Friday, December 29, 2006
Myspace Layouts
Word of the Day
Yarbage - An excessive amount of lawn decorations.
Only Two Full Days Until 2007
Packing! HTP, #1 Son, and I are heading to Vegas tomorrow morning. I'm doing one last load of laundry today. One. That's it. I did laundry yesterday. If anyone has anything more to be laundered, they'll have to do it themselves.
I've decided that I'd better make a list of stuff to pack this time. My folks want me to bring some records to play on their new record player. I'm not quite sure what they want so I'm going to bring an old 45, an old 33-?, and an old 78. Just to be on the safe side. I also plan to pack some champagne and some champagne glasses for our first toast of the New Year.
I'm going to try and blog while we're in Vegas but I make no promises that I can't keep. If I can get near the computer with all the competition from HTP and #1 Son, and I still feel like blogging, I'll blog. If not, you'll just have to wait until next year for my next blog. So...just in case....
New Year!
Murphyism of the Day
Frothingham's Fallacy
Time is money.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"We apologize for the error in last week's paper in which we stated that Mr. Arnold Dogbody was a defective in the police force. We meant, of course, that Mr. Dogbody is a detective in the police farce." -Correction notice in the Ely Standard, a British newspaper.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Myspace Layouts
Word of the Day
Yankerchief - The cloth that one places over the cork while de-corking that bottle of champagne so that the cork doesn't fly out and put someone's eye out.
Only Three Full Days Until 2007
I've been putting it off but I really need to go out to the store today to return/exchange one of the gifts that I got for HTP. HTP doesn't really like long-sleeved shirts but I was hoping he'd like these. He did. Only...he doesn't wear long-sleeved shirts because they make him feel hot and sticky and he tells me that this shirt will end up hanging in the closet gathering dust. I'll go out and exchange the long-sleeved shirt for something different. Today. As soon as I get my hair dry. I wonder if I can con #1 Son into going with me. The thought of braving the mall alone isn't all that appealing to me.
It's actually raining today. Gloomy. Though I prefer a nice, stormy, driving rain, I won't complain about this meager drizzly stuff we're getting today. We need the rain. I'll just have to live with the resultant inevitable weeds that will start to arrive in a matter of days.
Murphyism of the Day
Spencer's Laws of Accountancy
1. Trial balances don't.
2. Working capital doesn't.
3. Liquidity tends to run out.
4. Return on investments won't.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
As far as we know, our computer has never had an undetected error. - Weisert
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Myspace Layouts
Word of the Day
Xylophobia - Extreme fear of hearing wooden mallets striking wooden blocks.
Only Four Full Days Until 2007
Santa brought me a brand new cell phone for Christmas. Santa brought HTP a brand new cell phone for Christmas too. They match. They're cute little red flip phones. I've already had to temporarily mark my phone so we can tell them apart. I'll have to see if I can find a way to personalize my cell phone so we don't get confused. My new cell phone has a Wisconsin phone number. HTP's cell phone has an Arizona telephone number. I was a bit confused about this but HTP tells me that this way whoever needs to call us locally doesn't need to pay long distance charges if they're calling us from a landline. I guess that means that we'll be using HTP's cell phone when we're here in Arizona and mine when we're at The Lake. I'll think about that one later. So, anyway, I've been spending my time since getting the new cell phone, reading the owner's manual and programing in phone numbers from the list of people that I actually might call on occasion. I hate reading these manuals. I liked my old phone. I was used to my old phone. Just when I get used to something, I have to start all over and get used to something new. Oh well...use your brain or lose it I guess.
This Old Frog is just going to have to use her grey matter and learn something new. Our old cell phone is going to go away...they keep reminding me...they just won't shut up about it. We still have our old cell phone, but only until the end of March. The company offered to give us a free phone and we'd be able to keep phone number and all our compiled roll-over minutes but guess what? We discovered that the new phone that they wanted to give us wouldn't work at The Lake. HTP and I need a phone that will work at The Lake. HTP likes me to carry it when I go berry picking...just in case. So, HTP did some research and decided that despite all our compiled roll-over minutes and the offer of a free phone, we'd change to a different phone company. This morning, I loaded the last of my pre-pay phone cards onto the old cell phone. I have 260 minutes of talk time available to use up before the end of March. I have no idea who I'm going to talk to for 260 minutes but I have the minutes so I'll wait until the end of March before I start using the pre-paid minutes on my new phone. Yes, we're sticking with a "pay as you go" cell phone plan. Different company. There's no rollover minutes. The minutes we pre-pay for remain on the phone unless we actually use the phone. I actually think that this new phone will end up costing us less than our old phone in the long run. That's why Santa generously decided to bring us two phones for Christmas...even though we only really needed the one. We only use our cell phone for emergencies. Why do I need to keep loading more minutes onto my phone every three months when I never used an n-th of the minutes that I loaded onto it three months previously?
Long and short? HTP and I now have two brand new phone numbers which I'm going to have to memorize....oh...and the one for the car, so I guess that's a total of three more new phone numbers I'll have to memorize. I never thought I'd live to see the day when I'd actually have store in the memory banks of my brain six active phone numbers that all belong to me and HTP. Good Grief! Six phone numbers?! I'm going to have to start carrying a card in my wallet...there's no way I'm going to be able to keep these straight. I just know that I'll end up calling the car when I mean to call HTP.
Murphyism of the Day
First Law of Money Dynamics
A surprise monetary windfall will be accompanied by an unexpected expense at the same time.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night."
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Myspace Layouts
Word of the Day
Xstream - A dried-up river bed.
Only Five Full Days Until 2007
Welcome to the day after Christmas. DD Daughter and GI Joe just left. DD Daughter has to be back on base tomorrow morning so they had to pack and load up all their goodies and head off right after breakfast. I sent along DD's favorite cookies. Poor baby was having a spot of morning, afternoon, and evening sickness for almost the entire time she was here. Oh, do I remember those days! I was totally sympathetic.
After they left, HTP and I down-sized the dining room table. I re-decorated the table with the Christmas stuff but in the back of my mind I'm already thinking about dressing the table for Valentine's Day. #1 Son pointed out that the next real holiday is New Year's but since we're going to be in Las Vegas over New Year's, there really isn't any point in decorating for it. It doesn't really matter at this point. I refuse to put away Christmas yet. I'm going to wait until we get from Vegas for that chore.
It's a beautiful day to do absolutely nothing but play with our Christmas gifts and recover from the last month of preparations. I have no idea what to fix for supper...probably left-overs. I'll worry about laundry tomorrow. #1 Son has already moved out of HTP's office, where he had to sleep on our aerobed, and back into the guest room. HTP will be thrilled to have free access to his office once more.
Murphyism of the Day
Parks's Law of Insurance Rates and Taxes
Whatever goes up, stays up.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life." -Brooke Shields
Monday, December 25, 2006
It's Christmas!
Wake up!
Twas the morning of Christmas and all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring....only me.
The coffee's all brewed and I sip my first cup,
Even the dogs are sleeping again,
they've had their walk and have eaten their food up.
The stockings were hung by the breakfast bar with care,
St. Nick must have stopped by because the stockings aren't there.
The stockings remain but are lying on chairs
The hangers that had hung them couldn't be trusted to take the weight.
So as I wait for the family to stumble from their beds
As I wait for Arizona Daughter and TJ to arrive
I'll sip on my coffee, listen to carols
And start this day wishing
Merry Christmas to I blog out of sight.
Christmas Myspace Graphics
DD Daughter and Arizona Daughter - Christmas 2001
#1 Son - Christmas 2001
Have a Very
Merry Christmas
Wake up!
Twas the morning of Christmas and all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring....only me.
The coffee's all brewed and I sip my first cup,
Even the dogs are sleeping again,
they've had their walk and have eaten their food up.
The stockings were hung by the breakfast bar with care,
St. Nick must have stopped by because the stockings aren't there.
The stockings remain but are lying on chairs
The hangers that had hung them couldn't be trusted to take the weight.
So as I wait for the family to stumble from their beds
As I wait for Arizona Daughter and TJ to arrive
I'll sip on my coffee, listen to carols
And start this day wishing
Merry Christmas to I blog out of sight.
Christmas Myspace Graphics
DD Daughter and Arizona Daughter - Christmas 2001
#1 Son - Christmas 2001
Have a Very
Merry Christmas
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Christmas Myspace Graphics
Word of the Day
Xerocks - Identical rocks.
DD Daughter and Arizona Daughter - Christmas Morning 2001
Tomorrow is Christmas!
'Twas the morning before Christmas and all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse....
Hah! #1 Son and I got up at 5:30 AM. My clock alarm works...kind of. Really loud static. We had to be at the church at 7 AM. Our intentions were good. We didn't count on the fact the windows of the car would all be iced up. And where did the scraper go? #1 Son and I concluded that it was sitting in his car, in the parking lot of his apartment in Minnesota. There isn't much call for windshield scrapers here in Arizona. Regardless, we arrived at the church at 7:15 AM. Not spectacularly late. Just late enough to frazzle my nerves. The orchestra sounded good for the first service. The orchestra woke up and sounded great for the second service. Since the orchestra didn't play at the third service, I have no idea how wonderful we all would have sounded should we have stayed to play.
After church we went shopping. Normally I would avoid any shopping on Christmas Eve but...#1 Son packed a nice dress shirt to wear to church tonight. Yes, we're going to be returning to church yet again...#1 Son is playing his trumpet for the 5 PM service. Anyway, he discovered that said nice dress shirt was rather small. It didn't fit. It was clean. It was nice. It didn't fit. We went out shopping after playing with the church orchestra for the first two services of the day.
Having foregone any breakfast before we headed out the door this morning, I decided that we needed to break our fast when we returned home at around 11:45 AM. Lunch? No...I decided that eggs, bacon, and toast would fit the bill.
We're going to meet Arizona Daughter and TJ and church tonight. Afterwards we'll be returning here for supper. So? I'll have to slip the ham into the oven before we head out the door for church. I'll also have to make sure the casseroles are all prepped and ready to toss into the oven...and set the table. We'll open the Christmas Eve presents later tonight. Maybe we'll play some games. Maybe we'll watch a movie. Then it'll be off to bed to wait until tomorrow morning to see what Santa Claus may bring.
Murphyism of the Day
Matilda's Law of Subcommittee Formation
If you leave the room, you're elected.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"The people in the Navy look on motherhood as being compatible with being a woman."
-Rear Admiral James R. Hogg
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Christmas Myspace Graphics
Word of the Day
Wrecktangle - Crashed cars.
My Charlie Brown Tree
1 Days and a WAKE UP and it'll be Christmas!
All the packages are wrapped and under the tree. We're having steaks on the grill for supper tonight. DD Daughter and GI Joe are here. Woohoo! It's official. They're pregnant! HTP and I are going to be Grandparents. Just call me Grandma August.
Murphyism of the Day
Issawi's Law of Committo-Dynamics
The less you enjoy serving on committees, the more likely you are to be pressed to do so.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Helpful Warnings: "CAUTION: Knife is very sharp. Keep out of children"
Friday, December 22, 2006
Tag! I'm it.
