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The Entryway of my Arizona Home 2005
On the Fifth Day of Getting Ready for Christmas....
I'm not going to do a thing to get ready for Christmas today, or tomorrow, or Sunday. HTP and I are flying to Denver for the weekend. I did manage to do some Christmas decorating yesterday. I put out the Christmas afghan and the Christmas nightlights. I tend to forget about them because they're stored in the linen closet. I had to get some sheets out of the linen closet yesterday so I could cover my frost sensitive plants last night. The tableclothes weren't very affective. So, I had to dig out sheets. Anyway, while I was in searching the linen closet for old sheets, I found the Christmas afghan and I remembered about the Christmas nightlights.
I also went shopping yesterday after the pet-sitter left. After hunting from store to store, I found an outfit to wear to the wedding reception. I know. I'd bought an outfit to wear while DD Daughter was here but HTP wasn't fond of the top. Then I got some different tops and he didn't like those either. The black tops didn't quite match the black velvet skirt. So yesterday I went in search of a top that didn't even try to match the black velvet skirt. I found one. And then I found a black velvet skirt that I liked a lot better than the black velvet skirt that I'd bought when DD Daughter was here. And then I found a really pretty white sweater embroidered with pearls that looked great with the black velvet skirt and I thought that it would look really nice for Christmas. Then, as I was checking out, the saleslady tells me that if I buy another sweater in their store, I'll get 50% off on that sweater. So, I bought a Christmas sweater. And I plan to wear it tomorrow in Denver. Hah! I might even wear it on the plane this afternoon.
I tried on my new outfits for HTP. He agreed that both outfits looked great. And then, we both decided that we liked the outfit that I'd put together to wear for Christmas the best. So, I'm going to wear the new black velvet skirt with the embroidered white sweater for the reception.
So, I did do some "getting ready for Christmas" yesterday. And if you want to count the fact that I plan to wear my new 50% off Christmas sweater on the plane today as getting ready for Christmas, that's about the extent of my preparations for the day...and the weekend. And since HTP and I aren't going to bring our laptop with us this trip, I'll resume my Getting Ready for Christmas countdown and my blog when we get back.
Murphyism of the Day
Spark's Rules for the Project Manager - Part III
1. If a subordinate asks you a pertinent question, look at him as if he's lost his senses. When he looks down, paraphrase the question back at him.
2. Obtain a brilliant assignment, but keep out of sight and out of the limelight.
3. Walk at a fast pace when out of the office--this keeps questions from subordinates and superiors at a minimum.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life," --Brooke Shields, during an interview to become Spokesperson for federal anti-smoking campaign.
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