Myspace Layouts
Word of the Day
Yesternight - Yesterday's evening.
Yesterday afternoon I decided to copy all my past blogs onto word files and store them on my computer....just in case. While we were in Vegas over the New Year, my Mom strongly recommended that I print out hard copies of all my blogs but I'm afraid that would take more paper than I'd hate to kill a few trees to least right now. However, I did begin to think about what would happen, how I would feel, if I should wake up tomorrow and find that..."POOF!" blog had disappeared from the internet. It's already been taken over by Google and things have changed a bit. Some things better, some things different, some things not so good. When I first started to blog, I did copy my blogs to a file on my computer but after a year and a half...I just didn't take the time anymore. I used to print out all my e-mails too. I don't do that anymore either. Maybe someone will want to read all my past blogs and e-mails...maybe they won't. But, as of yesterday, at least I have everything safely stored in my computer where (knock on wood), I can access it should Google decide to shred my blog and toss it to the oblivion winds of all things lost forever in cyberspace. I'll copy my files onto a CD or DVD as backup in a few days. HTP and I back up our computer files periodically...just in case. Hard drives crash. Motherboards burn out. Chit happens.
Anyway, as I was just finishing up transferring all the blogs from cyberspace onto my hard drive, I happened to glance out the window by my computer and....Gasp! Wow! The color of the sky was incredible. If a painter were to attempt to paint that sky, he'd be criticized as over-imaginative, overly dramatic, using too much poetic license, and too romantic in his use of the color palate. The sky looked like it was on fire, boiling with rich oranges, reds, and pinks. We don't get many overcast skies here in Arizona. I'm told that we're on year twelve of our drought and the piddly amount of rain that we've received will evaporate before it fills our reservoirs. However, when we do get overcast skies, and when those clouds hit just right and just so at sunset, we get to enjoy the most spectacular of skies. They don't last too long so that's why I was kicking myself that I had only just managed to glance up from my computer. Oh well, I took the time to run outside, braving the few drops of rain that decided to fall. People in Arizona tend to do that a lot. Play in the rain, that is. It's just so seldom that we see such a rare and beautiful sight. Here. You won't see me playing in the wet stuff at The Lake. least not much anyway. Some people just don't understand or maybe they've just forgotten the treat of those first few drops of rain as they start to fall.
Murphyism of the Day
The 90/90 Rule of Project Schedules
The first 90 percent of the task takes 10 percent of the time, and the last 10 percent takes the other 90.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"We are sorry to announce that Mr. Albert Brown has been quite unwell, owing to his recent death, and is taking a short holiday to recover." -Parish Magazine
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