I've been tagged by a mink who was tagged by raven who was tagged by a cat who was tagged by yet another raven so now it's my turn. I gotta crank this out and tag someone else before it's too late.
Three things I want for Christmas
1. My family home for Christmas.
2. Endless energy and time to enjoy my family.
3. Happiness, love and peace for my family and all my friends and their families.
Three things I do not want for Christmas
1. A new vacuum cleaner or any other practical stuff like that
2. Cleaning supplies
3. A piping hot bowl of menudo....yucko
So, since the only other blogger I know is fraNk....Tag, you're it! :)Hah! But, I've started tagging, TAG! YOU'RE IT TOO, CANDY!
I've been tagged by a mink who was tagged by raven who was tagged by a cat who was tagged by yet another raven so now it's my turn. I gotta crank this out and tag someone else before it's too late.
Three things I want for Christmas
1. My family home for Christmas.
2. Endless energy and time to enjoy my family.
3. Happiness, love and peace for my family and all my friends and their families.
Three things I do not want for Christmas
1. A new vacuum cleaner or any other practical stuff like that
2. Cleaning supplies
3. A piping hot bowl of menudo....yucko
So, since the only other blogger I know is fraNk....Tag, you're it! :)Hah! But, I've started tagging, TAG! YOU'RE IT TOO, CANDY!
Christmas Myspace Graphics
Word of the Day
Wreckorator - Some husband's handy-work
Our Old Christmas Tree when we lived in Ahwatukee
2 Days and a WAKE UP and it'll be Christmas!
I can't believe this. I woke #1 Son up this morning and headed him off to church for a brass ensemble practice. The practice was scheduled for 9 AM on December 23rd. I really did think that today was December 23rd. After getting to the church and finding things really quiet and hanging around until 9:15 AM, (translate this as the place was totally deserted), #1 Son called me and asked if I was sure the practice was for today. I said, of course it's for today. December 23rd, 9 AM. "Mom," #1 Son sighed, "It's December 22nd today." Oops. Sorry, #1 Son. I'm sure he'll forgive me...eventually. It's Christmas afterall.
However, on the plus side, I have more time to do even more stuff than I actually thought I had time for. Woohoo! I'm ahead of schedule. I've got things totally under control...except that little problem with losing my mind...but we won't go there.
Murphyism of the Day
Mitchell's Laws of Committology
1. Any simple problem can be made insoluble if enough conferences are held to discuss it.
2. Once the way to screw up a project is presented for consideration, it will invariably be accepted as the soundest solution.
3. After the solution screws up the project, all those who initially endorsed it will say, "I wish I had voiced my reservations at the time."
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"A verbal contract is not worth the paper it's written on." -Samuel Goldwyn
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Christmas Myspace Graphics
Word of the Day
Wreckcollection - Insurance settlement.
#1 Son and Santa - 1994
3 Days and a WAKE UP and it'll be Christmas!
With all the sheets and pillowcases decorating our neighborhood, you'd begin to wonder if we've all decided to decorate our houses for Halloween instead of Christmas. Ghosts instead of Christmas trees and garland. Yet again, our temperatures here in beautiful, sunny, Arizona, have dipped below the freezing point. I promised myself that I wouldn't cover my plants this year. After last year's freezing temperatures, I replaced the plants and trees that didn't make it through the winter with plants and trees with more temperature tolerance. Only...I still have some plants that struggled through and survived. I couldn't just abandon them. Living creatures, shivering in the cold. Guilt. So, I too have festive sheets decorating my yard. After three years of this, I'm beginning to come to the conclusion that I live in one of the fabled Outlying Areas of The Valley that the weather guys talk about on the nightly news. The Outlying Areas that always freeze in the winter. Either that or global warming is a total myth and the Earth is shiftin its axis. Minnesota and Wisconsin will become balmy and warm. Arizona will become a frozen wasteland.
#1 Son is home! He's already been out on the town with a friend of his. Today we plan on doing some shopping. Shopping? My feet are already starting to hurt...just thinking about it.
Murphyism of the Day
Law of Triviality
The time spent on any item of the agenda will be in inverse proportion to the sum involved.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
We've got to pause and ask ourselves: How much clean air do we need?" -Lee Iacocca
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Christmas Myspace Graphics
Word of the Day
Wreckcident - Multi-car pile up.
#1 Son and Santa - 1993
4 Days and a WAKE UP and it'll be Christmas!
My parents left this morning right after breakfast with the promise that they'll call me when they get back home in Vegas. #1 son will be flying in tonight for his Christmas vacation. Me? I'm doing laundry. And, since my sugarfree sugar substitute finally got here, I made a couple of batches of my sugarfree Russian Teacakes. The new powdered sugar substitute is fabulous! You really can't tell that these sugarfree cookies are sugarfree. And it's not just me...HTP gave his nod of approval. The stuff is pretty expensive but I really didn't have to use that much. Just enough to coat the cookies. I didn't actually use it for baking. The regular Malitol granular sweetener works just fine for that. I still need to make my sugarfree brownies. Two batches. But I've got time. Maybe I'll start wrapping the presents after I get the laundry done.
Murphyism of the Day
Shanahan's Law
The length of a meeting rises with the square of the number of people present.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"I was under medication when I made the decision to burn the tapes." -- Richard (Dicky) Nixon
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Christmas Myspace Graphics
Word of the Day
Wrapture - Overwhelmed by giftwrap.
Arizona Daughter and DD Daughter
5 Days and a WAKE UP and it'll be Christmas!
The day was filled with a doctor appointment for my Mom, lunch at Costco and then a CT scan for my Mom. And then we stopped to buy more memory for my Dad's computer and fill prescriptions for my Mom. We finally got back home at around 2:30 PM. And then, we all jumped back into the car to go for Senior Night at Valle Luna...a Mexican restaurant. Two for One night.
We're celebrating Christmas early with my folks tonight. Just me and HTP and my parents. They're heading back to their home in Vegas tomorrow after breakfast.
Murphyism of the Day
Old and Kahn's Law
The efficiency of a committee meeting is inversely proportional to the number of participants and tghe time spent on deliberations.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"Please provide the date of your death." -from an IRS letter
Monday, December 18, 2006
Myspace Christmas Graphics
Word of the Day
Wrapple pie - A store bought apple pie.
#1 Son and Santa - 1992
6 Days and a WAKE UP and it'll be Christmas!
My parents are here. They got here yesterday afternoon...just at the very same time that I was standing in line at the grocery store. They called me on my cell phone to get directions because they were lost in our community somewhere. Wrong turn. So, I'm standing in line, fumbling with my groceries while trying to direct my Dad out of an area that I've never been to...cellphone to cellphone transmission. There are other streets in our housing developement with the same name as our street...only they don't connect and they're on the other side of the golf course.
After supper we sat down to decorate brown sugar cookies. I went through one whole can of my frosting before we called it quits for the night. I figured that we'd done enough for one night. We'd run out of rack space. Half of the brown sugar cookies are decorated. I'll probably wait until #1 son gets home to work on decorating the rest of the cookies...unless DD Daughter and GI Joe want to join us?
I've finished making the pizzelles! I'm ahead of the game! I still need to wrap maybe not.
Murphyism of the Day
Courtois's Rule
If people listened to themselves more often, they would talk less.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"If somebody has a bad heart, they can plug this jack in at night as they go to bed and it will monitor their heart throughout the night. And the next morning, when they wake up dead, there'll be a record." --Mark S. Fowler, FCC Chairman
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Myspace Christmas Graphics
Word of the Day
Wondermous - A cross between wonderful and outrageous
Arizona Daughter, #1 Son, and DD Daughter in their Christmas Finest
7 Days and a WAKE UP and it'll be Christmas!
Last night Arizona Daughter and her husband came over for supper. Arizona Daughter decorated ALL of my gingerbread cookies! Woohoo! She shoo'ed me out of the kitchen and took care of the whole project for me. Her designs are totally hilarious. I love it.
This morning I cleaned up and cleared. I sorted cookies and put them into tins for gifting. I still have to decorate brown sugar cookies but I may save that task for tonight. After supper. In the meantime, I've made the fruitcake bars. One recipe. I may make another one but there's no real hurry now. I made four batches of fudge. Two with chopped walnuts and two with chopped pecans. And now, I'm making peanut brittle. I've got two batches made and cooling on my silpats. I'll have to wait for them to cool before I make the next batches. I only have two silpats...which is more that some people have. I love silpats. Silicon matts. I use them even more than I thought I would. They really simplify things. I also love my special rubber scrapers which aren't rubber at all. They're silicon which doesn't melt when you go to scrap the lava hot candy from the bowl.
My parents are coming today. I have no idea when they'll get here. Just in case, I'm leaving my dinner-making options open. last night? Crablegs? My Dad hates crablegs but I could grill him a steak. Surf and turf. I'm going to have to run out to the grocery store again. This is becoming an every day thing. But, I need lemons!
Murphyism of the Day
McKernan's Maxim
Those who are unable to learn from the past meetings are condemned to repeat them.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"Your food stamps will be stopped effective March 1992 because we received
notice that you passed away. May God bless you. You may reapply if there is
a change in your circumstances." --Department of Social Services, Greenville, South Carolina
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Myspace Christmas Graphics
Word of the Day
Womble - Wasting time.
#1 Son - 1989?
8 Days and a WAKE UP and it'll be Christmas!
I hate making spritz! Once upon a time I could make spritz with no difficulty at all. Once upon a time....before my husband's mother used my spritz maker. It's never been the same since that time. My wonderful #1 son tried really hard to find another spritz maker (cookie press) that was exactly like that one. He actually succeeded. Unfortunately, those don't seem to work well either. I think I'm developing a spritz making phobia. Maybe it's just me? My trees kind of look like trees. My wreaths kind of look like wreaths. However, I won't even go into what my dogs and camels look like. I made double batches of vanilla spritz and almond spritz. They taste good and that's about all I can say for them. As I was washing up the spritz makers (yes, I own several and tried most of them), I noticed that one of the spritz makers actually bit me. Really. One of my fingers was bleeding copiously. After spending hours making spritz, I didn't even care anymore. It was just part and parcel of the whole. I started making spritz as soon as I finished with the gingerbread cookies yesterday. I finished the whole mess at around 7 PM. I need a new spritz maker (cookie press). I need one that really works. I need one that actually presses out a cookie that looks like what you want it to look like AFTER it's baked. They taste really good. That'll have to do for this year.
So, as I was chatting hysterically about my developing spritz-making phobia over the phone with Arizona Daughter, she asked me if I'd ever been to a restaurant supply store. Can't say that I've ever been to one. I'd really love to get a "professional" cookie press that would produce a "professional" looking result that would live up to my expectations. Sigh. Maybe next year. At this point, I'm breaking into a cold sweat just thinking about spritz. I was never so happy as to store the cookie presses back into the garage for another year.
I'm meeting Arizona Daughter and her husband, TJ, at the Mall later today. More shopping. Afterwards, they're going to come over here to help me decorate cookies. I'm rewarding them with steaks on the grill. I've got a lot of cookies that need decorating. Maybe I'll get to the candy making today as well. Oh...and the fruitcake bars. I really don't have too much baking to do anymore. List please? Pizzelle, fruitcake bars, sugarless Russian teacakes (I'm still waiting for the sugar substitute to come in the mail), peanut brittle, fudge, sugarless brownies.
