Word of the Day
Zoodiac sign - Star-signs for animals.
I don't know why I always seem to be so amazed when the simplest of tasks end up becoming the most impossible of tasks. HTP and I spent two hours last night trying to set up the voice mail on my new cell phone. Since HTP had already managed this simple task with his cell phone, I figured that he could walk me through this "simple" task. We both thought that this should be a simple task. Ten minutes, tops, after supper. It wasn't a simple task. When I went to bed last night, my voice mail remained as it was...un-set. So, this morning, after breakfast, HTP and I once again attempted the set up procedure. After talking to two technicians, three if you want to count the technician that didn't fix my problem last night, we finally managed to set up my voice mail...after working at it for another hour. Then, because I get charged for every single voice message that someone decides to leave along with the length of my own greeting, I disabled it. Oh...and I got charged for the length of time it took to set the dang thing up too, once I got into the system. Probably five minutes. Oh well. Should I ever need to use it, I can enable it again. It's there. I just refuse to take phone messages from every Tom, Dick, and Harry telemarketer and pollster and wrong number caller who decides they need to call me. The plan is to use this phone for emergencies and "just in case" situations where someone needs to call me for something vital and important and I'm not anywhere near either of my landlines. If I want to actually sit back and chat with someone for hours on end, I plan to use one of the landlines.
Murphyism of the Day
Juhani's Law
The compromise will always be more expensive than either of the suggestions it is compromising.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
You can't just let nature run wild. -- Wally Hickel, former governor of Alaska
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