Word of the Day
Abolical - Something loathsome or unusually cruel perhaps associated with dire misfortune.
I'm going to spent the rest of the afternoon until supper reading. Re-reading. The Lifetime channel is showing a movie on Monday based on a book that was written by one of my favorite authors. Nora Roberts. Actually, they made four movies based on four of her books. They're going to start showing them on Monday and then every Monday in February. So, I'm re-reading the book that the first movie is based upon. Angels Fall. It would have been nice if I actually had this book here in Arizona. Although I do own the book, I'm betting that it's up at The Lake right now...along with one of the other books that one of the other movies was based upon. Thankfully, I was able to find both of the books at the bookstore while I was out shopping yesterday. Despite all outward appearances, my extensive libraries here and at The Lake, I do not keep duplicate copies of every single book I own in both libraries. However, I'm working on it.
Murphyism of the Day
Principle of Design Inertia
Any change looks terrible at first.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is." --Dan Quayle
I discovered Nora Roberts last summer and have been systematically working my way thru all of her books that I can get from the library. Am in the 1980s except for a few of the series. I'm trying to read series in order. I guess she has 100 or so books.
What are the other movies? I don't have cable so won't be able to watch the movies. Books are better anyway.
The other movies are:
Blue Smoke
Carolina Moon
Montana Sky
Oh...and Montana Sky was her 100th novel and was written in 1996. So...since I have all of her books, here and at the lake, and I don't only collect Nora Roberts, I've got LOTS of books. LOL
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