Myspace Christmas Graphics
Word of the Day
Wishcraft - The art of wishing.

HTP, HTP's Brother and Santa
10 Days and a WAKE UP and it'll be Christmas!
I didn't get any baking done yesterday but I did get a lot of my Christmas shopping done. Not all, but I made a huge dent in it. Arizona Daughter and I shopped until some of the stores decided to close up. Then I continued on and did some grocery shopping again before I headed on home with my treasures. I was just too tired from Mall walking and store hopping to tackle anything more complicated than hanging TJ and GI Joe's stockings on their new stocking hangers. And then I tweaked the tree again and added a string of lights to replace the one that had gone dark. After that, I had just enough energy left to stow away the bags that I'd dumped on our I could actually crawl in and sleep. It wasn't until this morning that I hung up the new ornaments that I got for each of the kids. Tradition.
Woohoo! HTP fixed the shelf in our closet! I've got a shelf again! Well...almost. HTP says he wants to paint it first. But then...I can actually use the shelf and the hanging rack! Tomorrow? It'll be nice not to continue tripping over the luggage and the boxes. This isn't a huge house. We really need our closet storage back.
I plan to bake today. Since I'm so far behind, I'll probably end up trying to make/ bake at least three varieties of cookies today. Multiple batches. If I don't have to clear up the baking to make supper tonight, I might end up getting all the cookies baked...except the sugarfree recipes. I'm a bit angry because I paid extra postage to have the sugarfree substitute get here in three days and now it's not coming until the 18th? Apparently they mean, three days from when they decide to fill the order. The stuff I ordered from the same place and didn't pay for three day delivery is going to get here on the 15th! Go figure! At least I still have a little of my sugar substitute (Maltitol) left so I can make a few sugarfree recipes but I'll have to wait and do most of my sugarfree baking while my folks are here next week. I'd hoped to get all my baking done before that but best laid planned oft-times end up so much roadkill on the side of the road.
Murphyism of the Day
Putt's Law
Technology is dominated by two types of people:
Those who understand what they do not manage.
Those who manage what they do not understand.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure." --Bill Clinton, President
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