I still need to wrap presents. I still need to decorate the tree. I may only have a smidge more than a week remaining but I have reinforcements coming. Arizona Daughter and her husband are going to help make a dent in the cookie decorating tonight. My folks are coming tomorrow. #1 son will be here next week.
Murphyism of the Day
Planner's Rule
An exception granted becomes a right expected the next time it is granted.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"Traditionally, most of Australia's imports come from overseas." --Keppel Enderbery
Friday, December 15, 2006
Myspace Christmas Graphics
Word of the Day
Wittarian - One who is an expert in wit.
Arizona Daughter and DD Daughter in their Christmas Dresses - 1982?
9 Days and a WAKE UP and it'll be Christmas!
Grocery shopping. After doing some ad reading, I went out grocery shopping after breakfast. I wanted to get a prime rib roast for Christmas, some steaks to make while Arizona Daughter and her husband come over tomorrow night for supper, crablegs were on sale, more baking get the drift. Anyway, I'm over getting more margarine for baking and what to my wondering eyes do I see? Gingerbread cookies by Tollhouse. Already to pop into the oven. How easy is that? I couldn't resist. I hadn't planned on making gingerbread cookies but...oh...what the heck. Into the shopping cart they went.
I get home, stow away all the groceries, turn on the oven and I open up the cookie dough package and start baking my gingerbread cookies. They're great! I don't think my own gingerbread cookie recipe is all that tasty, but these are really good. But what about all that extra dough? I imagine most people would just toss it in the garbage. There, at my shoulder, stood my Mom and my Grandmother at my shoulder with totally disapproving looks on their faces. OK. My Mom and Grandmother weren't really there but I could really see my mind's eye. I'm not totally bonkers...yet. Sigh. I dragged out the rolling pin that I stored away yesterday after making my brown sugar cut-out cookies. I dragged out my cookie cutters. Flour. Board. I ended up baking a full four dozen additional cookies from the scraps. Large cookies. My own cookie cutters made cookies that were twice as large as the pre-cut dough. All from scraps I'm sure most people would have consigned to the dustbin. Not me. I just couldn't do it. Not with my Mom standing there. She was already mad (I imagine) that I'd bought those pre-cut cookies...without a coupon. I'm making spritz next. Homemade. It probably won't take as long as the gingerbread.
Murphyism of the Day
Young's Rule of Delegation
When moving a pregnant cat, pick up the cat and let her take care of the kittens.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"We are ready for an unforeseen event that may or may not occur." -- Al Gore.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Myspace Christmas Graphics
Word of the Day
Wishcraft - The art of wishing.
HTP, HTP's Brother and Santa
10 Days and a WAKE UP and it'll be Christmas!
I didn't get any baking done yesterday but I did get a lot of my Christmas shopping done. Not all, but I made a huge dent in it. Arizona Daughter and I shopped until some of the stores decided to close up. Then I continued on and did some grocery shopping again before I headed on home with my treasures. I was just too tired from Mall walking and store hopping to tackle anything more complicated than hanging TJ and GI Joe's stockings on their new stocking hangers. And then I tweaked the tree again and added a string of lights to replace the one that had gone dark. After that, I had just enough energy left to stow away the bags that I'd dumped on our I could actually crawl in and sleep. It wasn't until this morning that I hung up the new ornaments that I got for each of the kids. Tradition.
Woohoo! HTP fixed the shelf in our closet! I've got a shelf again! Well...almost. HTP says he wants to paint it first. But then...I can actually use the shelf and the hanging rack! Tomorrow? It'll be nice not to continue tripping over the luggage and the boxes. This isn't a huge house. We really need our closet storage back.
I plan to bake today. Since I'm so far behind, I'll probably end up trying to make/ bake at least three varieties of cookies today. Multiple batches. If I don't have to clear up the baking to make supper tonight, I might end up getting all the cookies baked...except the sugarfree recipes. I'm a bit angry because I paid extra postage to have the sugarfree substitute get here in three days and now it's not coming until the 18th? Apparently they mean, three days from when they decide to fill the order. The stuff I ordered from the same place and didn't pay for three day delivery is going to get here on the 15th! Go figure! At least I still have a little of my sugar substitute (Maltitol) left so I can make a few sugarfree recipes but I'll have to wait and do most of my sugarfree baking while my folks are here next week. I'd hoped to get all my baking done before that but best laid planned oft-times end up so much roadkill on the side of the road.
Murphyism of the Day
Putt's Law
Technology is dominated by two types of people:
Those who understand what they do not manage.
Those who manage what they do not understand.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure." --Bill Clinton, President
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Myspace Christmas Graphics
Word of the Day
Wishcount - The price at which I'm willing to buy a certain item.
DD Daughter on Christmas Morning - 1980
11 Days and a WAKE UP and it'll be Christmas!
After breakfast, HTP helped me figure out how much it would cost to mail out my packages this year. I had everything packed up and ready to go. Parcel post. USPS. I had originally planned to pack up everything in flat-rate Priority mail boxes. HTP talked me out of it. Too expensive he told me. So, I went out and bought boxes and packed up all my out-of-town packages. This morning, we discovered that HTP was wrong. I was right. I had to dig up Flat-rate Priority Mail boxes. Since I mail a lot of boxes to our military in Iraq, I do have a supply of these boxes. I needed ten. I had five that were the right size. HTP went out to the post office to get me more boxes...and stamps while he was at it.
While he was getting boxes, I un-packed and re-packed five of my ten boxes. And then I went to the computer to order and print out mailing labels. Neat-o thing that. I hear you can print out the military labels as well as the customs form? Could that be? No standing in line at the post office for me anymore. Not if I can print out my own labels and postage like that. So it took a while because I had to set up an account but I guess that once I've got an account, I'm in.
HTP got back with my boxes. I had my labels all printed out. And, I un-packed and re-packed the last five of my boxes. Scissors, please. I had to cut out my labels. And then... I ran out of clear packing tape. How was I supposed to know that we didn't have any packing tape left in the house? Poor planning? I think not. If I hadn't had to waste all the tape, taping up boxes that I didn't even end up using, I would have had plenty of tape. It's all HTP's fault that I ran out of tape.
I jumped into the car and went out to the nearest PostNET store and bought packing tape. It was here that I discovered that after I have everything ready to go, I can just drop and go. My packages, my Christmas cards, everything. No charge. So, I got back to the house and taped and cut and taped and finally I had all the labels adhered to my packages. On to my next task. Sticking stamps onto the Christmas cards. Thank God that someone finally came up with stamps that you don't have to lick! Within minutes, I had all my packages stowed in the trunk of my car along with all my Christmas cards...except...the one that goes to South America. I'll have to go to the post office afterall. That card needs to be metered. I don't have a meter machine. People in South America are avid stamp collectors. I learned long ago that if I want my letters to get to their destination, I can't use postage stamps.
I plan to meet up with Arizona daughter to go shopping this afternoon. I'm going to drop all my packages and Christmas cards off at the PostNET store on my way. If I have any energy left after shopping, I'll continue on with my baking. Brown Sugar Cookies? Too much effort if I'm tired. Maybe peanut brittle and fudge. I should be able to handle that.
But while I'm waiting for Arizona Daughter's call, I decided that I might as well keep busy. It's not like time is going to hold still on me. I've got so little time as it is to get ready for Christmas. I put up the tree. I have what can only be labeled a Charlie Brown tree. The year after HTP and #1 son had the exclusive responsiblity of putting up our old tree (huge and heavy), we decided to get a smaller tree. And so my Charlie Brown tree entered the picture. It's important to let any artificial tree sit for a while undecorated. This way you can tweak it everytime you happen to walk by it until it starts to look the way you'd like to see it. I'm afraid this poor tree will never actually look the way I'd like it to look but one does what one can with what one has. Half the lights on the poor tree aren't working this year. I have no idea why but I guess I can spring for a new string of lights to replace the old ones. The tree has fiber optic lights too but they don't twinkle very much anymore. Oh's a tree.
I put our old Santa topper on top of the tree. Tradition. The kids would hate for me to replace him. He's a bit tacky and worn but he's ours. They'd hate for me to buy all new ornaments to decorate the tree. Tradition. Every year I gave each of my children a brand new ornament. I still do. My poor Charlie Brown tree can't hold all the ornaments that we've collected over the years. I can only put out a few old favorites each year.
I saw a new tree scarf the other day and absolutely fell in love with it. With no hesitation at all, I didn't buy it. Tradition. The kids expect to see the old tree scarf that I made to use for HTP and my very first Christmas together. We didn't have much money in those days. I bought some inexpensive red furry fabric and made a tree scarf with the idea that I'd someday replace it with a real tree scarf. That'll never happen. Tradition is good.
Only one more bit of tradition for today...besides the baking. I put out the stockings that I made for each of my children and now for each of my girls' spouses. I still only have three brass reindeer hangers to hold the stockings with care. No fireplace in this house so I hang them from the breakfast bar. We never use that breakfast bar for anything else. It makes a great mantle if you don't have a fireplace. Maybe I'll look for three more stocking hangers today while I'm out. Traditions are good but I figure that GI Joe and JT need their own stocking hangers and maybe I should make sure to buy three stocking hangers. I imagine some day #1 son will bring home a spouse.
Murphyism of the Day
Law of Socioeconomics
In a hierarchical system, the rate of pay for a given task increases in inverse ratio to the unpleasantness and difficulty of the task.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"We don't necessarily discriminate. We simply exclude certain types of
people." --Colonel Gerald Wellman, ROTC Instructor.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Myspace Christmas Graphics
Word of the Day
Winkie - Only one headlight working on a car.
DD Daughter - Christmas 1979
12 Days and a WAKE UP and it'll be Christmas!
I baked 8 batches of cookies yesterday. That hardly scratches the surface of the baking I have yet to do. I have all my recipes set out. I've compiled my shopping list. HTP bought me more flour, sugar, butter and more pecans. I ordered some special sugar substitute powdered sugar (ain't that a mouthful) and some brown sugar substitute over the internet. I'm waiting to make some of my sugarfree cookies until that order comes in the mail. I'll keep you posted. I love my recipe for sugarfree Russian Teacakes but I haven't been happy with the "powdered sugar" that I've had to roll them in. I've experimented with various recipes for sugarfree powdered sugar but maybe someone has finally invented it.
I packed up all the boxes that need mailing. All I have to do is tape them up and print up the mailing labels. I'm going to start working on Christmas cards tonight. HTP has created a database for me from which I'll be able to make the address labels. I still need stamps but I imagine that I can get out and take care of that today. I dread having to stop at the post office but I guess I'll have to bite the bullet.
Murphyism of the Day
Jones's Law
A man who can smile when things go wrong has thought of someone he can blame it on.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"The word 'genius" isn't applicable in football. A genius is a guy like
Norman Einstein."
--Joe Theisman, NFL football quarterback &sports analyst.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Word of the Day
Wimptire - The small spare tire that comes with your car.
