Word of the Day
Zzzlippers - Slippers you forget to slip off before you fall azzleep.
I was planning on going out shopping with Arizona Daughter. I did go over to help a good friend put fresh sheets on her bed. She broke her wrist a couple of weeks ago. Her husband is out of town. While I was over there, I also helped her address some letters. She's right handed and...of course...she broke her right wrist. Figures. After taking care of these pressing issues, we went out to look for an ottoman for her. We found a few. She's going to wait to discuss the options with her husband when he gets home...in a week. We picked up a bite to eat at the mall and then I went back home because I was only able to eat 1/3 of this huge cobb salad that I'd ordered for lunch. I've never seen such a huge salad before. Who can eat that much salad!? There's enough left for me to serve with supper tonight...for both HTP and me. Anyway, I was ready to head back out the door to go meet Arizona Daughter when she called me. We're going to postpone getting together for another week. She's sick. However, I did decide to go out shopping on my own. I had to buy some yarn. Now...to get started on making that baby afghan. Maybe while I watch the new season of Monk and Psych tonight.
Murphyism of the Day
The Luncheon Law
The person who suggests splitting the bill evenly is always the person who ordered
the most expensive meal.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I cannot tell you how grateful I am -- I am filled with humidity.
-- Gib Lewis, speaker of the Texas House
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