Word of the Day
Zzzzenophobia - Fear of falling asleep during an event.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. To be honest, it didn't snow where we live in Arizona. It did get cold. The temperature on my remote gauge was 32°F when I got up this morning. However, in other parts of our Valley of the Sun, we got 1 1/2 inches of the white stuff...which promptly melted but apparently it stuck around long enough to be measured.
Spam. Every morning I turn on my computer and despite all spam filters, I get spam. I shudder to think about how much spam I'd receive if I didn't have the spam filter. I immediately toss it into the delete file and at the end of the day, delete everything in the delete file. However, I'm always amazed at the subject lines these guys come up with. , meadow on peel be coachwork the bruise and crackpot , valedictory may deed see rarefy the infrastructure may theta , may carla may OK the hereafter in scrap but nary , ! chug may believe but logging ! rot , longue? Some of these guys get incredibly creative. I note that some of them are starting their subject line this morning with a comma. The spam isn't as bad as it was around Christmas. I imagine the spam mail will increase again around Valentine's Day. One day I got a spam letter that claimed to be a custom's inspection letter. That one made me mad. Real tricky. I send a lot of packages to our troops and when I saw that "custom's inspection" in the subject line I zeroed in on it and opened it. They were selling Cialis. Delete file. Does anyone actually bite and buy things from these people? One morning am I going to wake up and actually decide to buy some stock offer that they're selling? From them? I imagine that they end up getting paid for each e-mail that actually gets through the spam filter somehow. Don't they? Are these people driving around in BMW's and living in mansions from the profits they make sending out spam mail? I don't want to know.
Murphyism of the Day
Law of Checks and Balances
In matters of dispute, the bank's balance is always smaller than yours.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"It isn't pollution that is hurting the environment, it's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it." --Dan Quayle
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