DD Daughter, Arizona Daughter and Old Grey Frog - 1981
13 Days and a WAKE UP and it'll be Christmas!
I'm going to start my baking today. HTP is working on getting the closet shelf fixed today so we can put everything back into our closet. It'll be nice to get things back to normal before the rest of the stuff needs doing. I might even try to get the tree up today. The tree isn't top on the priority list right now. Christmas packages. Christmas cards. Christmas baking. Shopping for presents. Making up tins of cookies to give as presents. Tree. Wrapping. I'd really love to have everything done before #1 son comes home on the 20th. I may end up saving some of the baking to do when he gets home though. We'll see.
Murphyism of the Day
Iron Law of Distribution
Them that has, gets.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"We've got to pause and ask ourselves: How much clean air do we need?"
--Lee Iacocca
Wimptire - The small spare tire that comes with your car.
DD Daughter, Arizona Daughter and Old Grey Frog - 1981
13 Days and a WAKE UP and it'll be Christmas!
I'm going to start my baking today. HTP is working on getting the closet shelf fixed today so we can put everything back into our closet. It'll be nice to get things back to normal before the rest of the stuff needs doing. I might even try to get the tree up today. The tree isn't top on the priority list right now. Christmas packages. Christmas cards. Christmas baking. Shopping for presents. Making up tins of cookies to give as presents. Tree. Wrapping. I'd really love to have everything done before #1 son comes home on the 20th. I may end up saving some of the baking to do when he gets home though. We'll see.
Murphyism of the Day
Iron Law of Distribution
Them that has, gets.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"We've got to pause and ask ourselves: How much clean air do we need?"
--Lee Iacocca
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Word of the Day
Wick-head - Someone who burns the candle at both ends
Arizona Daughter and DD Daughter with Santa - 1981
14 Days and a WAKE UP and it'll be Christmas!
If a tree falls in the forest and there's no-one around to hear it, does it make any sound? I suppose that doesn't really apply to my situation because even though I was sleeping at the time, I was around when the shelf ripped itself off the wall and crashed to the floor of our closet. Talk about rude awakenings. Thankfully, nothing much was damaged. My laundry cart bit the dust but the rest of the stuff in the closet came away intact.
So, at 3 AM HTP and I are unloading said closet and moving all our clothes to the guestroom closet. I hope that closet shelf decides to stay adhered to the wall until we can get in there and reinforce everything. It turns out that our builders thought that it would be OK to glue and staple our closet shelves to the wall...nevermind using any kind of common sense about anchoring it firmly in place. Looking at the remains, I'm amazed that the shelf has been able to call itself a shelf for as long as it has. Just long enough that the house is no longer under warranty. HTP and I will spend this week reinforcing shelves on top of our Christmas preparations.
So, after getting everything cleaned up and cleared, I returned to my bed. First, I set my alarm clock since I had to be at the church at 8 AM this morning for an orchestra practice. I figured that I'd get up at 6 AM so I could get the dogs all taken care of and my music sorted. Make coffee. The usual. Plenty of time to get ready. Right? Well, you'd think. But... I overslept. I never oversleep! I overslept. My eyes popped open at 7 AM!? I never sleep that late! Of course, it isn't too often that a shelf falls in the closet and the resultant mess keeps me up half the night. Oh well... I got to church on time. A bit bedraggled but none the worse for not getting a cup of coffee.
After church, I got some shopping done. I needed to buy a new laundry cart. Christmas stuff. I ended up having to go to two stores before I could find Christmas computer paper. And in the second store, I was told that they didn't have any and I should go to yet a third store. I was told wrong. They did have the paper I needed. Sometimes these people don't have a clue what their store is selling.
When I got home, HTP had already pulled up pictures that we'd taken of our closet while the house was under construction so he can get an idea as to where the studs are located in our closet. He "shelved" that project in favor of one that I needed to have done first. The labels for my liqueurs. The Christmas letter. Mailing Labels. I've got to get packages out this week. I want to get the Christmas cards done and out this week too. Baking? I'll start that..this week? I think I can, I think I can... It'll get done. I have faith.
Murphyism of the Day
Match's Maxim
A fool in a high station is like a man on the top of a high mountain: everything appears small to him and he appears small to everybody.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"I love California. I practically grew up in Phoenix."
--Dan Quayle
Wick-head - Someone who burns the candle at both ends
Arizona Daughter and DD Daughter with Santa - 1981
14 Days and a WAKE UP and it'll be Christmas!
If a tree falls in the forest and there's no-one around to hear it, does it make any sound? I suppose that doesn't really apply to my situation because even though I was sleeping at the time, I was around when the shelf ripped itself off the wall and crashed to the floor of our closet. Talk about rude awakenings. Thankfully, nothing much was damaged. My laundry cart bit the dust but the rest of the stuff in the closet came away intact.
So, at 3 AM HTP and I are unloading said closet and moving all our clothes to the guestroom closet. I hope that closet shelf decides to stay adhered to the wall until we can get in there and reinforce everything. It turns out that our builders thought that it would be OK to glue and staple our closet shelves to the wall...nevermind using any kind of common sense about anchoring it firmly in place. Looking at the remains, I'm amazed that the shelf has been able to call itself a shelf for as long as it has. Just long enough that the house is no longer under warranty. HTP and I will spend this week reinforcing shelves on top of our Christmas preparations.
So, after getting everything cleaned up and cleared, I returned to my bed. First, I set my alarm clock since I had to be at the church at 8 AM this morning for an orchestra practice. I figured that I'd get up at 6 AM so I could get the dogs all taken care of and my music sorted. Make coffee. The usual. Plenty of time to get ready. Right? Well, you'd think. But... I overslept. I never oversleep! I overslept. My eyes popped open at 7 AM!? I never sleep that late! Of course, it isn't too often that a shelf falls in the closet and the resultant mess keeps me up half the night. Oh well... I got to church on time. A bit bedraggled but none the worse for not getting a cup of coffee.
After church, I got some shopping done. I needed to buy a new laundry cart. Christmas stuff. I ended up having to go to two stores before I could find Christmas computer paper. And in the second store, I was told that they didn't have any and I should go to yet a third store. I was told wrong. They did have the paper I needed. Sometimes these people don't have a clue what their store is selling.
When I got home, HTP had already pulled up pictures that we'd taken of our closet while the house was under construction so he can get an idea as to where the studs are located in our closet. He "shelved" that project in favor of one that I needed to have done first. The labels for my liqueurs. The Christmas letter. Mailing Labels. I've got to get packages out this week. I want to get the Christmas cards done and out this week too. Baking? I'll start that..this week? I think I can, I think I can... It'll get done. I have faith.
Murphyism of the Day
Match's Maxim
A fool in a high station is like a man on the top of a high mountain: everything appears small to him and he appears small to everybody.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"I love California. I practically grew up in Phoenix."
--Dan Quayle
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Word of the Day
Whycome -Mix of words why and how come; often heard being used by young children.
Arizona Daughter and DD Daughter with Santa - 198?
15 Days and a WAKE UP and it'll be Christmas!
Panic is setting in. I'm looking at the list...the long list...of things that need doing before Christmas's LONG list. I knocked a few things off the list but they had nothing much to do with Christmas. I racked the second batch of wine. I won't have to do anything more with it until March. I'll have to re-rack the first batch of wine in February. I moved all the empty canning jars from my cupboards in the laundry room to an empty cupboard in the garage. Then, I moved all my canned goods from the guest room into the cupboards in the laundry room. I got all the luggage stored up on a shelf in our closet. I'm getting ready to bug HTP about the Christmas letter again. I have to go to church tomorrow for an orchestra practice. I'll stop on my way home to do some shopping and get some computer paper for the Christmas letters. I also need some small mailing boxes. I'll have to wait until Monday to get stamps. Then, I need to bug HTP about the labels I need him to make for me. The tree! I need to put up the tree! Maybe this afternoon.
And then, if I weren't busy enough, I found out last night when we got home that my blogger had been taken over by Google and I had to join Google but I had to remember my old password before I could do that. Thankfully, I do sometimes remember things. Anyway, now, when I want to post on my blog I have to type in my "username" and "password" every blessed time which is the same thing my MySpace account makes me do. Grrrrr!!!!! turns out that they mean my e-mail address when they're asking for my username and I don't like to use my main e-mail address when I blog because HTP goes a bit wonky about security and all. Oh well...I got it. Took a bit of the teaching an old dog (frog) new tricks but I think I've got it now.
Murphyism of the Day
Worker's Dilemma
1. No matter how much you do, you'll never do enough.
2. What you don't do is always more important than what you do do.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it."--Al Gore, Former Vice President (DUH)
Whycome -Mix of words why and how come; often heard being used by young children.
Arizona Daughter and DD Daughter with Santa - 198?
15 Days and a WAKE UP and it'll be Christmas!
Panic is setting in. I'm looking at the list...the long list...of things that need doing before Christmas's LONG list. I knocked a few things off the list but they had nothing much to do with Christmas. I racked the second batch of wine. I won't have to do anything more with it until March. I'll have to re-rack the first batch of wine in February. I moved all the empty canning jars from my cupboards in the laundry room to an empty cupboard in the garage. Then, I moved all my canned goods from the guest room into the cupboards in the laundry room. I got all the luggage stored up on a shelf in our closet. I'm getting ready to bug HTP about the Christmas letter again. I have to go to church tomorrow for an orchestra practice. I'll stop on my way home to do some shopping and get some computer paper for the Christmas letters. I also need some small mailing boxes. I'll have to wait until Monday to get stamps. Then, I need to bug HTP about the labels I need him to make for me. The tree! I need to put up the tree! Maybe this afternoon.
And then, if I weren't busy enough, I found out last night when we got home that my blogger had been taken over by Google and I had to join Google but I had to remember my old password before I could do that. Thankfully, I do sometimes remember things. Anyway, now, when I want to post on my blog I have to type in my "username" and "password" every blessed time which is the same thing my MySpace account makes me do. Grrrrr!!!!! turns out that they mean my e-mail address when they're asking for my username and I don't like to use my main e-mail address when I blog because HTP goes a bit wonky about security and all. Oh well...I got it. Took a bit of the teaching an old dog (frog) new tricks but I think I've got it now.
Murphyism of the Day
Worker's Dilemma
1. No matter how much you do, you'll never do enough.
2. What you don't do is always more important than what you do do.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it."--Al Gore, Former Vice President (DUH)
Friday, December 08, 2006
Word of the Day
Whopjawed -Out of kilter, off center, out of whack.
Arizona Daughter and DD Daughter decorating our Christmas Tree - 1984?
On the Nineth Day of Getting Ready for Christmas....
We're heading out of here (Vegas) right after breakfast. A quick stop to pick up our dogs and maybe do some computer fiddling, and then straight on home. I'm going to kick my Christmas preparations into high soon as we get home...or maybe tomorrow morning, first thing.
My luck did take a turn to the positive after I returned to the casino floor after composing yesterday's blog. I'm not sure if it was because I took the time off to blog or if it was that I changed into my lucky Christmas sweater. Regardless, I got my Royal Flush. Woohoo!
I'll edit this blog and add more...maybe...when we get back home.
We're Home! The trip home was totally uneventful. I was amazed to see that every stop-light that we came to was green. I commented on this and HTP replied, "Anyone who can get a Royal Flush on a dollar machine shouldn't be surprised."
