Whinese - The language of people who whine a lot.

DD Daughter and Santa- Christmas 1979
On the Sixth Day of Getting Ready for Christmas....
I finally finished a rough draft for the Annual Christmas Letter. This is a tradition that I started shortly after I got married. My Father had always written a Christmas Letter and I just continued on using his format. I never was one to write newsy letters to family and friends so I started an writing the Christmas letter so that people would know the various and sundry things that went on in our lives and the lives of each of our children as they were born and grew. Back then, without internet, e-mail, or blogs, this was my meager effort in keeping in touch with everyone. So my question now is, when are my kids going to take up the baton..so to speak? When are they going to start their own Annual Christmas Letters? Maybe I need to let them know that some people still don't use computers. Some people still look forward to opening the traditional Christmas cards that come "snail" mail. I may have a computer but I still look forward to getting all those pretty cards in the mail.
I'm doing laundry today. I've got to pack. HTP and I are heading off to Las Vegas tomorrow. Fair warning! I may or may not blog while we're in Vegas. We will have our laptop but I make no promises that I can't keep. Besides, if I'm not playing, I plan to work on that Christmas letter. I've got to get these cards in the mail. I've got to do the baking. Busy, busy. 'Tis the season....
Murphyism of the Day
Truths of Management
1. Think before you act; it's not your money.
2. No executives devote effort to proving themselves wrong.
3. If sophisticated calculations are needed to justify an action, don't do it.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"Outside of the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the country,"--Mayor Marion Barry, Washington, DC
1 comment:
I think I may have forgotten how to use a pen. Pointy side down, right?
Unless I can get BTP to fill them out and mail them this year, I think I may start sending out cards next Christmas. It's hard being the bread winner and keeping up with all my womanly tasks ;)
BTP is a quick little Padawan, though. Tonight I crashed in bed and an hour later he came in to the bedroom and placed a plate of spaghetti and green beans on my night stand. <3 <3 <3
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