Word of the Day
Yupstacle - Cross between a yuppie and an obstacle.
Eventually one does have to put Christmas away. It's expected. I try to put this chore off for as long as possible but guilt is starting to set in whenever I look at the Christmas tree. Epiphany has come and gone. It's January 10th. No more excuses can be made. I started. I put away my snowglobes. As soon as I rest a bit, I'll put away the Christmas frogs and the wreaths etc. I may even tackle putting the creche away today. We'll see. Oh...and the Christmas pictures....maybe. However, I really don't think that I should be expected to put EVERYTHING away on one day. It always seems to take longer to put everything away properly than take it out. And things never seem to fit back where once they fit just fine. I've never understood this. Oh well...I've started. I expect that I'll have it all packed away again before the end of the month. OK. Before the end of the week? I make no guarantees.
Update! Christmas has been put away. Three broken fingernails and a bleeding elbow later, Christmas has been stored away for another year. Well...almost. I still have to store away the Christmas cookie tins. Maybe tomorrow...or...whenever. It'll get done. I did more than I planned today as it is. I still need to dust and vacuum and put some stuff back where is was before Christmas displaced it but the tree and all the ornaments are all packed away along with everything else that I planned to put away. Now....if only haven't forgotten anything. Never fail, I always end up forgetting something that'll show up in October or November. *Sigh*
Murphyism of the Day
Extended Epstein-Heisenberg Principle
In an R&D orbit, only two of the existing three parameters can be defined simultaneously. The parameters are task, time and resources ($).
1. If one knows what the task is, and there is a time limit allowed for the completion of the task, then one cannot guess how much it will cost.
2. If the time and resources are clearly defined, then it is impossible to know what part of the R&D task will be preformed.
3. If you are given a clearly defined R&D goal and a definite amount of money that has been calculated to be necessary for the completion of the task, you cannot predict if and when the goal will be reached.
If one is lucky enough and can accurately define all three parameters, then what one deals with is not in the realm of R&D.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"I've read about foreign policy and studied, I now know the number of continents."
-George Wallace, 1968 presidential campaign
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