Word of the Day
Zoiks - An expression of surprise, fear, or both.
Global Warming Hits Arizona
I'm sure someone will be able to kindly tell me how global warming is causing Arizona's coldest winter in 16 years. Maybe it's El Nino. At this point, I really don't care anymore. At least at The Lake I could light a legal fire in the fireplace and know that the landscape plants go dormant during the winter. She Who Dances With Sprinklers could be resting in front of a warm fireplace, knitting baby afghans instead of shivering in front of a computer because Arizona environmentalists have made it impossible to have a real fireplace in new built homes...oh..and it's illegal on most winter days to use the real fireplaces in the "grandfathered" homes. Pollution...don'tch know. Actually, if I was into conspiracy theories, I'd think that the oil companies are secretly backing the environmentalists because you can still have gas fireplaces. Lovely. Nothing warms the cockles of my heart more that a real live gas fire burning fake ceramic logs. Oh wait...maybe I should buy one of those electric fireplaces...fueled by the Palo Verde Nuclear Plant.
I thought the temperature was cold yesterday morning when I got up. Hah! It's even colder this morning. 22°F I'm not even going to bother looking at the plants outside. Even the most cold hardy of my plants will have suffered last night's temperature freeze. Oh...but it's supposed to warm up today. It's supposed to actually get up to 54°F today. And tonight? It's only supposed to get down to 25°F tonight. My poor citrus trees. No amount of dancing with sheets can protect against temperatures that dip that low.
Murphyism of the Day
Law of Institutions
The opulence of the front-office decor varies inversely with the fundamental solvency of the firm.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
You know, if I were a single man, I might ask that mummy out. That's a good-looking mummy! -- President Bill Clinton, looking at the recently-discovered Inca mummy "Juanita"
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