Gypsy with Santa - Christmas 2007
Word of the Day
Mousecurser - Someone who shouts at a mouse for overshooting the intended target.
I finished up all but one of the Christmas cards this morning, before and after breakfast. The "but one" is a card that I plan to send to one of my nephews but he moved this summer and I don't have his new address. Since I only just e-mailed Sis to ask for the new address before I sat down to blog, I'm sure I'll be able to get this last Christmas card finished up by tomorrow. No rush.
The house is decorated for Christmas....inside and out. Inside...my Charlie Brown tree is up and decorated with some of the homemade ornaments that HTP's Mom made for us when we first got married, along with some of the ornaments our children made when they were in pre-school and elementary school. I still plan to put out a couple of my snow globes and hang my needlepoint and crewel work pictures but that's all I plan to do when it comes to decorating the interior of the house. I figure the more I take out, the more I'll have to put away.
As far as the exterior decorating, I've got my faux poinsettias outside the front door along with the two large toy soldiers and the two small toy soldiers that my daughters and I made from clay pots one year. Think Nutcracker Suite....not GI Joe. Anyway, they've become a tradition, even though they're starting to look a bit tattered. The carriage lights have been switched out for green party lights and decked with red bows.
Gypsy is thrilled to see her Christmas toys again. I'd stored them away after Christmas last year and she was as excited as if I'd bought her some brand new toys...which makes me think that maybe I should pack up and store away some of her other toys for a few months and then present them to her as brand new toys. She'd never know the difference. Anyway, she was busily seeing if she could chew the stuffing out of her Santa Claus this morning but so far, his stitching seems to be holding.
Murphyism of the Day
Murphy's Second Law for Husbands
The gifts you buy your wife are never as apropos as the gifts that your neighbor buys his wife.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
A turkey never voted for an early Christmas.
- Irish Proverb
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