Friday, December 22, 2006

Christmas Myspace Comments
Christmas Myspace Graphics

Word of the Day

Wreckorator - Some husband's handy-work

Our Old Christmas Tree when we lived in Ahwatukee

2 Days and a WAKE UP and it'll be Christmas!

I can't believe this. I woke #1 Son up this morning and headed him off to church for a brass ensemble practice. The practice was scheduled for 9 AM on December 23rd. I really did think that today was December 23rd. After getting to the church and finding things really quiet and hanging around until 9:15 AM, (translate this as the place was totally deserted), #1 Son called me and asked if I was sure the practice was for today. I said, of course it's for today. December 23rd, 9 AM. "Mom," #1 Son sighed, "It's December 22nd today." Oops. Sorry, #1 Son. I'm sure he'll forgive me...eventually. It's Christmas afterall.

However, on the plus side, I have more time to do even more stuff than I actually thought I had time for. Woohoo! I'm ahead of schedule. I've got things totally under control...except that little problem with losing my mind...but we won't go there.

Murphyism of the Day

Mitchell's Laws of Committology

1. Any simple problem can be made insoluble if enough conferences are held to discuss it.

2. Once the way to screw up a project is presented for consideration, it will invariably be accepted as the soundest solution.

3. After the solution screws up the project, all those who initially endorsed it will say, "I wish I had voiced my reservations at the time."

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

"A verbal contract is not worth the paper it's written on." -Samuel Goldwyn

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