Snow at The Lake - December 2008 Picture taken by T-Square
Word of the Day
Nevways - Sometimes; often spoken in a cute sarcastic voice.
Baby it's cold outside! Thankfully, I've been keeping a close eye on the weather forecast and was prepared for the freezing temperatures. Our overnight temperature of 28 degrees turned the water in my fountain to ice. It would have killed the herbs in my herb pots. I brought said herb pots inside last night and covered my more frost sensitive plants with sheets. No mean feat. Dancing with sheets can be strenuous exercise. The winter jacket that I'd donned when I went outside at the start of the dance was soon abandoned. I'll have to remove the sheets after it warms up a bit but repeat my dance again tonight. Oh well...it's good exercise. However, I'm just going to leave my herb pots inside for right now.
HTP got my laptop all set up for me by last night. Two days with HTP hunched over his own computer, lots of muttering, HTP hunched over my desktop computer, more muttering and a bit of blue language. Vista is not an easy system to work with when you're trying to transfer files from XP or when you try to set up auxiliary devices like printers. We're not the first people who've encountered these difficulties. Thankfully, these other people documented their difficulties on the Internet. Thank goodness for HTP! If an answer to a problem can be found on the Internet or elsewhere, he'll find it. I feel sorry for other people do who don't have their own live-in tech support and computer guru. There's no way that I could have managed setting up this laptop on my own. I'm leaving my desktop computer where it is for right now....just in case, but I'll be using my laptop from now on. I just have to train Gypsy not to crawl into my lap along when my laptop is already sitting on it.
Murphyism of the Day
Johnson and Laird's Law
A toothache tends to start on Saturday night.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
One of the serious obstacles to the improvement of our race is indiscriminate charity.
- Andrew Carnegie (1835 - 1919)
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