We're all unpacked. I've got my XM radio set up and am listening to Rusty Humphries Show. I cooked up a frozen pizza for supper. I note that tomorrow I need to rack my second batch of wine. Good thing that I have wine bottles. I'm soaking off the labels from the empty wine bottles that I brought back from Vegas.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"Half this game is ninety percent mental." --Philadelphia Phillies manager, Danny Ozark
Whopjawed -Out of kilter, off center, out of whack.
Arizona Daughter and DD Daughter decorating our Christmas Tree - 1984?
On the Nineth Day of Getting Ready for Christmas....
We're heading out of here (Vegas) right after breakfast. A quick stop to pick up our dogs and maybe do some computer fiddling, and then straight on home. I'm going to kick my Christmas preparations into high soon as we get home...or maybe tomorrow morning, first thing.
My luck did take a turn to the positive after I returned to the casino floor after composing yesterday's blog. I'm not sure if it was because I took the time off to blog or if it was that I changed into my lucky Christmas sweater. Regardless, I got my Royal Flush. Woohoo!
I'll edit this blog and add more...maybe...when we get back home.
We're Home! The trip home was totally uneventful. I was amazed to see that every stop-light that we came to was green. I commented on this and HTP replied, "Anyone who can get a Royal Flush on a dollar machine shouldn't be surprised."
We're all unpacked. I've got my XM radio set up and am listening to Rusty Humphries Show. I cooked up a frozen pizza for supper. I note that tomorrow I need to rack my second batch of wine. Good thing that I have wine bottles. I'm soaking off the labels from the empty wine bottles that I brought back from Vegas.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"Half this game is ninety percent mental." --Philadelphia Phillies manager, Danny Ozark
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Word of the Day
Whompdinger - Out of this world.
Arizona Daughter, DD Daughter and Santa - 1983?
On the Eighth Day of Getting Ready for Christmas.....
I'm up here in the room blogging because luck hasn't been on my side. I prefer to keep my losses to a minimum. Plus, I've been feeling guilty about not getting ready for Christmas. I really need to get the Christmas letters editted and ready for printing so I can hit the ground running when HTP and I get back home. I have all the cards that I'll need. Stamps. I need to get some stamps. I guess that'll have to happen on Monday. So, while I'm up in the room, I'm enjoying a nice glass of Ruffino Riserva Ducale Chianti Classico...leftover from last night's dinner at Fellini's.
We're meeting my folks for supper tonight. Billy Bob's. I love the oysters. Mom and I battle over them so I plan to get a couple of dozen for us to share. Wine or Beer? I guess I'll leave that decision to my folks. The food at Billy Bob's? It's OK. They may cook all the juices out of their meat and overcook the lobster and saw the crablegs in half so that they're almost impossible to eat but at least they can't mess up the oysters...if they're fresh.
We're heading back home tomorrow after breakfast. I'm not sure if I'll have the energy to blog once we get home. If I blog, I blog. If not...Saturday is soon enough. Lots to do. Lots to do.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"That lowdown scoundrel deserves to be kicked to death by a jackass, and I'm just the one to do it," --A democratic congressional candidate in Texas.
Whompdinger - Out of this world.
Arizona Daughter, DD Daughter and Santa - 1983?
On the Eighth Day of Getting Ready for Christmas.....
I'm up here in the room blogging because luck hasn't been on my side. I prefer to keep my losses to a minimum. Plus, I've been feeling guilty about not getting ready for Christmas. I really need to get the Christmas letters editted and ready for printing so I can hit the ground running when HTP and I get back home. I have all the cards that I'll need. Stamps. I need to get some stamps. I guess that'll have to happen on Monday. So, while I'm up in the room, I'm enjoying a nice glass of Ruffino Riserva Ducale Chianti Classico...leftover from last night's dinner at Fellini's.
We're meeting my folks for supper tonight. Billy Bob's. I love the oysters. Mom and I battle over them so I plan to get a couple of dozen for us to share. Wine or Beer? I guess I'll leave that decision to my folks. The food at Billy Bob's? It's OK. They may cook all the juices out of their meat and overcook the lobster and saw the crablegs in half so that they're almost impossible to eat but at least they can't mess up the oysters...if they're fresh.
We're heading back home tomorrow after breakfast. I'm not sure if I'll have the energy to blog once we get home. If I blog, I blog. If not...Saturday is soon enough. Lots to do. Lots to do.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"That lowdown scoundrel deserves to be kicked to death by a jackass, and I'm just the one to do it," --A democratic congressional candidate in Texas.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Word of the Day
Whizdumb - Game show loser.
Old Grey Frog, DD Daughter and Santa - 1980
On the Seventh Day of Getting Ready for Christmas....
To be honest, I'm here in Las Vegas. HTP and I hit the road at around 8 AM yesterday and after making stops to walk the dogs and making stops to walk HTP and me, arrived in Las Vegas at around 2 PM. We gained an hour as we crossed The Dam. Traffic wasn't bad. The new SS was a wonder to drive. Passing was incredibly easy. She took the curves like a dream.
My folks are taking care of our dogs while we're here. It's incredibly wonderful of them to do this for us. The pet-sitter that took care of our dogs while we were in Denver is nice but expensive. I'm thinking of looking for someone in our neighborhood that might be able to help us out for those times when we can't take our dogs with us. I hate kenneling the dogs. Kennels are even more expensive than the pet-sitter.
Sam's Town is all decked out for Christmas. Penguins. Polar Bears. A huge Christmas tree in the indoor park. It's Rodeo time in Vegas. We're hearing lots of country western Christmas carols. We're seeing lots of men in cowboy hats and boots. HTP and I were supposed to go to the rodeo for a couple of nights but HTP's back is still bothering him so we decided that we'd give our tickets to someone on the waiting list for tickets.
We ate at Billy Bob's last night. Fellini's is the plan for tonight. I'm not sure if I'll be able to blog tomorrow. I'll try. I'm learning how to use the new explorer on the laptop before HTP installs it on my home computer. The dial-up modem is darn slow so down-loading e-mails takes FOREVER! Posting my blog takes a long time too. Oh...and I forgot my Murphy's Law Book so I'm going to have to suspend that portion of my blog until I get home.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Whizdumb - Game show loser.
Old Grey Frog, DD Daughter and Santa - 1980
On the Seventh Day of Getting Ready for Christmas....
To be honest, I'm here in Las Vegas. HTP and I hit the road at around 8 AM yesterday and after making stops to walk the dogs and making stops to walk HTP and me, arrived in Las Vegas at around 2 PM. We gained an hour as we crossed The Dam. Traffic wasn't bad. The new SS was a wonder to drive. Passing was incredibly easy. She took the curves like a dream.
My folks are taking care of our dogs while we're here. It's incredibly wonderful of them to do this for us. The pet-sitter that took care of our dogs while we were in Denver is nice but expensive. I'm thinking of looking for someone in our neighborhood that might be able to help us out for those times when we can't take our dogs with us. I hate kenneling the dogs. Kennels are even more expensive than the pet-sitter.
Sam's Town is all decked out for Christmas. Penguins. Polar Bears. A huge Christmas tree in the indoor park. It's Rodeo time in Vegas. We're hearing lots of country western Christmas carols. We're seeing lots of men in cowboy hats and boots. HTP and I were supposed to go to the rodeo for a couple of nights but HTP's back is still bothering him so we decided that we'd give our tickets to someone on the waiting list for tickets.
We ate at Billy Bob's last night. Fellini's is the plan for tonight. I'm not sure if I'll be able to blog tomorrow. I'll try. I'm learning how to use the new explorer on the laptop before HTP installs it on my home computer. The dial-up modem is darn slow so down-loading e-mails takes FOREVER! Posting my blog takes a long time too. Oh...and I forgot my Murphy's Law Book so I'm going to have to suspend that portion of my blog until I get home.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"I'm not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers. We are the president."--Hillary Clinton commenting on the release of subpoenaed documents.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Word of the Day
Whinese - The language of people who whine a lot.
DD Daughter and Santa- Christmas 1979
On the Sixth Day of Getting Ready for Christmas....
I finally finished a rough draft for the Annual Christmas Letter. This is a tradition that I started shortly after I got married. My Father had always written a Christmas Letter and I just continued on using his format. I never was one to write newsy letters to family and friends so I started an writing the Christmas letter so that people would know the various and sundry things that went on in our lives and the lives of each of our children as they were born and grew. Back then, without internet, e-mail, or blogs, this was my meager effort in keeping in touch with everyone. So my question now is, when are my kids going to take up the to speak? When are they going to start their own Annual Christmas Letters? Maybe I need to let them know that some people still don't use computers. Some people still look forward to opening the traditional Christmas cards that come "snail" mail. I may have a computer but I still look forward to getting all those pretty cards in the mail.
I'm doing laundry today. I've got to pack. HTP and I are heading off to Las Vegas tomorrow. Fair warning! I may or may not blog while we're in Vegas. We will have our laptop but I make no promises that I can't keep. Besides, if I'm not playing, I plan to work on that Christmas letter. I've got to get these cards in the mail. I've got to do the baking. Busy, busy. 'Tis the season....
Murphyism of the Day
Truths of Management
1. Think before you act; it's not your money.
2. No executives devote effort to proving themselves wrong.
3. If sophisticated calculations are needed to justify an action, don't do it.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"Outside of the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the country,"--Mayor Marion Barry, Washington, DC
Whinese - The language of people who whine a lot.
DD Daughter and Santa- Christmas 1979
On the Sixth Day of Getting Ready for Christmas....
I finally finished a rough draft for the Annual Christmas Letter. This is a tradition that I started shortly after I got married. My Father had always written a Christmas Letter and I just continued on using his format. I never was one to write newsy letters to family and friends so I started an writing the Christmas letter so that people would know the various and sundry things that went on in our lives and the lives of each of our children as they were born and grew. Back then, without internet, e-mail, or blogs, this was my meager effort in keeping in touch with everyone. So my question now is, when are my kids going to take up the to speak? When are they going to start their own Annual Christmas Letters? Maybe I need to let them know that some people still don't use computers. Some people still look forward to opening the traditional Christmas cards that come "snail" mail. I may have a computer but I still look forward to getting all those pretty cards in the mail.
I'm doing laundry today. I've got to pack. HTP and I are heading off to Las Vegas tomorrow. Fair warning! I may or may not blog while we're in Vegas. We will have our laptop but I make no promises that I can't keep. Besides, if I'm not playing, I plan to work on that Christmas letter. I've got to get these cards in the mail. I've got to do the baking. Busy, busy. 'Tis the season....
Murphyism of the Day
Truths of Management
1. Think before you act; it's not your money.
2. No executives devote effort to proving themselves wrong.
3. If sophisticated calculations are needed to justify an action, don't do it.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"Outside of the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the country,"--Mayor Marion Barry, Washington, DC
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Word of the Day
Whimulating - That which encourages whim.
Our First Home-Winter of 1978
We're Home! HTP and I got home at around 6:30PM. The suitcases are all unpacked. I'll do laundry tomorrow. And then...we'll be hitting the open road again. Vegas.
