MC Daughter, #1 Son, and DD Daughter - 1989?
Word of the Day
Murckle - The action of moving a mouse in a squiggly circling motion in order to find it on one's display, or to remove the screensaver.
We got enough rain last night so that Gypsy didn't want to "do her thing" out in the backyard this morning. My spoiled little girl doesn't like getting her feet wet. It wasn't even raining! I finally had to clip a leash on her and drag her out into the front yard where the ground wasn't as wet.
It looks like we may finally get some freezing weather this week....and in the coming weeks. My plants will be fine for tonight but it looks like I'll have to drag out my spare sheets and cover things up tomorrow night. I can bring my herb pots inside but my hibiscus and my rubber tree and milk cactus and my lantana and will need to be covered. I'll also have to cover the annuals that I planted when we got back here in October too. Over the last five years since we've lived at this house, I've gradually replaced the plants that couldn't and didn't survive the cold winter temperatures with plants and trees that don't mind the colder temperatures that I'm sure are a result of global warming....or the normal desert summer temperatures but I'll have to protect the ones that remain frost sensitive....the plants that have survived due to my annual sheet dances.
Murphyism of the Day
Ruby's Principle of Close Encounters
The probability of meeting someone you know increases when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Mail your packages early so the post office can lose them in time for Christmas.
- Johnny Carson
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