Myspace Christmas Graphics
Word of the Day
Wittarian - One who is an expert in wit.

Arizona Daughter and DD Daughter in their Christmas Dresses - 1982?
9 Days and a WAKE UP and it'll be Christmas!
Grocery shopping. After doing some ad reading, I went out grocery shopping after breakfast. I wanted to get a prime rib roast for Christmas, some steaks to make while Arizona Daughter and her husband come over tomorrow night for supper, crablegs were on sale, more baking get the drift. Anyway, I'm over getting more margarine for baking and what to my wondering eyes do I see? Gingerbread cookies by Tollhouse. Already to pop into the oven. How easy is that? I couldn't resist. I hadn't planned on making gingerbread cookies but...oh...what the heck. Into the shopping cart they went.
I get home, stow away all the groceries, turn on the oven and I open up the cookie dough package and start baking my gingerbread cookies. They're great! I don't think my own gingerbread cookie recipe is all that tasty, but these are really good. But what about all that extra dough? I imagine most people would just toss it in the garbage. There, at my shoulder, stood my Mom and my Grandmother at my shoulder with totally disapproving looks on their faces. OK. My Mom and Grandmother weren't really there but I could really see my mind's eye. I'm not totally bonkers...yet. Sigh. I dragged out the rolling pin that I stored away yesterday after making my brown sugar cut-out cookies. I dragged out my cookie cutters. Flour. Board. I ended up baking a full four dozen additional cookies from the scraps. Large cookies. My own cookie cutters made cookies that were twice as large as the pre-cut dough. All from scraps I'm sure most people would have consigned to the dustbin. Not me. I just couldn't do it. Not with my Mom standing there. She was already mad (I imagine) that I'd bought those pre-cut cookies...without a coupon. I'm making spritz next. Homemade. It probably won't take as long as the gingerbread.
Murphyism of the Day
Young's Rule of Delegation
When moving a pregnant cat, pick up the cat and let her take care of the kittens.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"We are ready for an unforeseen event that may or may not occur." -- Al Gore.
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