#1 Son and Santa - 1994
Word of the Day
Netoriety - A measure of one's notorious reputation throughout the Internet.
I'm starting to get into the Christmas spirit. Finally. Playing Christmas music with the church orchestra for two services helped. Baking Christmas cookies also helped somewhat but eating Christmas cookies, no matter how good they may taste, isn't doing much for my diet. Oh well...I'll worry about dieting next year. I still have/want to make my Italian Pizzelle and some peanut brittle. I was missing some key ingredients for both of these recipes, missing ingredients that I was able to pick up at the store on my way home from church. I also picked up the fixings for Christmas dinner....and munchies and snack items for a New Year's Eve celebration at home with HTP.
I didn't cover any of my plants last night. Thankfully, the weather prediction was accurate. It only got down to 35°F last night. Since it's only supposed to get down to 40°F tonight, and since last night's temperature was so accurately predicted, I'm not going to worry about covering any plants...at least not tonight. However, I plan to keep a daily weather eye out for future weather predictions. Right now, it looks like I may have to worry about next Saturday's overnight temperatures but one never knows when the weather predictions may change.
Murphyism of the Day
McLaughlin's Law
In a key position in every genealogy you will find a John Smith from London.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six. Mother took me to see him in a department store and he asked for my autograph.
- Shirley Temple
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