Christmas Myspace Graphics
Word of the Day
Xerocks - Identical rocks.

DD Daughter and Arizona Daughter - Christmas Morning 2001
Tomorrow is Christmas!
'Twas the morning before Christmas and all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse....
Hah! #1 Son and I got up at 5:30 AM. My clock alarm works...kind of. Really loud static. We had to be at the church at 7 AM. Our intentions were good. We didn't count on the fact the windows of the car would all be iced up. And where did the scraper go? #1 Son and I concluded that it was sitting in his car, in the parking lot of his apartment in Minnesota. There isn't much call for windshield scrapers here in Arizona. Regardless, we arrived at the church at 7:15 AM. Not spectacularly late. Just late enough to frazzle my nerves. The orchestra sounded good for the first service. The orchestra woke up and sounded great for the second service. Since the orchestra didn't play at the third service, I have no idea how wonderful we all would have sounded should we have stayed to play.
After church we went shopping. Normally I would avoid any shopping on Christmas Eve but...#1 Son packed a nice dress shirt to wear to church tonight. Yes, we're going to be returning to church yet again...#1 Son is playing his trumpet for the 5 PM service. Anyway, he discovered that said nice dress shirt was rather small. It didn't fit. It was clean. It was nice. It didn't fit. We went out shopping after playing with the church orchestra for the first two services of the day.
Having foregone any breakfast before we headed out the door this morning, I decided that we needed to break our fast when we returned home at around 11:45 AM. Lunch? No...I decided that eggs, bacon, and toast would fit the bill.
We're going to meet Arizona Daughter and TJ and church tonight. Afterwards we'll be returning here for supper. So? I'll have to slip the ham into the oven before we head out the door for church. I'll also have to make sure the casseroles are all prepped and ready to toss into the oven...and set the table. We'll open the Christmas Eve presents later tonight. Maybe we'll play some games. Maybe we'll watch a movie. Then it'll be off to bed to wait until tomorrow morning to see what Santa Claus may bring.
Murphyism of the Day
Matilda's Law of Subcommittee Formation
If you leave the room, you're elected.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"The people in the Navy look on motherhood as being compatible with being a woman."
-Rear Admiral James R. Hogg
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