or...maybe I've got allergies. It doesn't seem to matter since the symptoms end up being about the same. Hopefully, the OTC medicine that I took will relieve some of the pressure so my eyes don't actually start to bleed....pardon the exaggeration. However, I will say that I love the new Puffs tissues with the Vicks scent. Kleenex used to make one like it. I think someone used them to wipe their eyes...even though they told people not to wipe their eyes with the mentholated tissues. I'm betting that this might be why they don't make them anymore. I really miss Kleenex's mentholated tissues. I haven't tried to wipe my eyes with these Puffs tissues but I didn't buy them to wipe my eyes. I bought them for the Vicks. They're not medicated...they just smell like Vicks...but that smell tends to be soothing when you've got a cold or your nose is running around the house. I'm sure it's all psychological but I can feel my sinuses clearing up...however, it's probably that the OTC medicine that I took might be starting to kick in.
Gypsy and I decided to forgo our morning walk. OK. It was my decision but since Gypsy managed to jar her right knee while running madly around the house this morning in a reckless manner (lots of yelping and a total refusal to use that leg for a good five minutes while I started to think about taking her to the vet), and I'm just not feeling like limping around the neighborhood either (the weather outside is frightful...cold for here and my joints are complaining), we're going to hang around and maybe start wrapping Christmas presents. Thankfully, Gypsy's knee is doing fine (no vet required)...but my joints still hurt.
Murphyism of the Day
Denniston's Law
Virtue is its own punishment.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
At Christmas play and make good cheer, For Christmas comes but once a year.
- Thomas Tusser
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