Christmas Brunch at Sis' Place - 2008
Word of the Day
Nonversation - A conversation between two or more people of absolutely no value, such as a discussion of the weather.
There's going to be way too much food tonight. I'm not sure why I always make too much food. This is just going to be a small get-together. And me? I finally had to write a list so I wouldn't be so scattered in my planning. Maybe if I'd written out the list before I went out shopping today, I wouldn't have bought so much food. Oh well....HTP and I will have left-overs. Also, my next door neighbor is having a party that we're going to tomorrow and she told me that I could bring an appetizer to share. In the meantime, I've dragged all my serving dishes out of the cupboard and put sticky labels on them. Yes, I put tags on each of the dishes with what I want to put in those dishes because there's no way that I want to have to worry about what goes where when I start dishing out the food. Lists are vital these days. Then....HTP told me that he thought it would be nice to serve margaritas tonight (not on my list), so I mixed up a batch of my ultimate margaritas which meant juicing up fresh limes. Oh well...it's done. I've taken a page out of Sis's book and prepped EVERYTHING that could be prepped ahead of time. The cheese and sausage is all sliced up. The black bean dip is all made. I made the spinach dip and onion dip yesterday. The salsa and guacamole and humus are all ready to set out. I'll wait to cook up the chicken wings until our friends get here. We plan on making the smokies in a blankets when they get here. See? We're going to have way too much food.
Murphyism of the Day
Meader's Law
Whatever happens to you, it will previously have happened to everyone you know.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Energy is eternal delight.
- William Blake (1757 - 1827)
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