Word of the Day
Abandonmitt - The act of abruptly letting go of someone's hand before they anticipated it.
My whole morning has been topsy-turvey. No biggy but I hate it when my normal routine jumps the tracks. It makes me cranky when that happens. I purposely get up early in the morning so I have plenty of time to get on the computer, sort my e-mail, toss the spam into the delete file, feed the dogs, go outside to get the newspaper, sip on the one and only cup of coffee that I've been allowing myself, work on the Sudoku puzzle from the previous day's newspaper, and listen to talk radio or the news. I do all this before HTP starts to wake up. My routine jumped the track this morning when HTP got up early. I rushed to make coffee and breakfast long before I was "awake" I had to wait until after breakfast to work on my Sudoku puzzle. My one and only cup of coffee was gulped down while I was making breakfast (I can't even remember drinking it) so I had to drink tea with breakfast...and with my Sudoku. My favorite radio talk show host was already done so I had to watch the news on TV. And, I started the laundry before I normally do because I was feeling rushed from all the other stuff that went off schedule because HTP got up early. I'm only now starting to be able to settle back down but not really because I'm going to have to fold those clothes as soon as they get out of the dryer. I'm still feeling rushed. I'm still feeling cranky. Have you ever seen a train that has jumped the tracks and all the train cars are all jumbled up? I feel like the person who has to clean up that mess. On the plus side, I've almost got the routine wreck cleaned up and back under control. Oh...and HTP is just fine. He wasn't killed in the wreck. Oh...and it froze again last night. 27°F
Murphyism of the Day
The Callaway's Lament
Nothing in the known universe travels faster than a bad check.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"Hawaii is a unique state. It is a small state. It is a state that is by itself. It is a --it is different from the other 49 states. Well, all states are different, but it's got a particularly unique situation." --Dan Quayle
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