Myspace Layouts
Word of the Day
Yarden - A backyard with floral and vegetable gardens.
I didn't blog. There was just no way that I could compete with #1 Son for computer time. Last night as I drifted off to sleep, I glanced over to the next bed and there I could see the faint outline of #1 Son busily typing/chatting, from the light of his was 3 AM.
#1 Son and I watched the fireworks set off at midnight on the Las Vegas Strip...the dawn of the New Year...from the 9th floor of Sam's Town where we took our champagne glasses filled with chilled champagne. We were not alone. Happy New Year! 2007! May 2007 be eventfull. Only good events allowed.
Vegas was Vegas. I didn't win but...I was able to escape with at least a fraction of the money that I came with. Does that mean that I won? I choose to look at it that way...or at least I managed to escape without my tail ignominiously tucked between my legs. Vegas didn't send me home penniless. I will return to fight again. #1 Son and I did go together to see the movie Night at the Museum. Not bad. Hokey in part...but not bad enough to make one regret seeing such a movie. I have seen many movies where I've regretted the cost vs. value ratio. However, I will say, maybe, just maybe, you might want to wait to see this one on DVD...rental. We ended up paying $14 for the tickets and another $16 for the popcorn, soda and candy. I'm willing to bet that we could have purchased the DVD and used it as a frisbee after we'd watched it for a heck of a lot less than $30. However...I'm willing to bet that I saved a ton more money watching that movie for two hours than I would have spent gambling in the casino. Economics 101. If I'd taken the time and money to get a massage and facial at Jon Ric's (Spa at the Casino), I might have been even more money ahead. *Sigh* I really should have taken the time and spent the money on that massage and facial. Maybe next time.
The wait at The Dam on our return home was long. LONG! Almost an hour. It's debatable whether or not our drive time would have been shortened if we'd detoured through Laughlin as we chose to do when we plotted our trip to Vegas. It took us 6 hours to drive to Vegas...through Laughlin. I heard rumors that the wait at The Dam was even longer yesterday, New Year's Day. HTP and I both agreed that maybe we should avoid New Year's Eve in Las Vegas next year, despite the forfeiture of our nifty New Year's gift from Sam's Town. It was really nice. A Mikasa crystal vase. However, there were crowds of people and our favorite machines were backlogged. When I floated this idea off skipping our traditional trip to Vegas for New Year's by #1 Son, I received more than a token protest. Next New Year's Eve, #1 Son will be 21 years old. Legal. I shudder to think.
We're Home. Home Again, Home Again, Jiggedy Jog. The car is unpacked. The suitcases still need attention. HTP and #1 Son are watching the Suns ply basketball on TV while they munch on the Little Caesar Pepperoni Pizza we picked up on our way home. The Suns are playing the Bulls. So far, the Suns are losing...but not by double digits. Go Suns! I finished the two pieces of pizza that I allotted myself...which I doctored with some Italian Green Tomato/Eggplant pickles that I made last summer. Fantastic! HTP and #1 Son preferred their pizza au embellishments. How unadventurous of them! Their loss.
Murphyism of the Day
Westheimer's Rule
To estimate the time it takes to do a task, estimate the time you think it should take, multiply by two, and change the unit of measure to the next highest unit. Thus we allocate two days for a one-hour task.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"Caution: Cape does not enable user to fly."
-Batman costume warning label
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