Wick-head - Someone who burns the candle at both ends

Arizona Daughter and DD Daughter with Santa - 1981
14 Days and a WAKE UP and it'll be Christmas!
If a tree falls in the forest and there's no-one around to hear it, does it make any sound? I suppose that doesn't really apply to my situation because even though I was sleeping at the time, I was around when the shelf ripped itself off the wall and crashed to the floor of our closet. Talk about rude awakenings. Thankfully, nothing much was damaged. My laundry cart bit the dust but the rest of the stuff in the closet came away intact.
So, at 3 AM HTP and I are unloading said closet and moving all our clothes to the guestroom closet. I hope that closet shelf decides to stay adhered to the wall until we can get in there and reinforce everything. It turns out that our builders thought that it would be OK to glue and staple our closet shelves to the wall...nevermind using any kind of common sense about anchoring it firmly in place. Looking at the remains, I'm amazed that the shelf has been able to call itself a shelf for as long as it has. Just long enough that the house is no longer under warranty. HTP and I will spend this week reinforcing shelves on top of our Christmas preparations.
So, after getting everything cleaned up and cleared, I returned to my bed. First, I set my alarm clock since I had to be at the church at 8 AM this morning for an orchestra practice. I figured that I'd get up at 6 AM so I could get the dogs all taken care of and my music sorted. Make coffee. The usual. Plenty of time to get ready. Right? Well, you'd think. But... I overslept. I never oversleep! I overslept. My eyes popped open at 7 AM!? I never sleep that late! Of course, it isn't too often that a shelf falls in the closet and the resultant mess keeps me up half the night. Oh well... I got to church on time. A bit bedraggled but none the worse for not getting a cup of coffee.
After church, I got some shopping done. I needed to buy a new laundry cart. Christmas stuff. I ended up having to go to two stores before I could find Christmas computer paper. And in the second store, I was told that they didn't have any and I should go to yet a third store. I was told wrong. They did have the paper I needed. Sometimes these people don't have a clue what their store is selling.
When I got home, HTP had already pulled up pictures that we'd taken of our closet while the house was under construction so he can get an idea as to where the studs are located in our closet. He "shelved" that project in favor of one that I needed to have done first. The labels for my liqueurs. The Christmas letter. Mailing Labels. I've got to get packages out this week. I want to get the Christmas cards done and out this week too. Baking? I'll start that..this week? I think I can, I think I can... It'll get done. I have faith.
Murphyism of the Day
Match's Maxim
A fool in a high station is like a man on the top of a high mountain: everything appears small to him and he appears small to everybody.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"I love California. I practically grew up in Phoenix."
--Dan Quayle
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