Our weekend was REALLY busy. HTP and I drove over to pick up our friends at around 3 PM on Friday. Airport. Security. Call the Grayline people to tell them that we'd meet them at Cherry Creek Mall so we wouldn't have to get up so early on Saturday morning and maybe we'd be able to eat breakfast before our Denver tour. Really small plane. Really uncomfortable seats. Our seats smelled like vomit. Yuck. We arrived in Denver at around 7 PM and ate supper at Applebees. It was cold. It was snowing. I forgot to pack my dress shoes so plans for a quick shopping trip were made to fit between Grayline tour and wedding reception. Hotel. Sleep. Wake up call? 6 AM.
We had breakfast at Denny's on Saturday morning. It was cold. It was snowing. Wet Snow. Finding Cherry Creek Mall wasn't impossible. Finding the Grayline pick-up area was more challenging. I ended up having to call them and get directions. We almost missed our 8:15 pick-up time. We toured the city of Denver for three hours. Learned more than what we knew before we took the tour. After the tour my friend and I ran into Macy's for a quick shoe hunting trip. I found a pair of suitable high heels to wear to the wedding reception. We piled into the car and drove to the house where the wedding Open House Luncheon was being held. Lunch. Meet the family. It was cold and it was snowing. Wet snow. Take your shoes off. Meet the friends. Hugs for my college roomie and her husband. Hugs for their beautiful daughter. Find your shoes. Bundle up. Gloves on. It had stopped snowing. Cold. Then back to our hotel. Nap time. Supper at Jose O'Shea's. Back to the hotel room. Dress up time. Wedding Reception. Bed. Wake up call? 8 AM.
I got up this morning at 7 AM. I just can't sleep late no matter how tired I get. We met the bride and her groom and family and friends for breakfast at the hotel. Nothing fancy. One of the guests definitely knew my Dad....said he'd never actually met my Dad but he definitely knew of my Dad. Apparently he's an architect in St. Paul. When I asked for his name to pass on to my Dad, he told me that Dad wouldn't know him. I guess his firm mainly worked mainly in St. Paul. Prisons and stuff? I wish I'd been able to get his name and the name of his firm. Sorry Dad. Maybe my college roomie will be able to tell me. We ran out of time. Time to get the bags piled into the rental car. Fill the tank. Return the rental. Airport. Security. Quick bite to eat at McDonald's. Bigger plane. Better seats. We arrived back in Phoenix at around 6 PM. Waited for a shuddle. Retrieved our car. Dropped our friends off at their home.
Home! For some odd reason the garage door opener isn't working right. It failed to work on Friday before we left but we didn't have time to fool around with it. Tomorrow. It's on the Honey Do List. Getting ready for Christmas? Maybe I'll tackle more tomorrow. I'm just too tired right now.
Murphyism of the Day
Spark's Rules for the Project Manager - Part IV
1. Always keep the office door closed. This puts visitors on the defensive and also makes it look as if you are always in an important conference.
2. Give orders verbally. Never write anything down that might go into a "Pearl Harbor File."
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"I've never had major knee surgery on any other part of my body," --Winston Bennett, University of Kentucky basketball forward.
Whimulating - That which encourages whim.
Our First Home-Winter of 1978
We're Home! HTP and I got home at around 6:30PM. The suitcases are all unpacked. I'll do laundry tomorrow. And then...we'll be hitting the open road again. Vegas.
Our weekend was REALLY busy. HTP and I drove over to pick up our friends at around 3 PM on Friday. Airport. Security. Call the Grayline people to tell them that we'd meet them at Cherry Creek Mall so we wouldn't have to get up so early on Saturday morning and maybe we'd be able to eat breakfast before our Denver tour. Really small plane. Really uncomfortable seats. Our seats smelled like vomit. Yuck. We arrived in Denver at around 7 PM and ate supper at Applebees. It was cold. It was snowing. I forgot to pack my dress shoes so plans for a quick shopping trip were made to fit between Grayline tour and wedding reception. Hotel. Sleep. Wake up call? 6 AM.
We had breakfast at Denny's on Saturday morning. It was cold. It was snowing. Wet Snow. Finding Cherry Creek Mall wasn't impossible. Finding the Grayline pick-up area was more challenging. I ended up having to call them and get directions. We almost missed our 8:15 pick-up time. We toured the city of Denver for three hours. Learned more than what we knew before we took the tour. After the tour my friend and I ran into Macy's for a quick shoe hunting trip. I found a pair of suitable high heels to wear to the wedding reception. We piled into the car and drove to the house where the wedding Open House Luncheon was being held. Lunch. Meet the family. It was cold and it was snowing. Wet snow. Take your shoes off. Meet the friends. Hugs for my college roomie and her husband. Hugs for their beautiful daughter. Find your shoes. Bundle up. Gloves on. It had stopped snowing. Cold. Then back to our hotel. Nap time. Supper at Jose O'Shea's. Back to the hotel room. Dress up time. Wedding Reception. Bed. Wake up call? 8 AM.
I got up this morning at 7 AM. I just can't sleep late no matter how tired I get. We met the bride and her groom and family and friends for breakfast at the hotel. Nothing fancy. One of the guests definitely knew my Dad....said he'd never actually met my Dad but he definitely knew of my Dad. Apparently he's an architect in St. Paul. When I asked for his name to pass on to my Dad, he told me that Dad wouldn't know him. I guess his firm mainly worked mainly in St. Paul. Prisons and stuff? I wish I'd been able to get his name and the name of his firm. Sorry Dad. Maybe my college roomie will be able to tell me. We ran out of time. Time to get the bags piled into the rental car. Fill the tank. Return the rental. Airport. Security. Quick bite to eat at McDonald's. Bigger plane. Better seats. We arrived back in Phoenix at around 6 PM. Waited for a shuddle. Retrieved our car. Dropped our friends off at their home.
Home! For some odd reason the garage door opener isn't working right. It failed to work on Friday before we left but we didn't have time to fool around with it. Tomorrow. It's on the Honey Do List. Getting ready for Christmas? Maybe I'll tackle more tomorrow. I'm just too tired right now.
Murphyism of the Day
Spark's Rules for the Project Manager - Part IV
1. Always keep the office door closed. This puts visitors on the defensive and also makes it look as if you are always in an important conference.
2. Give orders verbally. Never write anything down that might go into a "Pearl Harbor File."
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"I've never had major knee surgery on any other part of my body," --Winston Bennett, University of Kentucky basketball forward.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Word of the Day
Wetinary surgeon - A doctor specializing in fish.
The Entryway of my Arizona Home 2005
On the Fifth Day of Getting Ready for Christmas....
I'm not going to do a thing to get ready for Christmas today, or tomorrow, or Sunday. HTP and I are flying to Denver for the weekend. I did manage to do some Christmas decorating yesterday. I put out the Christmas afghan and the Christmas nightlights. I tend to forget about them because they're stored in the linen closet. I had to get some sheets out of the linen closet yesterday so I could cover my frost sensitive plants last night. The tableclothes weren't very affective. So, I had to dig out sheets. Anyway, while I was in searching the linen closet for old sheets, I found the Christmas afghan and I remembered about the Christmas nightlights.
I also went shopping yesterday after the pet-sitter left. After hunting from store to store, I found an outfit to wear to the wedding reception. I know. I'd bought an outfit to wear while DD Daughter was here but HTP wasn't fond of the top. Then I got some different tops and he didn't like those either. The black tops didn't quite match the black velvet skirt. So yesterday I went in search of a top that didn't even try to match the black velvet skirt. I found one. And then I found a black velvet skirt that I liked a lot better than the black velvet skirt that I'd bought when DD Daughter was here. And then I found a really pretty white sweater embroidered with pearls that looked great with the black velvet skirt and I thought that it would look really nice for Christmas. Then, as I was checking out, the saleslady tells me that if I buy another sweater in their store, I'll get 50% off on that sweater. So, I bought a Christmas sweater. And I plan to wear it tomorrow in Denver. Hah! I might even wear it on the plane this afternoon.
I tried on my new outfits for HTP. He agreed that both outfits looked great. And then, we both decided that we liked the outfit that I'd put together to wear for Christmas the best. So, I'm going to wear the new black velvet skirt with the embroidered white sweater for the reception.
So, I did do some "getting ready for Christmas" yesterday. And if you want to count the fact that I plan to wear my new 50% off Christmas sweater on the plane today as getting ready for Christmas, that's about the extent of my preparations for the day...and the weekend. And since HTP and I aren't going to bring our laptop with us this trip, I'll resume my Getting Ready for Christmas countdown and my blog when we get back.
Murphyism of the Day
Spark's Rules for the Project Manager - Part III
1. If a subordinate asks you a pertinent question, look at him as if he's lost his senses. When he looks down, paraphrase the question back at him.
2. Obtain a brilliant assignment, but keep out of sight and out of the limelight.
3. Walk at a fast pace when out of the office--this keeps questions from subordinates and superiors at a minimum.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life," --Brooke Shields, during an interview to become Spokesperson for federal anti-smoking campaign.
Wetinary surgeon - A doctor specializing in fish.
The Entryway of my Arizona Home 2005
On the Fifth Day of Getting Ready for Christmas....
I'm not going to do a thing to get ready for Christmas today, or tomorrow, or Sunday. HTP and I are flying to Denver for the weekend. I did manage to do some Christmas decorating yesterday. I put out the Christmas afghan and the Christmas nightlights. I tend to forget about them because they're stored in the linen closet. I had to get some sheets out of the linen closet yesterday so I could cover my frost sensitive plants last night. The tableclothes weren't very affective. So, I had to dig out sheets. Anyway, while I was in searching the linen closet for old sheets, I found the Christmas afghan and I remembered about the Christmas nightlights.
I also went shopping yesterday after the pet-sitter left. After hunting from store to store, I found an outfit to wear to the wedding reception. I know. I'd bought an outfit to wear while DD Daughter was here but HTP wasn't fond of the top. Then I got some different tops and he didn't like those either. The black tops didn't quite match the black velvet skirt. So yesterday I went in search of a top that didn't even try to match the black velvet skirt. I found one. And then I found a black velvet skirt that I liked a lot better than the black velvet skirt that I'd bought when DD Daughter was here. And then I found a really pretty white sweater embroidered with pearls that looked great with the black velvet skirt and I thought that it would look really nice for Christmas. Then, as I was checking out, the saleslady tells me that if I buy another sweater in their store, I'll get 50% off on that sweater. So, I bought a Christmas sweater. And I plan to wear it tomorrow in Denver. Hah! I might even wear it on the plane this afternoon.
I tried on my new outfits for HTP. He agreed that both outfits looked great. And then, we both decided that we liked the outfit that I'd put together to wear for Christmas the best. So, I'm going to wear the new black velvet skirt with the embroidered white sweater for the reception.
So, I did do some "getting ready for Christmas" yesterday. And if you want to count the fact that I plan to wear my new 50% off Christmas sweater on the plane today as getting ready for Christmas, that's about the extent of my preparations for the day...and the weekend. And since HTP and I aren't going to bring our laptop with us this trip, I'll resume my Getting Ready for Christmas countdown and my blog when we get back.
