Whimulating - That which encourages whim.

Our First Home-Winter of 1978
We're Home! HTP and I got home at around 6:30PM. The suitcases are all unpacked. I'll do laundry tomorrow. And then...we'll be hitting the open road again. Vegas.
Our weekend was REALLY busy. HTP and I drove over to pick up our friends at around 3 PM on Friday. Airport. Security. Call the Grayline people to tell them that we'd meet them at Cherry Creek Mall so we wouldn't have to get up so early on Saturday morning and maybe we'd be able to eat breakfast before our Denver tour. Really small plane. Really uncomfortable seats. Our seats smelled like vomit. Yuck. We arrived in Denver at around 7 PM and ate supper at Applebees. It was cold. It was snowing. I forgot to pack my dress shoes so plans for a quick shopping trip were made to fit between Grayline tour and wedding reception. Hotel. Sleep. Wake up call? 6 AM.
We had breakfast at Denny's on Saturday morning. It was cold. It was snowing. Wet Snow. Finding Cherry Creek Mall wasn't impossible. Finding the Grayline pick-up area was more challenging. I ended up having to call them and get directions. We almost missed our 8:15 pick-up time. We toured the city of Denver for three hours. Learned more than what we knew before we took the tour. After the tour my friend and I ran into Macy's for a quick shoe hunting trip. I found a pair of suitable high heels to wear to the wedding reception. We piled into the car and drove to the house where the wedding Open House Luncheon was being held. Lunch. Meet the family. It was cold and it was snowing. Wet snow. Take your shoes off. Meet the friends. Hugs for my college roomie and her husband. Hugs for their beautiful daughter. Find your shoes. Bundle up. Gloves on. It had stopped snowing. Cold. Then back to our hotel. Nap time. Supper at Jose O'Shea's. Back to the hotel room. Dress up time. Wedding Reception. Bed. Wake up call? 8 AM.
I got up this morning at 7 AM. I just can't sleep late no matter how tired I get. We met the bride and her groom and family and friends for breakfast at the hotel. Nothing fancy. One of the guests definitely knew my Dad....said he'd never actually met my Dad but he definitely knew of my Dad. Apparently he's an architect in St. Paul. When I asked for his name to pass on to my Dad, he told me that Dad wouldn't know him. I guess his firm mainly worked mainly in St. Paul. Prisons and stuff? I wish I'd been able to get his name and the name of his firm. Sorry Dad. Maybe my college roomie will be able to tell me. We ran out of time. Time to get the bags piled into the rental car. Fill the tank. Return the rental. Airport. Security. Quick bite to eat at McDonald's. Bigger plane. Better seats. We arrived back in Phoenix at around 6 PM. Waited for a shuddle. Retrieved our car. Dropped our friends off at their home.
Home! For some odd reason the garage door opener isn't working right. It failed to work on Friday before we left but we didn't have time to fool around with it. Tomorrow. It's on the Honey Do List. Getting ready for Christmas? Maybe I'll tackle more tomorrow. I'm just too tired right now.
Murphyism of the Day
Spark's Rules for the Project Manager - Part IV
1. Always keep the office door closed. This puts visitors on the defensive and also makes it look as if you are always in an important conference.
2. Give orders verbally. Never write anything down that might go into a "Pearl Harbor File."
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"I've never had major knee surgery on any other part of my body," --Winston Bennett, University of Kentucky basketball forward.
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