Myspace Layouts
Word of the Day
Yarbage - An excessive amount of lawn decorations.
Only Two Full Days Until 2007
Packing! HTP, #1 Son, and I are heading to Vegas tomorrow morning. I'm doing one last load of laundry today. One. That's it. I did laundry yesterday. If anyone has anything more to be laundered, they'll have to do it themselves.
I've decided that I'd better make a list of stuff to pack this time. My folks want me to bring some records to play on their new record player. I'm not quite sure what they want so I'm going to bring an old 45, an old 33-?, and an old 78. Just to be on the safe side. I also plan to pack some champagne and some champagne glasses for our first toast of the New Year.
I'm going to try and blog while we're in Vegas but I make no promises that I can't keep. If I can get near the computer with all the competition from HTP and #1 Son, and I still feel like blogging, I'll blog. If not, you'll just have to wait until next year for my next blog. So...just in case....
New Year!
Murphyism of the Day
Frothingham's Fallacy
Time is money.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"We apologize for the error in last week's paper in which we stated that Mr. Arnold Dogbody was a defective in the police force. We meant, of course, that Mr. Dogbody is a detective in the police farce." -Correction notice in the Ely Standard, a British newspaper.
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