Murphyism of the Day
Spark's Rules for the Project Manager - Part III
1. If a subordinate asks you a pertinent question, look at him as if he's lost his senses. When he looks down, paraphrase the question back at him.
2. Obtain a brilliant assignment, but keep out of sight and out of the limelight.
3. Walk at a fast pace when out of the office--this keeps questions from subordinates and superiors at a minimum.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life," --Brooke Shields, during an interview to become Spokesperson for federal anti-smoking campaign.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Word of the Day
Weepidy - Sadness.
On the Fourth Day of Getting Ready for Christmas....
I'm actually not sure how much getting ready for Christmas I'm going to be able to do today. And I know I won't be doing much or any in the coming days. That's why I've been running around like a crazy lady getting as much as I can done while I still have time. I still have to put up the tree and do all kinds of baking and buy gifts and wrap and get the Christmas cards out and get to the post office but those things are just going to have to wait a bit. HTP and I are going to be flying to Denver tomorrow with some friends. The daughter of one of our best friends just got married and we've been invited to the join in the celebration at the wedding reception being held on Saturday. Today is going to have to be spent getting things buttoned up here. The pet-sitter is coming today. I need to give her the key to the house and a gate pass. Plus, I need to explain the dogs' meds, foods, schedule...etc. I don't like leaving the dogs at a kennel even for the couple of days that we're going to be gone. I need to pack. I haven't totally decided what I'm going to wear to the wedding reception. I may go out shopping...again....after the pet-sitter leaves. Oh...and I need to wash my hair.
It froze last night. Having received fair warning, I covered the few remaining frost sensitive plants that survived last winter's cold weather. Does covering frost sensitive plants with old holiday tableclothes count as decorating for Christmas? I can't even remove them as yet. It's still too cold. 30°F. It's supposed to freeze again tonight. I'm thinking about covering and keeping some of my plants covered until we get back from Denver....just in case. I'm just praying that the new trees that we planted to replace those that died last winter, are as frost tolerant as they claim.
Murphyism of the Day
Spark's Rules for the Project Manager - Part II
1. Don't engage in arguments, but if cornered, ask an irrelevant question and lean back with a satisfied grin while your opponent tries to figure out what's going on--then quickly change the subject.
2. Listen intently while others are arguing the problem. Pounce on a trite statement and bury them with it.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"Whenever I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world, I can't help but cry. I mean I'd love to be skinny like that, but not with all those flies and death and stuff." --Mariah Carey
Weepidy - Sadness.
On the Fourth Day of Getting Ready for Christmas....
I'm actually not sure how much getting ready for Christmas I'm going to be able to do today. And I know I won't be doing much or any in the coming days. That's why I've been running around like a crazy lady getting as much as I can done while I still have time. I still have to put up the tree and do all kinds of baking and buy gifts and wrap and get the Christmas cards out and get to the post office but those things are just going to have to wait a bit. HTP and I are going to be flying to Denver tomorrow with some friends. The daughter of one of our best friends just got married and we've been invited to the join in the celebration at the wedding reception being held on Saturday. Today is going to have to be spent getting things buttoned up here. The pet-sitter is coming today. I need to give her the key to the house and a gate pass. Plus, I need to explain the dogs' meds, foods, schedule...etc. I don't like leaving the dogs at a kennel even for the couple of days that we're going to be gone. I need to pack. I haven't totally decided what I'm going to wear to the wedding reception. I may go out shopping...again....after the pet-sitter leaves. Oh...and I need to wash my hair.
It froze last night. Having received fair warning, I covered the few remaining frost sensitive plants that survived last winter's cold weather. Does covering frost sensitive plants with old holiday tableclothes count as decorating for Christmas? I can't even remove them as yet. It's still too cold. 30°F. It's supposed to freeze again tonight. I'm thinking about covering and keeping some of my plants covered until we get back from Denver....just in case. I'm just praying that the new trees that we planted to replace those that died last winter, are as frost tolerant as they claim.
Murphyism of the Day
Spark's Rules for the Project Manager - Part II
1. Don't engage in arguments, but if cornered, ask an irrelevant question and lean back with a satisfied grin while your opponent tries to figure out what's going on--then quickly change the subject.
2. Listen intently while others are arguing the problem. Pounce on a trite statement and bury them with it.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"Whenever I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world, I can't help but cry. I mean I'd love to be skinny like that, but not with all those flies and death and stuff." --Mariah Carey
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Word of the Day
Weelief - Short toilet stop.
On the Third Day of Getting Ready for Christmas....
I found some really old photo's of DD Daughter sitting on Santa's lap along with some of #1 son. Back when DD Daughter and Arizona Daughter were really young, HTP and I would take them to the Mall, sit them on Santa's lap and using our own camera, take Santa pictures of them. By the time, #1 son came along, they wouldn't let you take your own pictures...and by then, we could afford the cost of Mall Santa Photos. One. Those things are expensive! I'm not sure why I couldn't find the pictures of Arizona Daughter on Santa's lap. Not to worry, I do have them archived on the computer. Anyway, the old photos I found in the decoration box were starting to deteriorate so HTP and I scanned them into the computer so that we could halt the deterioration process.
My box of Christmas Frogs is empty. The Singing Christmas Frogs are decorating the house right now. Deck the Halls with Singing Christmas Frogs, "Ribbet, ribbet, ribbit, rib-ribbet, rib-ribbet." 'Tis the Season to be Froggy, "Ribbet, ribbet, ribbet, rib-ribbet, rib-ribbet." Now We Don Our Frog Apparel, "Ribbet, ribbet, ribbet, rib-ribbet, rib-ribbet." Troll the Ancient Froggy Carol, "Ribbet, ribbet, ribbet, rib-ribbet, rib-ribbit." RIBBET! The Angel Christmas Frogs are sitting on the wreath by my front door.
Murphyism of the Day
Spark's Rules for the Project Manager - Part I
1. Strive to look tremendously important.
2. Attempt to be seen with important people.
3. Speak with authority; however, only expound on the obvious and proven facts.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"I would not live forever, because we should not live forever, because if we were supposed to live forever, then we would live forever, but we cannot live forever, which is why I would not live forever,"--Miss Alabama in the 1994 Miss USA contest.
Weelief - Short toilet stop.
On the Third Day of Getting Ready for Christmas....
I found some really old photo's of DD Daughter sitting on Santa's lap along with some of #1 son. Back when DD Daughter and Arizona Daughter were really young, HTP and I would take them to the Mall, sit them on Santa's lap and using our own camera, take Santa pictures of them. By the time, #1 son came along, they wouldn't let you take your own pictures...and by then, we could afford the cost of Mall Santa Photos. One. Those things are expensive! I'm not sure why I couldn't find the pictures of Arizona Daughter on Santa's lap. Not to worry, I do have them archived on the computer. Anyway, the old photos I found in the decoration box were starting to deteriorate so HTP and I scanned them into the computer so that we could halt the deterioration process.
My box of Christmas Frogs is empty. The Singing Christmas Frogs are decorating the house right now. Deck the Halls with Singing Christmas Frogs, "Ribbet, ribbet, ribbit, rib-ribbet, rib-ribbet." 'Tis the Season to be Froggy, "Ribbet, ribbet, ribbet, rib-ribbet, rib-ribbet." Now We Don Our Frog Apparel, "Ribbet, ribbet, ribbet, rib-ribbet, rib-ribbet." Troll the Ancient Froggy Carol, "Ribbet, ribbet, ribbet, rib-ribbet, rib-ribbit." RIBBET! The Angel Christmas Frogs are sitting on the wreath by my front door.
Murphyism of the Day
Spark's Rules for the Project Manager - Part I
1. Strive to look tremendously important.
2. Attempt to be seen with important people.
3. Speak with authority; however, only expound on the obvious and proven facts.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"I would not live forever, because we should not live forever, because if we were supposed to live forever, then we would live forever, but we cannot live forever, which is why I would not live forever,"--Miss Alabama in the 1994 Miss USA contest.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Word of the Day
Webring - A gift you give your cyber wife.
On the Second Day of Getting Ready for Christmas.....
In between getting the laundry done, I managed to unbury the Christmas box that I keep in our closet. I've got an Easter Box and a Halloween Box...which also serves as a Thanksgiving Box but that's another tale for another season. They're buried too. Anyway, as I was saying, the Christmas box got buried under the suitcases that we hadn't stored away because we're going to be needing them on Friday...and then again next Tuesday. In the Christmas box, I keep various Christmas decorations that I don't want to keep in the garage. Candles. Candles melt. The garage is hot. I don't store candles in the garage. I also keep my Twelve Days of Christmas figures in a box in that box. Oh...and countless other little things that help make Christmas look a bit like Christmas. Anyway, I now have most of my Christmas decorations tucked here and there wherever things might fit. The things that don't fit remain in The Christmas Box. I put out my silk poinsettia plants. I put out the nutcracker figures that my daughters and I made at the church. My door wreath is gracing the front door. I substituted green party lights for the regular lights in my exterior carriage lights and added velveteen bows. That's the extent of my exterior light show. I've got my metal Santa and metal Snowman set out...guarding my front door. That's as far as I'm going to decorate the exterior of the house...well...I still need to put out my frog angels. Those will have to wait until tomorrow. I also hung up the Christmas crewel work pictures that I stitched along with a counted cross-stitch picture which I also stitched...when I had more patience...and when I my eye-sight was a lot better. One would think that all my preparations for Christmas would be complete at this point. (Old Grey Frog exits laughing hysterically....)
Murphyism of the Day
Bunuel's Law
Overdoing things is harmful in all cases, even when it comes to efficiency.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"He has Van Gogh's ear for music." -- Billy Wilder
Webring - A gift you give your cyber wife.
On the Second Day of Getting Ready for Christmas.....
In between getting the laundry done, I managed to unbury the Christmas box that I keep in our closet. I've got an Easter Box and a Halloween Box...which also serves as a Thanksgiving Box but that's another tale for another season. They're buried too. Anyway, as I was saying, the Christmas box got buried under the suitcases that we hadn't stored away because we're going to be needing them on Friday...and then again next Tuesday. In the Christmas box, I keep various Christmas decorations that I don't want to keep in the garage. Candles. Candles melt. The garage is hot. I don't store candles in the garage. I also keep my Twelve Days of Christmas figures in a box in that box. Oh...and countless other little things that help make Christmas look a bit like Christmas. Anyway, I now have most of my Christmas decorations tucked here and there wherever things might fit. The things that don't fit remain in The Christmas Box. I put out my silk poinsettia plants. I put out the nutcracker figures that my daughters and I made at the church. My door wreath is gracing the front door. I substituted green party lights for the regular lights in my exterior carriage lights and added velveteen bows. That's the extent of my exterior light show. I've got my metal Santa and metal Snowman set out...guarding my front door. That's as far as I'm going to decorate the exterior of the house...well...I still need to put out my frog angels. Those will have to wait until tomorrow. I also hung up the Christmas crewel work pictures that I stitched along with a counted cross-stitch picture which I also stitched...when I had more patience...and when I my eye-sight was a lot better. One would think that all my preparations for Christmas would be complete at this point. (Old Grey Frog exits laughing hysterically....)
