Word of the Day
Abbone - The agony or severe pain caused by attempting to stand or walk when a person's knees have seized up, primarily after a prolonged period of inactivity.
I haven't read a single book since I've been back here in Arizona. Sudoku is responsible for some of this. I've become addicted to Sudoku. Part of this is because I really haven't had the time because I was getting ready for the holidays. And now? I've started working on a baby afghan for my first grandchild. However, I fully intend to curl up with a good book tonight...or even later today. I've got several piled up by my bed, waiting patiently. Books are like chocolate. Addictive. I'm afraid that when I start reading again, nothing else will get done until I've read them all. So, I'm going to run around today and get some cleaning done.
Murphyism of the Day
Firth's Theorem
Five is a sufficiently close approximation to infinity.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"It is wonderful to be here today in the great state of Chicago" -- Dan Quayle
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