Memories of Christmas Goodies Past
Word of the Day
Narf - 1. The uncontrollable sound an idiot might make. 2. The word used when no other words will suffice. 3. An exclamation emitted when one's brain farts and sound deploys.
I started another batch of kefir milk which I plan to make into kefir-leban later this week. The cottage cheese that I made the other day (by mistake because I actually wanted to make congetella but...) tasted great in the lasagna (from scratch) that I made for dinner last night. It tasted and had the texture of ricotta cheese. I froze four two-serving portions for future meals and have another meal for HTP in the fridge for later this week. I had such good luck with the cottage cheese that I decided to expand my kefir horizons a bit. I'm using whole milk to make my kefir milk this time because I want to try my hand at using the resultant kefir-leban to make kefeddar cheese, a kefir version of cheddar cheese. Sis has been using her kefir whey to make sauerkraut and other things. Me? So far I've been using my kefir whey to fertilize my pomegranate tree despite the waste and the fact that Gypsy hates the smell. Sis is lots more creative than me.
I'm thinking about maybe doing some Christmas baking. I miss the smell of Christmas baking. I miss the doing, the baking. I miss sneaking a couple of cookies to munch on with my first cup of coffee in the morning. My body doesn't miss the calories but since I already have the ingredients, I may bake up a couple of batches of cookies...maybe tomorrow while I do laundry.
As a side note, my spell-checker doesn't like anything related to kefir.
Murphyism of the Day
Reynold's Law of Climatology
Wind velocity increases directly with the cost of the hairdo.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Christmas is a holiday that persecutes the lonely, the frayed, and the rejected.
- Jimmy Cannon
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