Myspace Layouts
Word of the Day
Yankerchief - The cloth that one places over the cork while de-corking that bottle of champagne so that the cork doesn't fly out and put someone's eye out.
Only Three Full Days Until 2007
I've been putting it off but I really need to go out to the store today to return/exchange one of the gifts that I got for HTP. HTP doesn't really like long-sleeved shirts but I was hoping he'd like these. He did. Only...he doesn't wear long-sleeved shirts because they make him feel hot and sticky and he tells me that this shirt will end up hanging in the closet gathering dust. I'll go out and exchange the long-sleeved shirt for something different. Today. As soon as I get my hair dry. I wonder if I can con #1 Son into going with me. The thought of braving the mall alone isn't all that appealing to me.
It's actually raining today. Gloomy. Though I prefer a nice, stormy, driving rain, I won't complain about this meager drizzly stuff we're getting today. We need the rain. I'll just have to live with the resultant inevitable weeds that will start to arrive in a matter of days.
Murphyism of the Day
Spencer's Laws of Accountancy
1. Trial balances don't.
2. Working capital doesn't.
3. Liquidity tends to run out.
4. Return on investments won't.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
As far as we know, our computer has never had an undetected error. - Weisert
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