Murphyism of the Day
Bunuel's Law
Overdoing things is harmful in all cases, even when it comes to efficiency.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"He has Van Gogh's ear for music." -- Billy Wilder
Monday, November 27, 2006
Word of the Day
Wambulance - What you send for when someone is especially whiney.
So...I was peacefully sleeping, minding my own zzzz, when HTP decides to come to bed and converse about cell phones and cell phone plans. Our current pay as you go cell phone plan is going to go away. They want to force us to use another pay as you go plan only it seems that it'll work almost everywhere but at The Lake. I guess I'll have to call them and speak to a real live person but from everything that HTP has read from their website, the Cingular Go Phone will not function at The Lake. It will work here in Arizona. It will work in Vegas. It will work for almost the entire way to The Lake and in Minnesota. It will not work at The Lake. So now what? HTP has been researching other pay as you go plans. Alltel may have one that would cost a bit more than what we're paying right now. But how long will it be before they decide that they want more money and switch their plans? I know. I know. It's just that I don't use a cell phone all that much. I hate to pay someone for a monthly plan when I have to maintain two landlines. Actually I would really love to have a real cell phone that would work wherever we might be but...
Anyway, so now I'm awake. My mind is buzzing with cell phone issues. My mind is REALLY awake and it's refusing to turn itself off again. It forced me to get up and get dressed and blog. And in a minute, it'll force me to go into the kitchen to heat up a cup of the coffee that's leftover from what I made yesterday morning. I don't usually get up this early. The dogs aren't even awake yet. I usually force myself to sleep until at least 6 AM. After listening to talk radio for a couple of hours and arguing quietly with my wide awake mind, I gave up and gave in. I'm awake. And HTP is asleep. He's sleeping! Argh! He's always been able to do that. I have to work at getting to sleep and staying asleep. And he couldn't have waited until morning to discuss cell phones? It's still dark out!
On the First Day of Getting Ready for Christmas....
Murphyism of the Day
Dow's Law
In a hierarchical organization, the higher the level, the greater the confusion.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts...for support rather than illumination." -- Andrew Lang (1844-1912)
Wambulance - What you send for when someone is especially whiney.
So...I was peacefully sleeping, minding my own zzzz, when HTP decides to come to bed and converse about cell phones and cell phone plans. Our current pay as you go cell phone plan is going to go away. They want to force us to use another pay as you go plan only it seems that it'll work almost everywhere but at The Lake. I guess I'll have to call them and speak to a real live person but from everything that HTP has read from their website, the Cingular Go Phone will not function at The Lake. It will work here in Arizona. It will work in Vegas. It will work for almost the entire way to The Lake and in Minnesota. It will not work at The Lake. So now what? HTP has been researching other pay as you go plans. Alltel may have one that would cost a bit more than what we're paying right now. But how long will it be before they decide that they want more money and switch their plans? I know. I know. It's just that I don't use a cell phone all that much. I hate to pay someone for a monthly plan when I have to maintain two landlines. Actually I would really love to have a real cell phone that would work wherever we might be but...
Anyway, so now I'm awake. My mind is buzzing with cell phone issues. My mind is REALLY awake and it's refusing to turn itself off again. It forced me to get up and get dressed and blog. And in a minute, it'll force me to go into the kitchen to heat up a cup of the coffee that's leftover from what I made yesterday morning. I don't usually get up this early. The dogs aren't even awake yet. I usually force myself to sleep until at least 6 AM. After listening to talk radio for a couple of hours and arguing quietly with my wide awake mind, I gave up and gave in. I'm awake. And HTP is asleep. He's sleeping! Argh! He's always been able to do that. I have to work at getting to sleep and staying asleep. And he couldn't have waited until morning to discuss cell phones? It's still dark out!
On the First Day of Getting Ready for Christmas....
I wrote the first draft of my annual Christmas letter. What format should I use? What should I say? What should I leave unsaid? Time to let it gel for a bit and maybe HTP will be able to add and subtract. I unpacked and arranged all my snowglobes. Good Grief! It's always a struggle to figure out where to put them all. Where should I put the Christmas Creche? And why does it look like I misspelled Creche and why does it look like I misspelled misspelled?
Murphyism of the Day
Dow's Law
In a hierarchical organization, the higher the level, the greater the confusion.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts...for support rather than illumination." -- Andrew Lang (1844-1912)
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Word of the Day
Wambo - Extreme excitement!
It's Sunday? Wasn't yesterday Sunday? My inner calendar is totally confused. It felt like a Saturday when I was out shopping with DD Daughter...but it was really a Friday. And then yesterday automatically felt like a Sunday even though I didn't go to church but it followed the progression. OK. is Sunday. Again. Only it isn't again because Thanksgiving was on Thursday like usual and I really went shopping on Friday, not Saturday, and yesterday was Saturday when DD Daughter and GI Joe left so today is Sunday. Got it. I suppose it kind of like jet lag. My mind will adjust eventually until the next time some big event falls mid-week.
Murphyism of the Day
Law of Communications
The inevitable result of improved and enlarged communications among different levels in a hierarchy is a vastly increased area of misunderstanding.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"He inherited some good instincts from his Quaker forebears but by diligent hard work, he overcame them." -- James Reston (about Richard Nixon)
Wambo - Extreme excitement!
It's Sunday? Wasn't yesterday Sunday? My inner calendar is totally confused. It felt like a Saturday when I was out shopping with DD Daughter...but it was really a Friday. And then yesterday automatically felt like a Sunday even though I didn't go to church but it followed the progression. OK. is Sunday. Again. Only it isn't again because Thanksgiving was on Thursday like usual and I really went shopping on Friday, not Saturday, and yesterday was Saturday when DD Daughter and GI Joe left so today is Sunday. Got it. I suppose it kind of like jet lag. My mind will adjust eventually until the next time some big event falls mid-week.
Murphyism of the Day
Law of Communications
The inevitable result of improved and enlarged communications among different levels in a hierarchy is a vastly increased area of misunderstanding.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"He inherited some good instincts from his Quaker forebears but by diligent hard work, he overcame them." -- James Reston (about Richard Nixon)
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Word of the Day
Walmartian - Describes a person who spends more than 75% of their waking time in any area Walmart store!
Left-overs. The challenge is to use up all the Thanksgiving left-overs before they go bad without over-doing the calorie intake or causing the eaters to rebel. What?! Turkey again?! A cook's lot in life is never an easy one. The thing to remember is that any casserole recipe that calls for canned tuna works just as well if you substitute turkey. And...I have a freezer. It's not that HTP and I don't like turkey. There is, however, a limit to any good thing.
HTP and I are in charge of using all the left-overs on our own now. DD Daughter and GI Joe left right after breakfast on their way back to California. They promised that they'll return for Christmas. They couldn't tell me exactly what day they'll be here. For the immediate future DD Daughter's time belongs to the military. The military determines when or even if she can take time off.
I got to drive the new car today for the first time since we got it. It didn't give me a moment of trouble....not that I was expecting any problems. Although the window sticker claimed that the gas mileage on this critter should be better than our SUV, I'm not seeing it. I'd say that the SUV may even get better gas mileage than our new car. Of course, the situation may improve after we've shaken the newness out of it.
Murphyism of the Day
The Salary Axiom
The pay raise is just large enough to increase your taxes and just small enough to have no effect on your take-home pay.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"There's nothing wrong with you that reincarnation won't cure." -- Jack E. Leonard
Friday, November 24, 2006
Word of the Day
Wackaloon - One who is wacky and loony at the same time.
I can't believe that I'm actually going to go out shopping on Black Friday! After eating way too much yesterday, I really need to do some walking. At least. I also need to get an outfit for a wedding reception that HTP and I will be attending.
I survived! DD Daughter and I went shopping on one of the worst days to go shopping and I survived. I also got an outfit to wear at the wedding reception that HTP and I are going to attend in Denver. I bought some Christmas presents. I got some Christmas present ideas. And...I bought myself a wine rack because I needed one and finally found one that I liked. I bought some unmentionables because they were on sale and there was a neato free gift and I haven't bought any unmentionables for a couple of years and mine are starting to look a bit tattered. Oh...and I bought a couple of new DVD movies. It's much cheaper these days to buy a DVD than actually spending the money it costs for two people to go out to a movie theatre.
Murphyism of the Day
Third Law of Productivity
When the bosses talk about improving productivity, they are never talking about themselves.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"He had delusions of adequacy." -- Walter Kerr
Wackaloon - One who is wacky and loony at the same time.
I can't believe that I'm actually going to go out shopping on Black Friday! After eating way too much yesterday, I really need to do some walking. At least. I also need to get an outfit for a wedding reception that HTP and I will be attending.
I survived! DD Daughter and I went shopping on one of the worst days to go shopping and I survived. I also got an outfit to wear at the wedding reception that HTP and I are going to attend in Denver. I bought some Christmas presents. I got some Christmas present ideas. And...I bought myself a wine rack because I needed one and finally found one that I liked. I bought some unmentionables because they were on sale and there was a neato free gift and I haven't bought any unmentionables for a couple of years and mine are starting to look a bit tattered. Oh...and I bought a couple of new DVD movies. It's much cheaper these days to buy a DVD than actually spending the money it costs for two people to go out to a movie theatre.
Murphyism of the Day
Third Law of Productivity
When the bosses talk about improving productivity, they are never talking about themselves.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"He had delusions of adequacy." -- Walter Kerr
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Word of the Day
Vuja de - The opposite feeling of Deja Vu. When you get that eerie feeling that this is the first time this is happening.
It's Thanksgiving! I made sticky buns for breakfast. I baked the Pumpkin Toffee Pie...which too longer to bake than the hour that was called for on the recipe but...whatever. I made the stuffing. HTP helped me give the turkey a bath before we stuffed it. It is now roasting in the oven. I made the sweet potato casserole and the green bean casserole. I made the traditional cranberries. I still need to put the dill pickles in the fridge so they'll be cold but I can't do that right now. My dill pickles are in my guest room pantry where GI Joe and DD Daughter are taking a nap. I already had to disturb them to get the green beans for the green bean casserole. The dill pickles can wait.
Murphyism of the Day
Levin's Law
Following the rules will not get the job done.
Getting the job done is no excuse for not following the rules.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
If you can't be a good example -- then you'll just have to be a horrible warning. -Catherine-
Vuja de - The opposite feeling of Deja Vu. When you get that eerie feeling that this is the first time this is happening.
Happy Thanksgiving!
It's Thanksgiving! I made sticky buns for breakfast. I baked the Pumpkin Toffee Pie...which too longer to bake than the hour that was called for on the recipe but...whatever. I made the stuffing. HTP helped me give the turkey a bath before we stuffed it. It is now roasting in the oven. I made the sweet potato casserole and the green bean casserole. I made the traditional cranberries. I still need to put the dill pickles in the fridge so they'll be cold but I can't do that right now. My dill pickles are in my guest room pantry where GI Joe and DD Daughter are taking a nap. I already had to disturb them to get the green beans for the green bean casserole. The dill pickles can wait.
Murphyism of the Day
Levin's Law
Following the rules will not get the job done.
Getting the job done is no excuse for not following the rules.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
If you can't be a good example -- then you'll just have to be a horrible warning. -Catherine-